


   * Runs the compaction based on current selection. select/forceSelect must have been called.
   * @return The new file paths resulting from compaction.
  public abstract List<Path> compact() throws IOException;


    public List<Path> compact() throws IOException {
      return compactor.compact(request);

   * Do a minor/major compaction on an explicit set of storefiles from a Store.
   * 在一个Store中明确的storefiles集合中执行一个minor或者major合并
  public List<Path> compact(final CompactionRequest request) throws IOException {
	  // 从请求中获取文件详情fd,fd是FileDetails类型
	  FileDetails fd = getFileDetails(request.getFiles(), request.isAllFiles());
	  // 构造合并过程追踪器CompactionProgress
	  this.progress = new CompactionProgress(fd.maxKeyCount);

    // Find the smallest read point across all the Scanners.
	  // 找到scanners中的最小的可读点,实际上就是找到最小能够读取数据的点
    long smallestReadPoint = getSmallestReadPoint();

    List<StoreFileScanner> scanners;
    Collection<StoreFile> readersToClose;
    // 根据参数hbase.regionserver.compaction.private.readers确定是否使用私有readers
    if (this.conf.getBoolean("hbase.regionserver.compaction.private.readers", false)) {
      // clone all StoreFiles, so we'll do the compaction on a independent copy of StoreFiles,
      // HFileFiles, and their readers
      // 克隆所有的StoreFiles,以便我们将在StoreFiles、HFileFiles以及它们的readers等一个独立的副本上执行合并
      // 根据请求中待合并文件的数目创建一个StoreFile列表:readersToClose
      readersToClose = new ArrayList<StoreFile>(request.getFiles().size());
      // 将待合并文件复制一份加入readersToClose列表
      for (StoreFile f : request.getFiles()) {
        readersToClose.add(new StoreFile(f));
      // 根据readersToClose列表,即待合并文件的副本创建文件浏览器FileScanners
      scanners = createFileScanners(readersToClose, smallestReadPoint);
    } else {
      // 创建空的列表readersToClose
      readersToClose = Collections.emptyList();
      // 根据实际请求中的待合并文件列表创建文件浏览器FileScanners
      scanners = createFileScanners(request.getFiles(), smallestReadPoint);

    StoreFile.Writer writer = null;
    List<Path> newFiles = new ArrayList<Path>();
    boolean cleanSeqId = false;
    IOException e = null;
    try {
      InternalScanner scanner = null;
      try {
        /* Include deletes, unless we are doing a compaction of all files */
    	// 确定scan类型scanType:
    	// 如果compact请求是MAJOR或ALL_FILES合并,则scanType为COMPACT_DROP_DELETES;
    	// 如果compact请求是MINOR合并,则scanType为COMPACT_RETAIN_DELETES。
    	ScanType scanType =
            request.isAllFiles() ? ScanType.COMPACT_DROP_DELETES : ScanType.COMPACT_RETAIN_DELETES;
    	// 如果有协处理器,调用协处理器的preCreateCoprocScanner()方法
    	scanner = preCreateCoprocScanner(request, scanType, fd.earliestPutTs, scanners);
        if (scanner == null) {
          // 如果协处理器中未创建scanner,调用createScanner()方法创建一个
          scanner = createScanner(store, scanners, scanType, smallestReadPoint, fd.earliestPutTs);
        // 如果有协处理器,调用协处理器的preCompact()方法
        scanner = postCreateCoprocScanner(request, scanType, scanner);
        if (scanner == null) {
          // NULL scanner returned from coprocessor hooks means skip normal processing.
          return newFiles;
        // Create the writer even if no kv(Empty store file is also ok),
        // because we need record the max seq id for the store file, see HBASE-6059
        // 确定最小读取点smallestReadPoint
        if(fd.minSeqIdToKeep > 0) {
          smallestReadPoint = Math.min(fd.minSeqIdToKeep, smallestReadPoint);
          cleanSeqId = true;

