Hey,guys,how's everything going? This is Jack from Shanghai. Today's topic is about an significant project in my undergraduate period -- quadrotor helicopter.
Quadcopter is a kind of helicopter with 4 propellers. Because of its simple structure, it's easy to operate. During the last 2 years of my undergraduate periods, quadcopter project occupied most of my spare time.
God bless, finally, with the help of several super genius team members, we finished the fixed-point autonomatical landing of quadrotor UAV.
01. Origin of idea
As the major of mechatronics, to make some robots was the my dream at university. At the year of junior, I started to take up this dream to realize it.
I organized a little team and started to do it. At first, we have nothing, without money,technology,supervior.
02.We have money-- Shangahi Innovation Project
Several months later, we found our a supervisor who was willing to support us. Associate professor Xi Zhang now is my graduate supervisor,after that project. Also, we successfully applied for the Shanghai Innovation
Project, with 9000RMB foundings.We are pretty happy that we have equipped with enough money to realize our dreams.
03. WPI-SHU Joint Graduation Project
In the Septemper of the senior year, we were informed that there were chances to join wpi-shu joint graduation project, in which students from Worceter Polytech Institute will fly to our school and worked with us together. We applied for it and made it,finally.
This project is really a unforgettable memory.
Thank you
Best regards,