SAP VF01/VF02/VF03 Tab Enhancemnt

1.Create the Z fields for VBRK.

2.Go to SE38, create report zzinvoice.

SAP VF01/VF02/VF03 Tab Enhancemnt_第1张图片


3. In standard program SAPMV60A, provide 2 screens for customer additional datas, 6001 for header 6002 for details.

SAP VF01/VF02/VF03 Tab Enhancemnt_第2张图片


  loop at screen.

    if screen-name = 'TABSTRIP_TAB06'.

      gs_cust_tab-head_caption = 'TEST'.
      gs_cust_tab-head_program = 'ZZINVOICE'.
      gs_cust_tab-head_dynpro  = '0100'.

      if gs_cust_tab-head_dynpro is not initial.

        screen-active = 1.
        screen-invisible = 0.
        modify screen.
        tabstrip_tab06 = gs_cust_tab-head_caption.



SAP VF01/VF02/VF03 Tab Enhancemnt_第3张图片

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