        // When all MVCC readpoints are 0, don't write them.
        // See HBASE-8166, HBASE-12600, and HBASE-13389.
        // 调用HStore的createWriterInTmp()方法,获取writer
        writer = store.createWriterInTmp(fd.maxKeyCount, this.compactionCompression, true,
          fd.maxMVCCReadpoint > 0, fd.maxTagsLength > 0);
        // 调用performCompaction()方法,执行合并
        boolean finished = performCompaction(scanner, writer, smallestReadPoint, cleanSeqId);
        // 如果没有完成合并
        if (!finished) {
          // 关闭writer
          // 删除writer中的临时文件
          store.getFileSystem().delete(writer.getPath(), false);
          writer = null;
          // 抛出异常
          throw new InterruptedIOException( "Aborting compaction of store " + store +
              " in region " + store.getRegionInfo().getRegionNameAsString() +
              " because it was interrupted.");
       } finally {
    	 // 关闭scanner
         if (scanner != null) {
    } catch (IOException ioe) {
      e = ioe;
      // Throw the exception
      throw ioe;
    finally {
      try {
        if (writer != null) {
          if (e != null) {
        	// 无异常的话,关闭writer
          } else {
        	// 存在异常的话,写入元数据,关闭writer,并将写入地址加入newFiles
            writer.appendMetadata(fd.maxSeqId, request.isAllFiles());
      } finally {
    	// 依次关闭readersToClose中StoreFile的Reader
        for (StoreFile f : readersToClose) {
          try {
          } catch (IOException ioe) {
            LOG.warn("Exception closing " + f, ioe);
    // 返回newFiles
    return newFiles;


































  /** The sole reason this class exists is that java has no ref/out/pointer parameters. */
  protected static class FileDetails {
    /** Maximum key count after compaction (for blooms) */
	// 合并之后总的keyvalue数目
    public long maxKeyCount = 0;
    /** Earliest put timestamp if major compaction */
    // 如果是major合并,最早的Put时间戳earliestPutTs
    public long earliestPutTs = HConstants.LATEST_TIMESTAMP;
    /** The last key in the files we're compacting. */
    // 合并时文件中最大的序列号
    public long maxSeqId = 0;
    /** Latest memstore read point found in any of the involved files */
    // 相关文件中最新的MemStore数据读取点maxMVCCReadpoint
    public long maxMVCCReadpoint = 0;
    /** Max tags length**/
    // 最大的tag长度maxTagsLength
    public int maxTagsLength = 0;
    /** Min SeqId to keep during a major compaction **/
    // 在major合并期间需要保持的最小序列号minSeqIdToKeep
    public long minSeqIdToKeep = 0;


   * Extracts some details about the files to compact that are commonly needed by compactors.
   * 提取文件合并的一些细节
   * @param filesToCompact Files.
   * @param allFiles Whether all files are included for compaction
   * @return The result.
  protected FileDetails getFileDetails(
      Collection<StoreFile> filesToCompact, boolean allFiles) throws IOException {
	// 构造一个FileDetails实例fd
	FileDetails fd = new FileDetails();
	// 计算保持MVCC的最新HFile时间戳:当前时间-24小时 * keepSeqIdPeriod
	// keepSeqIdPeriod为一个参数,即被指定的在major合并期间MVCC值可以保持多少天
    long oldestHFileTimeStampToKeepMVCC = System.currentTimeMillis() - 
      (1000L * 60 * 60 * 24 * this.keepSeqIdPeriod);  

