


   * \brief Class representing a directed, acyclic graph of basic blocks
   * \ingroup internal
  class GR_RUNTIME_API flowgraph
    friend GR_RUNTIME_API flowgraph_sptr make_flowgraph();

     * \brief Destruct an arbitrary flowgraph
    virtual ~flowgraph();

     * \brief Connect two endpoints
     * \details
     * Checks the validity of both endpoints, and whether the
     * destination is unused so far, then adds the edge to the internal list of
     * edges.
    void connect(const endpoint &src, const endpoint &dst);

     * \brief Disconnect two endpoints
    void disconnect(const endpoint &src, const endpoint &dst);

     * \brief convenience wrapper; used to connect two endpoints
    void connect(basic_block_sptr src_block, int src_port,
                 basic_block_sptr dst_block, int dst_port);

     * \brief convenience wrapper; used to disconnect two endpoints
    void disconnect(basic_block_sptr src_block, int src_port,
                    basic_block_sptr dst_block, int dst_port);

     * \brief Connect two message endpoints
     * \details
     * Checks the validity of both endpoints, then adds the edge to the
     * internal list of edges.
    void connect(const msg_endpoint &src, const msg_endpoint &dst);

     * \brief Disconnect two message endpoints
    void disconnect(const msg_endpoint &src, const msg_endpoint &dst);

     * \brief Validate flow graph
     * \details
     * Gathers all used blocks, checks the contiguity of all connected in- and
     * outputs, and calls the check_topology method of each block.
    void validate();

     * \brief Clear existing flowgraph
    void clear();

     * \brief Get vector of edges
    const edge_vector_t &edges() const { return d_edges; }

     * \brief Get vector of message edges
    const msg_edge_vector_t &msg_edges() const { return d_msg_edges; }

     * \brief calculates all used blocks in a flow graph
     * \details
     * Iterates over all message edges and stream edges, noting both endpoints in a vector.
     * \return a unique vector of used blocks
    basic_block_vector_t calc_used_blocks();

     * \brief topologically sort blocks
     * \details
     * Uses depth-first search to return a sorted vector of blocks
     * \return toplogically sorted vector of blocks.  All the sources come first.
    basic_block_vector_t topological_sort(basic_block_vector_t &blocks);

     * \brief Calculate vector of disjoint graph partions
     * \return vector of disjoint vectors of topologically sorted blocks
    std::vector<basic_block_vector_t> partition();

    basic_block_vector_t d_blocks;
    edge_vector_t d_edges;
    msg_edge_vector_t d_msg_edges;

    std::vector<int> calc_used_ports(basic_block_sptr block, bool check_inputs);
    basic_block_vector_t calc_downstream_blocks(basic_block_sptr block, int port);
    edge_vector_t calc_upstream_edges(basic_block_sptr block);
    bool has_block_p(basic_block_sptr block);
    edge calc_upstream_edge(basic_block_sptr block, int port);

    void check_valid_port(gr::io_signature::sptr sig, int port);
    void check_valid_port(const msg_endpoint &e);
    void check_dst_not_used(const endpoint &dst);
    void check_type_match(const endpoint &src, const endpoint &dst);
    edge_vector_t calc_connections(basic_block_sptr block, bool check_inputs); // false=use outputs
    void check_contiguity(basic_block_sptr block, const std::vector<int> &used_ports, bool check_inputs);

    basic_block_vector_t calc_downstream_blocks(basic_block_sptr block);
    basic_block_vector_t calc_reachable_blocks(basic_block_sptr block, basic_block_vector_t &blocks);
    void reachable_dfs_visit(basic_block_sptr block, basic_block_vector_t &blocks);
    basic_block_vector_t calc_adjacent_blocks(basic_block_sptr block, basic_block_vector_t &blocks);
    basic_block_vector_t sort_sources_first(basic_block_vector_t &blocks);
    bool source_p(basic_block_sptr block);
    void topological_dfs_visit(basic_block_sptr block, basic_block_vector_t &output);
   *\brief Top-level hierarchical block representing a flowgraph
   * \ingroup container_blk
  class GR_RUNTIME_API top_block : public hier_block2
    friend GR_RUNTIME_API top_block_sptr
      make_top_block(const std::string &name);

    top_block_impl *d_impl;

    top_block(const std::string &name);


     * \brief The simple interface to running a flowgraph.
     * Calls start() then wait(). Used to run a flowgraph that will
     * stop on its own, or when another thread will call stop().
     * \param max_noutput_items the maximum number of output items
     * allowed for any block in the flowgraph. This passes through to
     * the start function; see that function for more details.
    void run(int max_noutput_items=100000000);

     * Start the contained flowgraph. Creates one or more threads to
     * execute the flow graph. Returns to the caller once the threads
     * are created. Calling start() on a top_block that is already
     * started IS an error.
     * \param max_noutput_items the maximum number of output items
     * allowed for any block in the flowgraph; the noutput_items can
     * always be less than this, but this will cap it as a
     * maximum. Use this to adjust the maximum latency a flowgraph can
     * exhibit.
    void start(int max_noutput_items=100000000);

     * Stop the running flowgraph. Notifies each thread created by the
     * scheduler to shutdown, then returns to caller. Calling stop()
     * on a top_block that is already stopped IS NOT an error.
    void stop();

     * Wait for a flowgraph to complete. Flowgraphs complete when
     * either (1) all blocks indicate that they are done (typically
     * only when using blocks.file_source, or blocks.head, or (2)
     * after stop() has been called to request shutdown. Calling wait
     * on a top_block that is not running IS NOT an error (wait
     * returns w/o blocking).
    void wait();

     * Lock a flowgraph in preparation for reconfiguration. When an
     * equal number of calls to lock() and unlock() have occurred, the
     * flowgraph will be reconfigured.
     * N.B. lock() and unlock() may not be called from a flowgraph
     * thread (E.g., block::work method) or deadlock will occur
     * when reconfiguration happens.
    virtual void lock();

     * Unlock a flowgraph in preparation for reconfiguration. When an
     * equal number of calls to lock() and unlock() have occurred, the
     * flowgraph will be reconfigured.
     * N.B. lock() and unlock() may not be called from a flowgraph thread
     * (E.g., block::work method) or deadlock will occur when
     * reconfiguration happens.
    virtual void unlock();

     * Returns a string that lists the edge connections in the
     * flattened flowgraph.
    std::string edge_list();

     * Returns a string that lists the msg edge connections in the
     * flattened flowgraph.
    std::string msg_edge_list();

     * Displays flattened flowgraph edges and block connectivity
    void dump();

    //! Get the number of max noutput_items in the flowgraph
    int max_noutput_items();

    //! Set the maximum number of noutput_items in the flowgraph
    void set_max_noutput_items(int nmax);

    top_block_sptr to_top_block(); // Needed for Python type coercion

    void setup_rpc();

