Simple Rules/简单的规律

《编程导论(Java)·3.1.1 三种结构、Java语句》

【p94】计算机科学家Corrado Bohm和Giuseppe Jacopini证明,使用顺序(sequencing)选择(alternation)循环(iteration)这三种结构就足以表达所有程序的本质。世事如棋局局新,每一局棋都是新局,世界上的程序也一样,无穷无尽极富变化,然而它受十分简单的规则(三种基本结构)所支配。……早期的编程书籍中,会有顺序程序设计,选择结构程序设计和循环结构程序设计等说法。有时候,人们将它们称为控制抽象(control flow abstraction)。随着变量、表达式和控制语句被所有的现代语言支持,人们已经习以为常地不将它们作为抽象或抽象机制了,仅将它们作为语句或程序的实现看待。


Simple Rules/简单的规律:
Complex adaptive systems are not complicated. The emerging patterns may have a rich variety, but like a kaleidoscope the rules governing the function of the system are quite simple. A classic example is that all the water systems in the world, all the streams, rivers, lakes, oceans, waterfalls etc with their infinite beauty, power and variety are governed by the simple principle that water finds its own level.

water finds its own level 