    // 遍历需要合并的文件
    for (StoreFile file : filesToCompact) {
      // 如果allFiles为true,即所有文件都需要检测,且文件的修改时间小于上述保持MVCC的最新HFile时间戳
      if(allFiles && (file.getModificationTimeStamp() < oldestHFileTimeStampToKeepMVCC)) {
        // when isAllFiles is true, all files are compacted so we can calculate the smallest 
        // MVCC value to keep
    	// 如果文件细节中需要保持的最小序列号小于文件MemStore的时间戳
        if(fd.minSeqIdToKeep < file.getMaxMemstoreTS()) {
          // 将文件MemStore的时间戳赋值给fd的需要保持的最小序列号minSeqIdToKeep
          fd.minSeqIdToKeep = file.getMaxMemstoreTS();
      // 获取文件的最大序列号ID
      long seqNum = file.getMaxSequenceId();
      // 赋值给文件细节fd中的maxSeqId,记录待合并文件的最大序列号ID
      fd.maxSeqId = Math.max(fd.maxSeqId, seqNum);
      // 获取Reader
      StoreFile.Reader r = file.getReader();
      if (r == null) {
        LOG.warn("Null reader for " + file.getPath());
      // NOTE: use getEntries when compacting instead of getFilterEntries, otherwise under-sized
      // blooms can cause progress to be miscalculated or if the user switches bloom
      // type (e.g. from ROW to ROWCOL)
      // 获取文件中的keyvalue数量,实际上就是列的数量,
      // HBase底层对每个列都是按照keyvalue格式存储的,key包含rowkey+column family+quality+tm等,value即列值
      long keyCount = r.getEntries();
      // 累加keyvalue数目maxKeyCount
      fd.maxKeyCount += keyCount;
      // calculate the latest MVCC readpoint in any of the involved store files
      // 计算所有相关存储文件的最新mvcc读取点maxMVCCReadpoint
      // 先加载文件信息fileInfo
      Map<byte[], byte[]> fileInfo = r.loadFileInfo();
      byte tmp[] = null;
      // Get and set the real MVCCReadpoint for bulk loaded files, which is the
      // SeqId number.
      // 如果是Bulk导入的,maxMVCCReadpoint为fd的maxMVCCReadpoint和文件SequenceID中较大者
      if (r.isBulkLoaded()) {
        fd.maxMVCCReadpoint = Math.max(fd.maxMVCCReadpoint, r.getSequenceID());
      else {
    	// 否则,读取文件信息中最大的memstore时间戳MAX_MEMSTORE_TS_KEY
        tmp = fileInfo.get(HFileWriterV2.MAX_MEMSTORE_TS_KEY);
        if (tmp != null) {
          // maxMVCCReadpoint就是fd的maxMVCCReadpoint和文件信息中最大的memstore时间戳MAX_MEMSTORE_TS_KEY中较大者
          fd.maxMVCCReadpoint = Math.max(fd.maxMVCCReadpoint, Bytes.toLong(tmp));
      // 更新最大标签长度maxTagsLength
      tmp = fileInfo.get(FileInfo.MAX_TAGS_LEN);
      if (tmp != null) {
        fd.maxTagsLength = Math.max(fd.maxTagsLength, Bytes.toInt(tmp));
      // If required, calculate the earliest put timestamp of all involved storefiles.
      // This is used to remove family delete marker during compaction.
      long earliestPutTs = 0;
      // 获取最早的Put时间戳earliestPutTs
      if (allFiles) {
        tmp = fileInfo.get(StoreFile.EARLIEST_PUT_TS);
        if (tmp == null) {
          // There's a file with no information, must be an old one
          // assume we have very old puts
          fd.earliestPutTs = earliestPutTs = HConstants.OLDEST_TIMESTAMP;
        } else {
          earliestPutTs = Bytes.toLong(tmp);
          fd.earliestPutTs = Math.min(fd.earliestPutTs, earliestPutTs);
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOG.debug("Compacting " + file +
          ", keycount=" + keyCount +
          ", bloomtype=" + r.getBloomFilterType().toString() +
          ", size=" + StringUtils.humanReadableInt(r.length()) +
          ", encoding=" + r.getHFileReader().getDataBlockEncoding() +
          ", seqNum=" + seqNum +
          (allFiles ? ", earliestPutTs=" + earliestPutTs: ""));
    // 返回合并细节fd
    return fd;

protected long getSmallestReadPoint() {
	// 获取的是HStore中的SmallestReadPoint
    return store.getSmallestReadPoint();

  public long getSmallestReadPoint() {
	// 获取的是Region中的SmallestReadPoint,因为HBase是行级事务,SmallestReadPoint应该也是行级的
    return this.region.getSmallestReadPoint();


   * Creates file scanners for compaction.
   * @param filesToCompact Files.
   * @return Scanners.
  protected List<StoreFileScanner> createFileScanners(
      final Collection<StoreFile> filesToCompact, long smallestReadPoint) throws IOException {
    return StoreFileScanner.getScannersForStoreFiles(filesToCompact, false, false, true,

   * Return an array of scanners corresponding to the given set of store files,
   * And set the ScanQueryMatcher for each store file scanner for further
   * optimization
  public static List<StoreFileScanner> getScannersForStoreFiles(
      Collection<StoreFile> files, boolean cacheBlocks, boolean usePread,
      boolean isCompaction, ScanQueryMatcher matcher, long readPt) throws IOException {
    List<StoreFileScanner> scanners = new ArrayList<StoreFileScanner>(
    // 遍历StoreFile文件files
    for (StoreFile file : files) {
      // 获取每个文件的Reader
      StoreFile.Reader r = file.createReader();
      // 根据Reader获取StoreFileScanner类型的scanner,这个scanner专门用于读取StoreFile
      StoreFileScanner scanner = r.getStoreFileScanner(cacheBlocks, usePread,
          isCompaction, readPt);
      // 加入scanner列表scanners
    // 返回scanner列表
    return scanners;


   * 创建一个scanner
   * @param store store
   * @param scanners Store file scanners.
   * @param scanType Scan type.
   * @param smallestReadPoint Smallest MVCC read point.
   * @param earliestPutTs Earliest put across all files.
   * @return A compaction scanner.
  protected InternalScanner createScanner(Store store, List<StoreFileScanner> scanners,
      ScanType scanType, long smallestReadPoint, long earliestPutTs) throws IOException {
	// 构造一个Scan实例scan
	Scan scan = new Scan();
    // 设置最大版本号,即列簇被设置的最大版本号(是不是从这里就能看出,compact时会做数据清理工作呢,O(∩_∩)O)
	// 返回一个StoreScanner实例
    return new StoreScanner(store, store.getScanInfo(), scan, scanners,
        scanType, smallestReadPoint, earliestPutTs);


