
1)select top 1    查询数据库中 排在第一行的数据
select top 1 * from table order by 成绩
select top 1 * from talbe where id not in(select top 2 id from table order by 成绩)


update Yao_Article set Author='/1/35/' where Author='山东 - 历下'  
update Yao_Article set Author='/1/36/' where Author='山东 - 市中'  
update Yao_Article set Author='/1/37/' where Author='山东 - 槐荫'  
update Yao_Article set Author='/1/38/' where Author='山东 - 天桥'  
update Yao_Article set Author='/1/39/' where Author='山东 - 历城'  
update Yao_Article set Author='/1/40/' where Author='山东 - 长清'  
update Yao_Article set Author='/1/41/' where Author='山东 - 平阴'  
update Yao_Article set Author='/1/42/' where Author='山东 - 济阳'

update Yao_Article set Author=(case when Author='山东 - 历下'  then '/1/35/' when Author='山东 - 市中' then '/1/36/' ...... when Author='山东 - 济阳' then '/1/42/' else Author end) where Author like '山东 - %'

select 姓名,工龄,
(case when (工龄>= '35') then '90%'
when (工龄>='30' and 工龄<'35') then '85%'
when (工龄>='20' and 工龄<'30') then '80%'
when (工龄>='10' and 工龄<'20') then '70%' 
else  0 end) as '计算比例'
 from 表 
  ps:else 后面不能再跟 then
