

2012-09-27 14:39:52

分类: Oracle

SQL> select spid from v$session s, v$process p, v$mystat m
        where s.paddr=p.addr and s.sid=m.sid and m.statistic#=0
SQL> select spid from v$session s inner join v$process p on s.paddr=p.addr
         inner join v$mystat m on s.sid=m.sid and m.statistic#=0
SQL> select spid from v$process where addr in (select paddr from v$session where
         sid=(select sid from v$mystat where rownum=1))


This view contains information about the currently active processes. While the LATCHWAIT column indicates what latch a process is waiting for, the LATCHSPIN column indicates what latch a process is spinning on. On multi-processor machines, Oracle processes will spin on a latch before waiting on it.
Column Datatype Description
ADDR RAW(4 | 8) Address of process state object
PID NUMBER Oracle process identifier
SPID VARCHAR2(12) Operating system process identifier
USERNAME VARCHAR2(15) Operating system process username. Any two-task user coming across the network has "-T" appended to the username.
SERIAL# NUMBER Process serial number
TERMINAL VARCHAR2(30) Operating system terminal identifier
PROGRAM VARCHAR2(48) Program in progress
TRACEID VARCHAR2(255) Trace file identifier
BACKGROUND VARCHAR2(1) 1 for a background process; NULL for a normal process
LATCHWAIT VARCHAR2(8) Address of latch the process is waiting for; NULL if none
LATCHSPIN VARCHAR2(8) Address of the latch the process is spinning on; NULL if none
PGA_USED_MEM NUMBER PGA memory currently used by the process
PGA_ALLOC_MEM NUMBER PGA memory currently allocated by the process (including free PGA memory not yet released to the operating system by the server process)
PGA_FREEABLE_MEM NUMBER Allocated PGA memory which can be freed
PGA_MAX_MEM NUMBER Maximum PGA memory ever allocated by the process


This view contains statistics on the current session.
Column Datatype Description
SID NUMBER ID of the current session
STATISTIC# NUMBER Number of the statistic
VALUE NUMBER Value of the statistic
v$mystat 是当前用户 session 的各种统计信息,sid就是session的id, STATISTIC# 是统计量的编号(用来唯一确定统计量的名称),value是统计量的值。v$mystat 中的 STATISTIC# 序号对应的含义可以从 v$statname 查询出来,STATISTIC#相当于编号,NAME就是统计量的名称。


This view displays decoded statistic names for the statistics shown in the V$SESSTAT and V$SYSSTAT tables.
On some platforms, the NAME and CLASS columns contain additional operating system-specific statistics.
Column Datatype Description
STATISTIC# NUMBER Statistic number

Note: Statistics numbers are not guaranteed to remain constant from one release to another. Therefore, you should rely on the statistics name rather than its number in your applications.

NAME VARCHAR2(64) Statistic name
CLASS NUMBER A number representing one or more statistics classes. The following class numbers are additive:
  • 1 - User

  • 2 - Redo

  • 4 - Enqueue

  • 8 - Cache

  • 16 - OS

  • 32 - Real Application Clusters

  • 64 - SQL

  • 128 - Debug

STAT_ID NUMBER Identifier of the statistic

SQL> column name for a35;
SQL> select * from v$statname where rownum<20;
STATISTIC# NAME                                     CLASS    STAT_ID
---------- ----------------------------------- ---------- ----------
         0 logons cumulative                            1 2666645286
         1 logons current                               1 3080465522
         2 opened cursors cumulative                    1   85052502
         3 opened cursors current                       1 2301954928
         4 user commits                                 1  582481098
         5 user rollbacks                               1 3671147913
         6 user calls                                   1 2882015696
         7 recursive calls                              1 2656001462
         8 recursive cpu usage                          1 4009879262
         9 session logical reads                        1 3143187968
        10 session stored procedure space               1  895486831
        11 CPU used when call started                 128  572264820
        12 CPU used by this session                     1   24469293
        13 DB time                                      1 3649082374
        14 cluster wait time                            1 2432034337
        15 concurrency wait time                        1 3868577743
        16 application wait time                        1 1099569955
        17 user I/O wait time                           1 3332107451
        18 session connect time                         1 1678473874