   * @param maxKeyCount
   * @param compression Compression algorithm to use
   * @param isCompaction whether we are creating a new file in a compaction
   * @param includesMVCCReadPoint - whether to include MVCC or not
   * @param includesTag - includesTag or not
   * @return Writer for a new StoreFile in the tmp dir.
  public StoreFile.Writer createWriterInTmp(long maxKeyCount, Compression.Algorithm compression,
      boolean isCompaction, boolean includeMVCCReadpoint, boolean includesTag)
  throws IOException {
    final CacheConfig writerCacheConf;
    // 是否为合并
    if (isCompaction) {// 如果是合并,不在writerCacheConf上缓存数据
      // Don't cache data on write on compactions.
      writerCacheConf = new CacheConfig(cacheConf);
    } else {
      writerCacheConf = cacheConf;
    InetSocketAddress[] favoredNodes = null;
    // 获取有利节点
    if (region.getRegionServerServices() != null) {
      favoredNodes = region.getRegionServerServices().getFavoredNodesForRegion(
    // 创建HFile上下文HFileContext
    HFileContext hFileContext = createFileContext(compression, includeMVCCReadpoint, includesTag,
    // 创建StoreFile的StoreFile,需要使用上述信息,比如文件系统、文件路径、合并器、最大keyvalue数目、有利节点等
    StoreFile.Writer w = new StoreFile.WriterBuilder(conf, writerCacheConf,
        this.getFileSystem())// 文件系统
            .withFilePath(fs.createTempName())// 文件路径
            .withComparator(comparator)// 合并器
            .withMaxKeyCount(maxKeyCount)// 最大keyvalue数目
            .withFavoredNodes(favoredNodes)// 有利节点
            .withFileContext(hFileContext)// HFile上下文信息
    return w;


   * Performs the compaction.
   * 执行合并
   * @param scanner Where to read from.
   * @param writer Where to write to.
   * @param smallestReadPoint Smallest read point.
   * @param cleanSeqId When true, remove seqId(used to be mvcc) value which is <= smallestReadPoint
   * @return Whether compaction ended; false if it was interrupted for some reason.
  protected boolean performCompaction(InternalScanner scanner,
      CellSink writer, long smallestReadPoint, boolean cleanSeqId) throws IOException {
	// 已写字节数
	long bytesWritten = 0;
	// 处于写过程的字节数
    long bytesWrittenProgress = 0;
    // Since scanner.next() can return 'false' but still be delivering data,
    // we have to use a do/while loop.
    // Cell列表
    List<Cell> cells = new ArrayList<Cell>();
    // 周期性检测的阈值:合并已被处理的数据量大小,取参数hbase.hstore.close.check.interval,默认为10M
    long closeCheckInterval = HStore.getCloseCheckInterval();
    long lastMillis = 0;
    if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
      lastMillis = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
    long now = 0;
    // 进入一个do...while循环,一直循环的条件是hasMore为true,即scanner中还有数据
    boolean hasMore;
    do {
      // scanner中是否还存在数据,取出到cells中
      hasMore = scanner.next(cells, compactionKVMax);
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        now = EnvironmentEdgeManager.currentTime();
      // output to writer:
      // 遍历cells,写入writer
      for (Cell c : cells) {
        if (cleanSeqId && c.getSequenceId() <= smallestReadPoint) {
          CellUtil.setSequenceId(c, 0);
        // 写入writer
        // keyvalue大小
        int len = KeyValueUtil.length(c);
        // 计数器累加:kv累计数目和累计大小
        progress.totalCompactedSize += len;
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
          bytesWrittenProgress += len;
        // check periodically to see if a system stop is requested
        // 周期性检测是否一个系统停止被请求
        if (closeCheckInterval > 0) {
          // 累加已写字节数bytesWritten
          bytesWritten += len;
          // 如果已写字节数bytesWritten大于closeCheckInterval
          if (bytesWritten > closeCheckInterval) {
        	// 重置已写字节数bytesWritten  
        	bytesWritten = 0;
        	// 判断HStore是否可写,不可写的话,说明一个system stop请求已发起,则通过progress取消合并
            if (!store.areWritesEnabled()) {
              return false;
      // Log the progress of long running compactions every minute if
      // logging at DEBUG level
      if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
        if ((now - lastMillis) >= 60 * 1000) {
          LOG.debug("Compaction progress: " + progress + String.format(", rate=%.2f kB/sec",
            (bytesWrittenProgress / 1024.0) / ((now - lastMillis) / 1000.0)));
          lastMillis = now;
          bytesWrittenProgress = 0;
      // 情况cell列表
    } while (hasMore);
    // 合并过程progress标记已完成
    return true;





