A awesome list of organizations, developers and libraries.
- Organizations
- Developers
- Libraries
- Dependency Injection
- Networking
- Loading Images
- EventBus
- Charts
- Detect Memory Leaks
- Google
- Facebook
- Square
- Twitter
- Github
- Airbnb
- Tumblr
- Alibaba
- Google Samples
- ReactiveX
- Airbnb
- Uber
- Yalantis
Name |
Repository |
JakeWharton |
ActionBarSherlock, ViewPagerIndicator, butterknife, NineOldAndroids |
chrisbanes |
Android-PullToRefresh, PhotoView, ActionBar-PullToRefresh, philm |
greenrobot |
EventBus, greenDAO |
daimajia |
AndroidSwipeLayout, AndroidViewAnimations |
nostra13 |
Android-Universal-Image-Loader |
loopj |
android-async-http, android-smart-image-view |
Trinea |
android-open-project, android-common |
jfeinstein10 |
SlidingMenu, JazzyViewPager |
koush |
ion, AndroidAsync |
jgilfelt |
SystemBarTint, android-viewbadger |
afollestad |
material-dialogs |
Reactive Extensions
Name |
Description |
RxJava |
RxJava – Reactive Extensions for the JVM – a library for composing asynchronous and event-based programs using observable sequences for the Java VM. |
RxAndroid |
Android specific bindings for RxJava. |
RxBinding |
RxJava binding APIs for Android's UI widgets. |
Dependency Injection
Name |
Description |
Dagger |
A fast dependency injector for Android and Java. |
ButterKnife |
View "injection" library for Android. |
RoboGuice |
Google Guice on Android, version 3.0 |
AndroidAnnotations |
Fast Android Development. Easy maintainance. |
Name |
Description |
LoganSquare |
The fastest serializable and deserializable from Json to model for Android. |
Gson |
Gson is a Java library used for serializing and deserializing Java objects from and into JSON. |
Jackson |
High-performance JSON processor. |
FastJson |
Fastjson is a JSON processor (JSON parser + JSON generator) written in Java. |
Name |
Description |
Retrofit |
Type-safe HTTP client for Android and Java by Square, Inc. |
Volley |
Official Android HTTP library that makes networking for easier and faster. |
android-async-http |
An Asynchronous HTTP Library for Android. |
OkHttp |
An HTTP+SPDY client for Android and Java applications. |
Ion |
Android Asynchronous Networking and Image Loading. |
AsyncOkHttp |
An Android HTTP Library with OkHttp. |
Loading Images
Name |
Description |
Fresco |
Official imageloader from Facebook. |
Android-Universal-Image-Loader |
Powerful and flexible library for loading, caching and displaying images on Android. |
Picasso |
A powerful image downloading and caching library for Android. |
Glide |
An image loading and caching library for Android focused on smooth scrolling. |
ImageLoader |
Library for async image loading and caching on Android. |
Name |
Description |
ActiveAndroid |
Active record style SQLite persistence for Android. |
greenDAO |
greenDAO is a light & fast ORM solution for Android that maps objects to SQLite databases. |
Sugar |
Insanely easy way to work with Android Database. |
ormlite-android |
ORMLite Android functionality used in conjunction with ormlite-core. |
Name |
Description |
EventBus |
Android optimized event bus that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc. Less code, better quality. |
otto |
An enhanced Guava-based event bus with emphasis on Android support. |
RxAndroid |
RxJava bindings for Android. |
Name |
Description |
EazeGraph |
An Android chart and graph library |
HelloCharts |
Charts/graphs library for Android compatible with API 8+, several chart types with support for scaling, scrolling and animations |
WilliamChart |
Android library to create charts. |
MPAndroidChart |
An Android chart and graph library supporting scaling and dragging by gesture. |
Name |
Description |
Rebound |
A Java library that models spring dynamics and adds real world physics to your app. |
NineOldAndroids |
[DEPRECATED] Android library for using the Honeycomb animation API on all versions of the platform back to 1.0! |
RecyclerViewItemAnimators |
An Android library which provides simple Item animations to RecyclerView items. |
ArcAnimator |
ArcAnimator helps to create arc transition animation: 2.3+. |
Material-Animations |
Android Transition animations explanation with examples. |
Name |
Description |
MaterialDialogs |
A beautiful, easy-to-use, and customizable dialogs API, enabling you to use Material designed dialogs down to API 8. |
SweetAlertDialog |
SweetAlert for Android, a beautiful and clever alert dialog. |
NiftyDialogEffects |
Nifty Modal Dialog Effects. |
Name |
Description |
pugnotification |
A powerful library for creating notifications in android platform. |
Detect Memory Leaks
Name |
Description |
LeakCanary |
A memory leak detection library for Android and Java. |