
九 、h264 RTP传输详解(1)


char const* OnDemandServerMediaSubsession::sdpLines()


if (fSDPLines == NULL) {

// We need to construct a set of SDP lines that describe this

// subsession (as a unicast stream).  To do so, we first create

// dummy (unused) source and "RTPSink" objects,

// whose parameters we use for the SDP lines:

unsigned estBitrate;

FramedSource* inputSource = createNewStreamSource(0, estBitrate);

if (inputSource == NULL)

return NULL; // file not found

struct in_addr dummyAddr;

dummyAddr.s_addr = 0;

Groupsock dummyGroupsock(envir(), dummyAddr, 0, 0);

unsigned char rtpPayloadType = 96 + trackNumber() - 1; // if dynamic

RTPSink* dummyRTPSink = createNewRTPSink(&dummyGroupsock,

rtpPayloadType, inputSource);

setSDPLinesFromRTPSink(dummyRTPSink, inputSource, estBitrate);




return fSDPLines;



FramedSource* H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession::createNewStreamSource(

unsigned /*clientSessionId*/,

unsigned& estBitrate)


estBitrate = 500; // kbps, estimate

// Create the video source:

ByteStreamFileSource* fileSource = ByteStreamFileSource::createNew(envir(),


if (fileSource == NULL)

return NULL;

fFileSize = fileSource->fileSize();

// Create a framer for the Video Elementary Stream:

return H264VideoStreamFramer::createNew(envir(), fileSource);


RTPSink* H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession::createNewRTPSink(

Groupsock* rtpGroupsock,

unsigned char rtpPayloadTypeIfDynamic,

FramedSource* /*inputSource*/)


return H264VideoRTPSink::createNew(envir(), rtpGroupsock,




void OnDemandServerMediaSubsession::setSDPLinesFromRTPSink(

RTPSink* rtpSink,

FramedSource* inputSource,

unsigned estBitrate)


if (rtpSink == NULL)


char const* mediaType = rtpSink->sdpMediaType();

unsigned char rtpPayloadType = rtpSink->rtpPayloadType();

struct in_addr serverAddrForSDP;

serverAddrForSDP.s_addr = fServerAddressForSDP;

char* const ipAddressStr = strDup(our_inet_ntoa(serverAddrForSDP));

char* rtpmapLine = rtpSink->rtpmapLine();

char const* rangeLine = rangeSDPLine();

char const* auxSDPLine = getAuxSDPLine(rtpSink, inputSource);

if (auxSDPLine == NULL)

auxSDPLine = "";

char const* const sdpFmt = "m=%s %u RTP/AVP %d\r\n"

"c=IN IP4 %s\r\n"






unsigned sdpFmtSize = strlen(sdpFmt) + strlen(mediaType) + 5 /* max short len */

+ 3 /* max char len */

+ strlen(ipAddressStr) + 20 /* max int len */

+ strlen(rtpmapLine) + strlen(rangeLine) + strlen(auxSDPLine)

+ strlen(trackId());

char* sdpLines = new char[sdpFmtSize];

sprintf(sdpLines, sdpFmt, mediaType, // m= <media>

fPortNumForSDP, // m= <port>

rtpPayloadType, // m= <fmt list>

ipAddressStr, // c= address

estBitrate, // b=AS:<bandwidth>

rtpmapLine, // a=rtpmap:... (if present)

rangeLine, // a=range:... (if present)

auxSDPLine, // optional extra SDP line

trackId()); // a=control:<track-id>

delete[] (char*) rangeLine;

delete[] rtpmapLine;

delete[] ipAddressStr;

fSDPLines = strDup(sdpLines);

delete[] sdpLines;



char const* OnDemandServerMediaSubsession::getAuxSDPLine(

RTPSink* rtpSink,

FramedSource* /*inputSource*/)


// Default implementation:

return rtpSink == NULL ? NULL : rtpSink->auxSDPLine();


很简单,调用了rtpSink->auxSDPLine()那么我们要看H264VideoRTPSink::auxSDPLine():不用看了,很简单,取得source 中保存的PPS,SPS等形成a=fmpt行。但事实上并没有这么简单,H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession重写了getAuxSDPLine()!如果不重写,则说明auxSDPLine已经在前面分析文件时获得了,那么既然重写,就说明前面没有获取到,只能在这个函数中重写。look H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession中这个函数:

char const* H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession::getAuxSDPLine(

RTPSink* rtpSink,

FramedSource* inputSource)


if (fAuxSDPLine != NULL)

return fAuxSDPLine; // it's already been set up (for a previous client)

if (fDummyRTPSink == NULL) { // we're not already setting it up for another, concurrent stream

// Note: For H264 video files, the 'config' information ("profile-level-id" and "sprop-parameter-sets") isn't known

// until we start reading the file.  This means that "rtpSink"s "auxSDPLine()" will be NULL initially,

// and we need to start reading data from our file until this changes.

fDummyRTPSink = rtpSink;

// Start reading the file:

fDummyRTPSink->startPlaying(*inputSource, afterPlayingDummy, this);

// Check whether the sink's 'auxSDPLine()' is ready:




return fAuxSDPLine;


注释里面解释得很清楚,H264不能在文件头中取得PPS/SPS,必须在播放一下后(当然,它是一个原始流文件,没有文件头)才行。也就是说不能从rtpSink中取得了。为了保证在函数退出前能取得AuxSDP,把大循环搬到这里来了。afterPlayingDummy()是在播放结束也就是取得aux sdp之后执行。在大循环之前的checkForAuxSDPLine()做了什么呢?

void H264VideoFileServerMediaSubsession::checkForAuxSDPLine1()


char const* dasl;

if (fAuxSDPLine != NULL) {

// Signal the event loop that we're done:


} else if (fDummyRTPSink != NULL

&& (dasl = fDummyRTPSink->auxSDPLine()) != NULL) {

fAuxSDPLine = strDup(dasl);

fDummyRTPSink = NULL;

// Signal the event loop that we're done:


} else {

// try again after a brief delay:

int uSecsToDelay = 100000; // 100 ms

nextTask() = envir().taskScheduler().scheduleDelayedTask(uSecsToDelay,

(TaskFunc*) checkForAuxSDPLine, this);



它检查是否已取得Aux sdp,如果取得了,设置结束标志,直接返回。如果没有,就检查是否sink中已取得了aux sdp,如果是,也设置结束标志,返回。如果还没有取得,则把这个检查函数做为delay task加入计划任务中。每100毫秒检查一次,每检查一次主要就是调用一次fDummyRTPSink->auxSDPLine()。大循环在检测到fDoneFlag改变时停止,此时已取得了aux sdp。但是如果直到文件结束也没有得到aux sdp,则afterPlayingDummy()被执行,在其中停止掉这个大循环。然后在父Subsession类中关掉这些临时的source和sink。在直正播放时重新创建。
