
A fast Chinese code converter with the following features:-
- Convert file (plain text) or clipboard content among the following
  encodings: big5, gbk, hz, shift-jis, jis, euc-jp, unicode big-endian,
  unicode little-endian, and utf-8.
- Batch files conversion
- Preview file content and converted result before actual conversion.
- Auto-update the charset in <Meta> tag, if specified in html docs.
- Auto-fix mis-mapped Big5/GBK characters after conversion.
- Change filename's encoding among big5, gbk, shift-jis and unicode.
- Convert MP3's ID3 or APE among big5, gbk, shift-jis,
  unicode and utf-8 encoding.
- Convert Ogg tag between Traditional and Simplified Chinese in utf-8.

System requirement: Win9x/ME/2000/XP/2003
* The program relies on Win32 API to perform ansi<>unicode conversion.
  Simplified and Traditional Chinese supports (Codepage 936 & 950)
  must be enabled in your system. You may check availability of these
  codepages in control panel > regional and language settings. Install
  East Asian langu



