Cuckoo Hash 是一种hash冲突解决方法, 其目的是即时使用简易的hash function 也能够实现hash key的均匀分布。
1. 对key值hash,生成两个hash key值,hashk1和 hashk2, 如果对应的两个位置上有一个为空,那么直接把key插入即可。
2. 否则,任选一个位置,把key值插入,把已经在那个位置的key值踢出来。
3. 被踢出来的key值,需要重新插入,直到没有key被踢出为止。
// Cuckoo_hash.cpp : Defines the entry point for the console application. // #include "stdafx.h" #include <string> #include <cmath> #include <iostream> using namespace std; template<class KeyT> class CuckooHash; template<> class CuckooHash<int> { private: int lnBucket; //size of bucket int *mpKeyBucket1; //the first bucket for first hash int *mpKeyBucket2; //the second bucket for second hash enum {MaxLoop = 1000}; //used to control rehash loop int lnCantInsertNum; private: //first hash function int hHashOne(int& irKey) { int lHashKey = 0; lHashKey = irKey % lnBucket; return lHashKey; } //second hash function int hHashTwo(int& irKey) { int lHashKey = 0; lHashKey = irKey / lnBucket; lHashKey = lHashKey % lnBucket; return lHashKey; } //todo: juge one num is Prime NUM or not bool hIsPrime(int inN) { if(inN <= 0) return false; int last = sqrt((double)inN); for(int i = 2; i<= last; i++) { if(inN % i == 0) return false; } return true; } int hGetMinPrime(int inNum) { while( !hIsPrime(inNum) ) inNum ++; return inNum; } //try to rehash all the other key bool hReHash(int iKey, int deeps) { if(deeps <= 0) return false; int lHashKey1 = hHashOne(iKey); int lHashKey2 = hHashTwo(iKey); if(iKey == mpKeyBucket1[lHashKey1]) { if(mpKeyBucket2[lHashKey2] == 0) { mpKeyBucket2[lHashKey2] = iKey; return true; } else { if( hReHash(mpKeyBucket2[lHashKey2], deeps - 1) ) { mpKeyBucket2[lHashKey2] = iKey; return true; } } } else if(iKey == mpKeyBucket2[lHashKey2]) { if(mpKeyBucket1[lHashKey1] == 0) { mpKeyBucket1[lHashKey1] = iKey; return true; } else { if( hReHash(mpKeyBucket1[lHashKey1], deeps - 1)) { mpKeyBucket1[lHashKey1] = iKey; return true; } } } return false; } public: CuckooHash(int inNum) { lnBucket = inNum; mpKeyBucket1 = NULL; mpKeyBucket2 = NULL; lnCantInsertNum = 0; } void InitHashTable() { lnBucket = hGetMinPrime(lnBucket); mpKeyBucket1 = new int[lnBucket]; memset(mpKeyBucket1, 0, sizeof(int) * lnBucket); mpKeyBucket2 = new int[lnBucket]; memset(mpKeyBucket2, 0, sizeof(int) * lnBucket); } ~CuckooHash() { if(mpKeyBucket1) delete[] mpKeyBucket1; if(mpKeyBucket2) delete[] mpKeyBucket2; } void Insert(int& irKey) { if(find(irKey)) return; int lHashKey1 = hHashOne(irKey); int lHashKey2 = hHashTwo(irKey); if(mpKeyBucket1[lHashKey1] == 0) mpKeyBucket1[lHashKey1] = irKey; else if(mpKeyBucket2[lHashKey2] == 0) mpKeyBucket2[lHashKey2] = irKey; else { if(hReHash(mpKeyBucket1[lHashKey1], MaxLoop)) mpKeyBucket1[lHashKey1] = irKey; else if(hReHash(mpKeyBucket2[lHashKey2], MaxLoop)) mpKeyBucket2[lHashKey2] = irKey; else lnCantInsertNum ++; } cout << "After insert : " << irKey << endl; cout << lHashKey1 << " " << lHashKey2 << endl; PrintBucket4Test(); } bool find(int& irKey) { int lHashKey1 = hHashOne(irKey); if(mpKeyBucket1 && mpKeyBucket1[lHashKey1] == irKey) return true; int lHashKey2 = hHashTwo(irKey); if(mpKeyBucket2 && mpKeyBucket2[lHashKey2] == irKey) return true; return false; } void PrintBucket4Test() { for(int i = 0; i<lnBucket; i++ ) cout << mpKeyBucket1[i] << ' '; cout << endl; for(int i = 0; i<lnBucket; i++ ) cout << mpKeyBucket2[i] << ' '; cout << endl; } }; int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CuckooHash<int> CKHash(12); CKHash.InitHashTable(); int a[] = {20, 50, 53, 75, 100, 67, 105, 3, 36, 39, 6}; for(int i = 0; i< sizeof(a)/sizeof(int); i++) { CKHash.Insert(a[i]); } int b; cin >> b; return 0; }