$ mkdir ~/jxcore $ cd ~/jxcore $ git clone https://github.com/jxcore/jxcore.git
$ cd ~/jxcore/jxcore $ ./build_scripts/ios-compile.sh
如果出现import which的module not found问题, 那就通过下面语句安装python的which
sudo easy_install tools/which-1.1.0-py2.7.egg
* GCC 4.2 or newer (for SpiderMonkey builds 4.7+) * Python 2.6 or 2.7 * GNU Make 3.81 or newer * libexecinfo (FreeBSD and OpenBSD only) * for SpiderMonkey : 'which' python module (sudo easy_install tools/which-1.1.0-py2.7.egg) * for Windows (VS2012+) and Visual C++ Redistributable
$ ./configure $ sudo make install
$ cordova create hello com.example.hello HelloWorld $ cd hello
$ git clone https://github.com/jxcore/jxcore-cordova
$ cp ./jxcore-cordova/sample/www/index.html ./www/
$ cp -r ~/jxcore/jxcore/out_ios/ios/bin jxcore-cordova/io.jxcore.node/
$ cordova platforms add ios
$ cordova plugin add jxcore-cordova/io.jxcore.node/
$ cordova build $ cordova run ios
如果build出错,"C does not support default arguments"
JXCORE_EXTERN(void) JX_SetString(JXValue *value, const char *val, const int32_t length = 0);
JXCORE_EXTERN(void) JX_SetString(JXValue *value, const char *val, const int32_t length);
七, 在Resources/jxcore_app/app.js添加nodejs server
function getIP() { var os = require('os'); var nets = os.networkInterfaces(); console.log(nets); for ( var a in nets) { var ifaces = nets[a]; for ( var o in ifaces) { if (ifaces[o].family == "IPv4" && !ifaces[o].internal) { return ifaces[o].address; } } } return null; } var ip = getIP(); if (!ip) { console.error("You should connect to a network!"); return; } var http = require('http'); http.createServer(function(req, res) { res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' }); var cur_client = ""; if(req.connection && req.connection.remoteAddress) { console.log(req.connection.remoteAddress); cur_client = req.connection.remoteAddress; } else if(req.headers) { console.log("request header X-Forwarded-For"); console.log(req.headers['X-Forwarded-For']); cur_client = req.headers['X-Forwarded-For']; } cordova('log').call('client( ' + cur_client + ' ) come'); res.end('Hello '+ cur_client +', I am server on iphone app('+ ip +'). '+Date.now()+'\n'); }).listen(1337, ip); console.log('Server running at http://' + ip + ':1337/');
也可以参考文章 http://modernweb.com/2015/03/19/develop-an-ios-application-with-node-js-and-cordova/