Cardboard Unity SDK Reference

Plugin Reference

Package Contents

The Unity plugin package contains the following:


  • Cardboard.cs - Singleton connection to the native code VR device.
  • CardboardEye.cs - Applies an eye view/projection to a stereo camera.
  • CardboardHead.cs - Applies the Cardboard head view to its transform.
  • GazeInputModule.cs - Control uGUI elements with gaze and trigger.
  • Pose3D.cs - Contains a rotation and translation.
  • RadialUndistortionEffect.cs - Image Effect simulating distortion correction.
  • StereoController.cs - Controls mono vs stereo rendering.

Editor Scripts

  • CardboardEditor.cs - Customize parameters of the Cardboard object.
  • StereoControllerEditor.cs - Adds a button to update the stereo eye cameras.


  • CardboardMain - A drop-in replacement for a Main Camera object.
  • CardboardHead - A drop-in replacement for other cameras.
  • CardboardAdapter - Adds stereo rendering to an existing camera.


  • RadialUndistortionEffect - Shader for simulating distortion correction.


  • DemoScene - Simple demonstration of the plugin.


Features intended for supporting existing projects in older versions of Unity.

  • CardboardGUI.cs - Capture OnGUI onto a texture.
  • CardboardGUIWindow.cs - Show the OnGUI texture on a mesh in scene.
  • CardboardGUIMouse.cs - Control mouse by user's gaze; draw mouse pointer.
  • CardboardGUI prefab - Make it easy to show and interact with OnGUI in stereo.
  • SkyboxMesh.cs - Converts a Camera's skybox to a textured mesh at runtime.
  • StereoLensFlare.cs - Support directional lens flares but with parallax.
  • SkyboxMesh shader - Unlit textured background.
  • GUIScreen shader - Unlit textured overlay with transparency.


This section covers the specific purpose of the individual scripts and how they work together, whether within the provided prefabs or if you add them to the scene yourself.


Provides access to the underlying VR device, implemented in native code. There should only be one of these in a scene. An instance will be generated at runtime if needed, or you can add one via the Editor if you wish to customize its starting properties.


enum Eye { Left, Right }

Distinguishes between the two eyes.

enum Distortion { Distorted, Undistorted }

When retrieving the Projection and Viewport properties, specifies whether you want the values as seen through the Cardboard lenses (Distorted) or as if no lenses were present (Undistorted).


Cardboard SDK [static, read only]

Points to the single global instance of the script. Not null: the instance is created on demand if not already present.

bool DistortionCorrection [default true]

Whether distortion correction is performed by the plugin . If disabled, then it is up to the app to perform whatever distortion correction it would like, if any.

bool VRModeEnabled [default true]

Determine whether the scene renders in stereo or mono. Assign to this field to control stereo/mono mode yourself.

bool TapIsTrigger [default false]

When enabled, Cardboard treats a screen tap the same as a trigger pull.

bool EnableAlignmentMarker [default true]

Enables or disables the vertical line rendered between the stereo views to help the user align the Cardboard to the phone's screen.

bool EnableSettingsButton [default true]

Enables or disables the Cardboard settings button. It appears as a gear icon in the blank space between the stereo views. The settings button opens the Google Cardboard app to allow the user to configure their individual settings and Cardboard headset parameters.

float NeckModelScale [0..1, default 1]

The native SDK will apply a neck offset to the head tracking, resulting in a more realistic model of a person's head position. This control determines the scale factor of the offset. To turn off the neck model, set it to 0, and to turn it all on, set to 1. Intermediate values can be used to animate from on to off or vice versa.

bool AutoDriftCorrection [default true]

When enabled, drift in the gyro readings is estimated and removed.

bool Triggered [read only]

Whether the Cardboard trigger was pulled. True for exactly one complete frame after each pull.

bool Tilted [read only]

Whether the Cardboard viewer was tilted on its side. True for exactly one complete frame after each tilt. Some apps treat this as a "go back" or "exit scene" action.

RenderTexture StereoScreen

When VR Mode is enabled, stereo cameras render side-by-side to this target automatically. Each frame, the result is corrected for distortion and then displayed. Note that when VR Mode is disabled or distortion correction is not supported, this property will return null.

The property is typically auto-initialized by Cardboard, but if you wish to customize the texture, you may assign to it in your code.

Pose3D HeadPose [read only]

The current frame's head pose, as returned by the head tracking system.

