Dicom is a specification for the creation, transmission, and storage of digital medical image and report data. It defines a data dictionary, data structures, file format, client and server services, workflow, and compression, among other things. (Dicom是专门用来创建、传输和存储医学图像和报告数据。它定义了数据字典、数据结构、文件格式、客户和服务器服务、工作流和图像压缩及其他事务。)
Dcm4che is a collection of open source applications and utilities for the healthcare enterprise. These applications have been developed in the Java programming language for performance and portability, supporting deployment on JDK 1.4 and up. (dcm4che是医疗健康行业中一套开源应用程序和工具,采用Java语言开发,支持JDK1.4及以上版本。)
At the core of the dcm4che project is a robust implementation of the Dicom standard. The dcm4che-1.x DICOM toolkit is used in many production application across the world, while the current (2.x) version of the toolkit has been re-architected for high performance and flexibility. (dcm4che项目的核心是一个DICOM标准的健壮实现. Dcm4che-1.x工具箱已经被世界各地的很多产品使用,而目前的2.x版本是对dcm4che-1.x的重构,提供了应用的性能和灵活性。)
作为解释DICOM标准的工具包,当然最基本的功能便是读入和解析DICOM文件了。这时需要用到该工具包中的几个类,分别是:DicomObject, DicomElement。以下是读入DICOM的例子代码:
DICOM files can be read from Java java.io.InputStream objects, and java.io.File objects. This is done through the org.dcm4che2.io.DicomInputStream class, which extends java.io.FilterInputStream. The DICOM file is typically read into a org.dcm4che2.data.DicomObject implementation.(dicom文件可以从Java的java.io.InputStream类和java.io.File类读取。这是通过dcm4che2的继承于java.io.FilterInputStream的DicomInputStream类完成的。DICOM文件将被读入为DicomObject类的实现)。
DicomObject dcmObj; DicomInputStream dcmInputStream = null; try { dcmInputStream = new DicomInputStream(new File(“image.dcm”)); dcmObj = dcmInputStram.readDicomObject(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return; } finally{ try { dcmInputSteam.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } }待续......