19 rows selected.
从上面的查询可以看出STATISTIC# =0 的含义是自实例启动以来用户登录数据库次数的累计值。其实在查询
select spid from v$session s inner join v$process p on s.paddr=p.addr
inner join v$mystat m on s.sid=m.sid and m.statistic#=0
; 中m.statistic#=1,2,3都可以,
只不过是为了得到唯一的 m.sid 而言。
SQL> select m.*,n.name,n.class from v$mystat m inner join v$statname n on
        m.statistic#=n.statistic# where rownum<20;

       SID STATISTIC#      VALUE NAME                                     CLASS
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------------------------------- ----------
       147          0          1 logons cumulative                            1
       147          1          1 logons current                               1
       147          2        353 opened cursors cumulative                    1
       147          3         10 opened cursors current                       1
       147          4          0 user commits                                 1
       147          5          0 user rollbacks                               1
       147          6        389 user calls                                   1
       147          7       7155 recursive calls                              1
       147          8        152 recursive cpu usage                          1
       147          9       3818 session logical reads                        1
       147         10          0 session stored procedure space               1
       147         11        196 CPU used when call started                 128
       147         12        197 CPU used by this session                     1
       147         13        463 DB time                                      1
       147         14          0 cluster wait time                            1
       147         15          0 concurrency wait time                        1
       147         16          0 application wait time                        1
       147         17         71 user I/O wait time                           1
       147         18          0 session connect time                         1

19 rows selected.

SQL> select count(column_name) from dba_tab_columns where table_name='V_$SESSION';

This view lists session information for each current session.

Column Datatype Description
SADDR RAW(4 | 8) Session address
SID NUMBER Session identifier
PADDR RAW(4 | 8) Address of the process that owns the session
USER# NUMBER Oracle user identifier
USERNAME VARCHAR2(30) Oracle username
TADDR VARCHAR2(8) Address of transaction state object
LOCKWAIT VARCHAR2(8) Address of lock waiting for; null if none
STATUS VARCHAR2(8) Status of the session:
  • ACTIVE - Session currently executing SQL


  • KILLED - Session marked to be killed

  • CACHED - Session temporarily cached for use by Oracle*XA

  • SNIPED - Session inactive, waiting on the client

SCHEMA# NUMBER Schema user identifier
SCHEMANAME VARCHAR2(30) Schema user name
OSUSER VARCHAR2(30) Operating system client user name
PROCESS VARCHAR2(12) Operating system client process ID
MACHINE VARCHAR2(64) Operating system machine name
TERMINAL VARCHAR2(30) Operating system terminal name
PROGRAM VARCHAR2(48) Operating system program name
TYPE VARCHAR2(10) Session type
SQL_ADDRESS RAW(4 | 8) Used with SQL_HASH_VALUE to identify the SQL statement that is currently being executed
SQL_HASH_VALUE NUMBER Used with SQL_ADDRESS to identify the SQL statement that is currently being executed
SQL_ID VARCHAR2(13) SQL identifier of the SQL statement that is currently being executed
SQL_CHILD_NUMBER NUMBER Child number of the SQL statement that is currently being executed
WAIT_CLASS_ID NUMBER Identifier of the wait class
WAIT_CLASS# NUMBER Number of the wait class
WAIT_CLASS VARCHAR2(64) Name of the wait class
WAIT_TIME NUMBER A nonzero value is the session's last wait time. A zero value means the session is currently waiting.
STATE VARCHAR2(19) Wait state:
  • 0 - WAITING (the session is currently waiting)

  • -2 - WAITED UNKNOWN TIME (duration of last wait is unknown)

  • -1 - WAITED SHORT TIME (last wait <1/100th of a second)

  • >0 - WAITED KNOWN TIME (WAIT_TIME = duration of last wait)

SERVICE_NAME VARCHAR2(64) Service name of the session
SQL_TRACE VARCHAR2(8) Indicates whether SQL tracing is enabled (ENABLED) or disabled (DISABLED)
SQL_TRACE_WAITS VARCHAR2(5) Indicates whether wait tracing is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
SQL_TRACE_BINDS VARCHAR2(5) Indicates whether bind tracing is enabled (TRUE) or not (FALSE)
