matlab bug收集


Redirecting a MATLAB file into matlab -nodisplay can cause "Type-ahead Buffer Overflow" errors


One way to have MATLAB execute a MATLAB file on a UNIX system is to redirect that file into MATLAB with the command

matlab -nodisplay < myMfile.m

at the shell prompt.

Depending on the contents of myMfile.m, it is possible that you will see "Type-ahead Buffer Overflow" error messages in the standard output stream from MATLAB. For example, a call to the Distributed Computing Toolbox function waitForState can trigger this behavior.


If you start MATLAB with the -r flag, which also executes the specified MATLAB file, rather than use input redirection, you should not see this behavior. For example,

matlab -nodisplay -r myMfile


This bug was fixed as of R2009a(7.8).