Pose3D EyePose(Cardboard.Eye eye)

The pose of the specified eye relative to the head.

Matrix4x4 Projection(Cardboard.Eye eye, Distortion distortion [default Distorted])

The current frame's projection matrix to use for the given eye. This matrix is an off-axis perspective projection with near and far clipping planes of 1m and 1000m, respectively. The CardboardEye script takes care of adjusting the matrix for its particular camera.

Rect Viewport(Cardboard.Eye eye, Distortion distortion [default Distorted])

The screen space viewport that the camera for the specified eye should render into. In the Distorted case, this will be either the left or right half of the StereoScreen render texture. In the Undistorted case, it refers to the actual rectangle on the screen that the eye can see.

Vector2 ComfortableViewingRange [read only, default 1-100000 meters]

The minimum and maximum distances to an object that can be comfortably viewed through the device, in real-world meters.


Action OnTrigger

Emitted whenever a trigger pull occurs. If TapIsTrigger is set, then it is also emitted when a screen tap occurs.

Action OnTilt

Emitted whenever the viewer is tilted on its side. If TapIsTrigger is set, the Escape key issues this as well. Note: On Android, Unity sees the Back button as an Escape key.


void UpdateState()

Reads the latest tracking data from the phone. This must be called before accessing any of the poses and matrices above.

Multiple invocations per frame are OK: Subsequent calls merely yield the cached results of the first call. To minimize latency, it should be first called later in the frame (for example, in LateUpdate) if possible.

bool Recenter()

Recenters the head tracker so that the phone's current heading becomes the forward direction.

void CreateStereoScreen()

Creates (or recreates) the StereoScreen texture with sensible default settings. Has no effect if distortion correction is not supported.


Renders the same view as the parent StereoController's mono camera, but for a specific stereo eye. The view and projection matrices are continuously updated from the EyeView and Projection properties of the Cardboard object. The render output is directed to Cardboard's StereoScreen render texture, either to the left half or right half depending on the chosen eye.

Rendering of the CardboardEye Camera is controlled by the StereoController and not by the normal Unity render pipeline. As such, the CardboardEye Camera will generally have enabled set to false.

In each frame, all camera settings (for example, culling mask, field of view, near/far clipping distances, etc) are copied from the parent mono camera before rendering. Therefore it is meaningless to set the properties on the Camera attached to the CardboardEye itself.


Cardboard.Eye eye

Determines which stereo eye to render, that is, which EyeOffset and Projection matrix to use and which half of the screen to render to.

LayerMask toggleCullingMask

Allows you to flip on or off specific culling mask layers for just this eye. The mask is a toggle: The eye's culling mask is first copied from the parent mono camera, and then the layers specified here are flipped. Each eye has its own toggle mask.

StereoController Controller [read only]

Returns the StereoController that controls this eye.

CardboardHead Head [read only]

Returns the closest ancestor CardboardHead.


Attach this script to any game object that should match the user's head motion. By default, it continuously updates the local transform to the HeadView of the Cardboard object. A target object may be specified to provide an alternate reference frame for the motion.

This script will typically be attached to directly to a Camera object, or to its parent if you need to offset the camera from the origin. Alternatively it can be inserted as a child of the Camera and parent of the CardboardEye camera. Do this if you already have steering logic driving the mono Camera and wish to have the user's head motion be relative to that. Note that in the latter setup, head tracking is visible only when VR Mode is enabled.

In some cases you may need two instances of CardboardHead, referring to two different targets (one of which may be the parent), in order to split where the rotation is applied from where the positional offset is applied. Use thetrackRotation and trackPosition properties in this case.


bool trackRotation [default true]

Determines whether to apply the user's head rotation to this gameobject's orientation.

bool trackPosition [default true]

Determines whether to apply ther user's head offset to this gameobject's position.

Transform target [default null]

The user's head motion will be applied in this object's reference frame instead of the head object's parent. A good use case is for head-based steering. Normally, turning the parent object (i.e. the body or vehicle) towards the direction the user is looking would carry the head along with it, thus creating a positive feedback loop. Use an external target object as a fixed point of reference for the direction the user is looking. Often, the grandparent or higher ancestor is a suitable target.

bool updateEarly [default false]

Determines whether the head tracking is applied during LateUpdate() or Update(). The default isLateUpdate() to reduce latency. However, some scripts need to use the camera's direction to affect the game play, e.g by casting rays or steering a vehicle, during the LateUpdate() phase.

