(0)SimpleFramework NGUI/UGUI各版本框架都已经自带集成了最新版的ulua,用户无需导入ulua插件,否则就是多此一举,出现错误。
(4)关于Luastate跟LuaScriptMgr读取的lua文件路径问题:如果你用Luastate l = new Luastate(); l.DoFile("绝对路径"),如果用LuaScriptMgr mgr; mgr.DoFile("相对路径"),至于相对于谁?在Util类的LuaPath函数内设定。
(7)ulua_v1.03 (支持Unity 4.6.1及其老版本)
SimpleFramework NGUI/UGUI 和
ulua_v1.03_with_iOS64_x86到最新版 (支持Unity 4.6.2以上版本)
(8)ulua/SimpleFramework NGUI/UGUI版本跟用户自编译的底层库有个很重要的区别,现在我们用的底层库在MAC/iOS平台因为用的是lua原始代码,为了目前应对苹果的arm64的问题,自带的底层库是统一字节码的(用自带的luac编码一次lua文件即可,加载时也不需要区分32bit/64bit),而且优化了luac编码出来的尺寸大小,甚至还带了自加密功能,不区分平台。但是,用户自编译的底层库需要用户区分32bit/64bit的luac编译出来的字节码,没有优化字节码及其加密功能,或者用户有能力可以自己做这部分。原因我们也不是故意不开源,因为目前盗掘猖獗,我们为了保护大家的知识劳动成功别被第三次无耻偷取,所以临时闭源,择时公开。所以是选择自己编译底层库还是直接选用我们自带的功能,需要提前考虑清楚。
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using LuaInterface; public class HelloWorld : MonoBehaviour { // Use this for initialization void Start () { LuaState l = new LuaState(); string str = "print('hello world 世界')"; l.DoString(str); } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { } }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using LuaInterface; public class CreateGameObject01 : MonoBehaviour { private string script = @" luanet.load_assembly('UnityEngine') GameObject = luanet.import_type('UnityEngine.GameObject') ParticleSystem = luanet.import_type('UnityEngine.ParticleSystem') local newGameObj = GameObject('NewObj') newGameObj:AddComponent(luanet.ctype(ParticleSystem)) "; //反射调用 void Start () { LuaState lua = new LuaState(); lua.DoString(script); } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { } }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using LuaInterface; public class CreateGameObject02 : MonoBehaviour { private string script = @" luanet.load_assembly('UnityEngine') GameObject = UnityEngine.GameObject ParticleSystem = UnityEngine.ParticleSystem local newGameObj = GameObject('NewObj') newGameObj:AddComponent(ParticleSystem.GetClassType()) "; //非反射调用 void Start () { LuaScriptMgr lua = new LuaScriptMgr(); lua.Start(); lua.DoString(script); } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { } }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; using LuaInterface; public class CallLuaFunction_01 : MonoBehaviour { private string script = @" function luaFunc(message) print(message) return 42 end "; // Use this for initialization void Start () { LuaState l = new LuaState(); // First run the script so the function is created l.DoString(script); // Get the function object LuaFunction f = l.GetFunction("luaFunc"); // Call it, takes a variable number of object parameters and attempts to interpet them appropriately object[] r = f.Call("I called a lua function!"); // Lua functions can have variable returns, so we again store those as a C# object array, and in this case print the first one print(r[0]); } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { } }
using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class LuaClass : MonoBehaviour { const string source = @" Account = { balance = 0 }; function Account:new(o) o = o or {}; setmetatable(o, { __index = self }); return o; end function Account.deposit(self, v) self.balance = self.balance + v; end function Account:withdraw(v) if (v) > self.balance then error 'insufficient funds'; end self.balance = self.balance - v; end SpecialAccount = Account:new(); function SpecialAccount:withdraw(v) if v - self.balance >= self:getLimit() then error 'insufficient funds'; end self.balance = self.balance - v; end function SpecialAccount.getLimit(self) return self.limit or 0; end s = SpecialAccount:new{ limit = 1000 }; print(s.balance); s:deposit(100.00); print (s.limit); print (s.getLimit(s)) print (s.balance) "; // Use this for initialization void Start () { LuaScriptMgr mgr = new LuaScriptMgr(); mgr.Start(); mgr.lua.DoString(source); } // Update is called once per frame void Update () { } }