

Dbconsole 11.2 is built around Grid Control and so is not IPv6 compliant. Grid Control is IPv6 compliant.. The version of dbconsole which is built around Grid Control will be IPv6 compliant. (the version which dbconsole is built round is shown in the output of emctl status agent).

命令:emctl status agent

用于查看Grid Control或是databaseControl的版本。

Grid Control应该不是Oracle Grid Infrastructure。 


Database Control can be  Running in an Oracle RAC Environment


set oracle_unqname=orcl 


先要设置环境变量oracle_unqname等是因为创建EM资料档案库这个对象(emca-repos create)要用到这些环境变量信息。??

dBconsole服务对应启动的是 database control程序。


emca -config dbcontrol db时创建了两个目录

异地恢复数据库后,查看dba_registry,发现里面有 oracle enterprise mangerment组件,说明该主件是安装在该数据库的表空间对应的数据文件上,没有在操作系统上另有文件,或是在注册表上留有信息,不然异地恢复时异地的操作系统上是没有这些的。


emca-repos create:创建EM资料档案库对象

emca -config dbcontrol db :将数据库的相关信息上传存放在EM资料档案库对象中,使得databaseControl程序能通过从EM资料档案库对象读取信息来实现管理。

EM资料档案库对象内容应该是存放databaseControl程序通过从EM资料档案库对象来读取的实现管理的信息的文件之操作系统级别的目录  信息

emca -config dbcontrol db时创建了两个目录,其实就是EM资料档案库对象里对应的操作系统级别上之目录 ,之后将描述数据库的相关信息的文件上传存放在EM资料档案库对象中这两个目录下。



重装oracle11g em控制台


  • ORACLE EM控制台(7)

上载配置数据 失败 EM   百度

emctl start dbconsole   oracle_unqname未定义



3.7 Setting Environment Variables for Enterprise Manager DB Control

In previous releases of Oracle Database, you were required to set the environment variables ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID to start, stop, and check the status of Enterprise Manager. With Oracle Database 11g release 2 (11.2) and later, you need to set the environment variables ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_UNQNAME to use Enterprise Manager. For example, on each node, enter commands similar to the following to set these values for the oracle user, where the Oracle home is C:\app\oracle\product\\dbhome_1, and where the database unique name is sales:

C:\> set ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\oracle\product\\dbhome_1
C:\> set ORACLE_UNQNAME=sales

Place these environment variables in the oracle user profile file on each cluster member node to ensure that the environment variable settings are available after system restarts.


Starting and Stopping the Database Control Console Process

To access Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control (Database Control) from a browser, the Database Control console process dbconsole must be running on the database host computer. The dbconsole process is automatically started after installation. However, if the system must be restarted, you can start the dbconsole process manually at the command line or start it as a service in Windows. You can also run commands to stop the dbconsole process or view its status. If the dbconsole process is stopped, then it must be manually restarted before you use Database Control.

To start or stop, or to view the status of the dbconsole process from the command line:

  1. Configure the operating system environment variables, as described in "Configuring the Operating System Environment Variables".

  2. Do one of the following:

    • To start the dbconsole process, run the following command:

      ./emctl start dbconsole
    • To stop the dbconsole process, run the following command:

      ./emctl stop dbconsole
    • To view the status of the dbconsole process, run the following command:

      ./emctl status dbconsole


    If you are prompted to set the ORACLE_UNQNAME environment variable, then set this variable and run the emctl command again. Set the variable to the database unique name (the value of the DB_UNIQUE_NAME database parameter). A typical value for DB_UNIQUE_NAME is orcl.

Verifying that Database Control is Running in an Oracle RAC Environment

To verify that Database Control has been started in your new Oracle RAC environment:

  1. Ensure that the ORACLE_UNQNAME environment variable is set to the unique name of the database to which you want to connect, for example orcl. Also make sure the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set to the location of the installed Oracle Database software, for example:

    $ export ORACLE_UNQNAME=orcl
    $ echo $ORACLE_HOME
    $ echo $ORACLE_UNQNAME
  2. Go to the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.

  3. Run the following command as the oracle user:

    ./emctl status dbconsole

    The Enterprise Manager Control (EMCTL) utility displays the current status of the Database Control console on the current node, for example:

    Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g Database Control Release
    Copyright (c) 1996, 2009 Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.
    Oracle Enterprise Manager 11g is running.
    Logs are generated in directory /u01/app/oracle/product/11.2.0/dbhome_1/racnode1_orcl/sysman/log
  4. If the EMCTL utility reports that Database Control is not started, use the following command to start it:

    $ ./emctl start dbconsole

    Following a typical installation, Database Control serves console pages from the node where the database was created. The console also monitors agents on all nodes of the cluster. However, you can configure Enterprise Manager to have multiple Database Control consoles within a cluster using EMCA.



oracle_unqname  oracle官方文档11gR2搜索
