《Programming In Scala》第10章 Composition and Inheritance 例子。
* 《Programming In Scala》第10章 Composition and Inheritance 例子
package layout
object Element {
private class ArrayElement(
val contents: Array[String]
) extends Element
private class LineElement(s: String) extends Element {
val contents = Array(s)
override def width = s.length
override def height = 1
private class UniformElement(
ch: Char,
override val width: Int,
override val height: Int
) extends Element {
private val line = ch.toString * width
def contents = Array.make(height, line)
def elem(contents: Array[String]): Element =
new ArrayElement(contents)
def elem(chr: Char, width: Int, height: Int): Element =
new UniformElement(chr, width, height)
def elem(line: String): Element =
new LineElement(line)
import Element.elem
abstract class Element {
def contents: Array[String]
def width: Int = contents(0).length
def height: Int = contents.length
def above(that: Element): Element = {
val this1 = this widen that.width
val that1 = that widen this.width
elem(this1.contents ++ that1.contents)
def beside(that: Element): Element = {
val this1 = this heighten that.height
val that1 = that heighten this.height
for ((line1, line2) <- this1.contents zip that1.contents)
yield line1 + line2)
def widen(w: Int): Element =
if (w <= width) this
else {
val left = elem(' ', (w - width) / 2, height)
var right = elem(' ', w - width - left.width, height)
left beside this beside right
def heighten(h: Int): Element =
if (h <= height) this
else {
val top = elem(' ', width, (h - height) / 2)
var bot = elem(' ', width, h - height - top.height)
top above this above bot
override def toString = contents mkString "\n"
object Spiral {
val space = elem(" ")
val corner = elem("+")
def spiral(nEdges: Int, direction: Int): Element = {
if (nEdges == 1)
else {
val sp = spiral(nEdges - 1, (direction + 3) % 4)
def verticalBar = elem('|', 1, sp.height)
def horizontalBar = elem('-', sp.width, 1)
if (direction == 0)
(corner beside horizontalBar) above (sp beside space)
else if (direction == 1)
(sp above space) beside (corner above verticalBar)
else if (direction == 2)
(space beside sp) above (horizontalBar beside corner)
(verticalBar above corner) beside (space above sp)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val nSides = 6
println(spiral(nSides, 0))
| +-+
| + |
| |