VC++ 调试

  1.工程中,右键对变量使用"Go to Definition" 或者 "Go to Declaration" 或者 "Find All References"功能会出现Microsoft Visual Studio的提示对话框:"A definition for the symbol '<symbolName>' could not be located"。


在不打开任何解决方案的情况下,选择 Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C/C++ -> Advanced,将'Recreate Database' 设置为 'True'

Recreate Database = Recreate the code browsing database from scratch upon the next solution load


2.IntelliSense: #error 指令: Please use the /MD switch for _AFXDLL builds

  修改设置:工程(Project) --> 属性(Properties) --> 配置属性(Configuration Properties) --> c/c++ --> 代码生成(Code Generation) --> 运行库(Use run-time library) --> 多线程调试DLL(/MD)。

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