V-Play 文档翻译 ListPage

V-Play 文档翻译 ListPage



VPlayApps 1.0

Inherits: Page


  • compactSections : bool

  • delegate : alias

  • emptyText : alias

  • emptyView : alias

  • listView : alias

  • model : var

  • pullToRefreshHandler : alias

  • pullToRefreshHandler. : PullToRefreshHandler

  • section : alias


  • itemSelected(int index, var item)


The ListPage component is a convenience item wrapping a single AppListView component into a Page object. It also contains a PullToRefreshHandler, which can be activated by setting pullToRefreshHandler.pullToRefreshEnabled. It is disabled by default in a ListPage.

由一个 AppListView 内嵌到 Page 所组成,也包含一个 PullToRefreshHandler。默认不可用。

A lot of app screens consist just of a single AppListView, therefore this component can save some boilerplate code.

由于内含一个 AppListView,可以减少一些重复代码。

The contained listView comes pre-initialized with a delegate of type SimpleRow. If the section features are used, the SimpleSection type is used as the default section delegate.

使用 SimpleRow 作为 listViewdelegate,使用 SimpleSection 作为默认的 section


compactSections : bool

当时分段标题(section)时,允许切换内部的 SimpleSection 的样式。可以通过 SimpleSection::style.compactStyle 设置。

delegate : alias

An alias to access and set the ListView::delegate data.

内部的 ListView::delegate 的引用。

emptyText : alias

An alias to access and set the AppListView::emptyText data.

内部 AppListView::emptyText 的引用。

emptyView : alias

An alias to access and set the AppListView::emptyView data.

内部 AppListView::emptyView 的引用。

listView : alias

An alias to access the component’s AppListView child.

内部 AppListView::listView 的引用,用来访问 AppListView 的孩子。

model : var

The model to be used for the ListView::model data.

内部 AppListView::model 的引用。

pullToRefreshHandler : alias

An alias to a PullToRefreshHandler item inside the AppListView.

内部 AppListViewPullToRefreshHandler 引用。

Activate it by setting pullToRefreshEnabled to true and connecting the refresh signal.

设置 PullToRefreshHandler::pullToRefreshEnabled 为真,然后连接 refresh 信号。

    emptyText.text: qsTr("下拉更新")

 pullToRefreshHandler.pullToRefreshEnabled: listView.contentY <= 0 pullToRefreshHandler.onRefresh: { pullToRefreshHandler.refreshing = true; // async.... doALongLoading(function(){ pullToRefreshHandler.refreshing = false; }) }

section : alias

An alias to access and set the ListView::section configuration to display a ListView with sections. The ListPage uses the SimpleSection type as the ListView::section.delegate by default.

内部 ListView::section 的引用。

Note: Usually, only a model based on the ListModel type supports sections. ListPage automatically uses the AppListView::prepareArraySections function to allow sections also for arrays.

注意:通常情况下,model 只支持 ListModel,来显示 section。但是 ListPage 会自动使用 AppListView::prepareArraySections 来处理,然后显示 section


ListPage { model: [{ type: "Fruits", text: "Banana" },
    { type: "Fruits", text: "Apple" },
    { type: "Vegetables", text: "Potato" }]
  section.property: "type"


itemSelected(int index, var item)

This convenience handler gets called when a row within the contained listView was selected.


Note: This is only called if the delegate is not overridden by a custom delegate.

注意:这个信号,只有在没有重写 delegate 的情况下有效。(其实就是使用 SimpleRow 来实现的)