This can cause an annoying jitter because Unity, during this LateUpdate() phase, will update the head object first on some frames but second on others. If this is the case for your game, try switching the head to use Update().

Ray Gaze [read only]

Returns a ray based on the heads position and forward direction, after making sure the transform is up to date. Use to raycast into the scene to determine objects that the user is looking at.


This script provides an implemention of Unity's BaseInputModule class, so that Canvas-based UI elements (uGUI) can be selected by looking at them and pulling the trigger or touching the screen. See the Guide for details concerning use.

GazeInputModule emits the following events: EnterExitDownUpClickSelectDeselect, and UpdateSelected. Scroll, drag and drop, move, and submit/cancel events are not emitted.


bool vrModeOnly [default false]

Determines whether gaze input is active in VR Mode only (true), or all of the time (false). Set to false if you plan to use direct screen taps or other input when not in VR Mode.

GameObject cursor [default null]

An optional object to be placed at a raycast intersection, acting as a 3D cursor. Important: Be sure to set any raycasters to ignore the layer that this object is in.

float clickTime [default 0.1]

The time in seconds between the pointer down and up events sent by a trigger pull. Allows time for the UI elements to make their state transitions.

Vector2 hotspot [default (0.5, 0.5)]

The pixel through which to cast rays, in viewport coordinates. Generally, the center pixel is best, assuming a monoscopic camera is selected as the Canvas' event camera.


Encapsulates a rotation and a translation. This is a convenience class that allows construction and value access either by Matrix4x4 or Quaternion+Vector3 types.

Vector3 Position

The translation component of the pose.

Quaternion Orientation

The rotation component of the pose.

Matrix4x4 Matrix

The pose as a matrix in Unity gameobject convention (left-handed).

Matrix4x4 RightHandedMatrix

The pose as a matrix in right-handed coordinates.


Implements the same barrel distortion that is performed by the native code. It is used to show the effect of distortion correction when playing the scene in the Editor, and as the fall back when the native code distortion is not available or disabled.


This script must be added to any camera that should render stereo when the app is in VR Mode. This includes picture-in-picture windows, whether their contents are in stereo or not: the window itself must be twinned for stereo, regardless.

For each frame, StereoController decides whether to render via the camera it is attached to (the mono camera) or the stereo eyes that it controls (see CardboardEye). You control this decision for all cameras at once by setting the value of Cardboard.SDK.VRModeEnabled.

For technical reasons, the mono camera remains enabled for the initial portion of the frame. It is disabled only when rendering begins in OnPreCull(), and is reenabled again at the end of the frame. This allows 3rd party scripts that useCamera.main, for example, to refer the the mono camera even when VR Mode is enabled.

At startup the script ensures it has a full stereo rig, which consists of two child cameras with CardboardEye scripts attached, and a CardboardHead script somewhere in the hierarchy of parents and children for head tracking. The rig is created if necessary, the CardboardHead being attached to the controller itself. The child camera settings are then cloned or updated from the mono camera.

It is permissible for a StereoController to contain another StereoController as a child. In this case, aCardboardEye is controlled by its closest StereoController parent.

The Inspector panel for this script includes a button Update Stereo Cameras. This performs the same action as described above for startup, but in the Editor. Use this to generate the rig if you intend to customize it. This action is also available via Component -> Cardboard -> Update Stereo Cameras in the Editor’s main menu, and in the context menu for theCamera component.


bool directRender [default true]

If you wish to use Deferred Rendering or any Image Effects in stereo, turn this option off.

float stereoMultiplier [0..1, default 1]

Adjusts the level of stereopsis for this stereo rig. Note that this parameter is not the virtual size of the head -- use a scale on the CardboardHead object for that. Instead, it is a control of the eye vergence, that is, how cross-eyed the stereo rig is. Set to 0 to turn off stereo in this rig independently of any others.

float matchMonoFOV [0..1, default 0]

The stereo cameras by default use the actual optical FOV of the Cardboard device, because otherwise the match between head motion and scene motion is broken, which impacts the virtual reality effect. However, in some cases it is desirable to adjust the FOV anyway, for special effects or artistic reasons. But in no case should the FOV be allowed to remain very different from the true optical FOV for very long, or users may experience discomfort.

This value determines how much to match the mono camera's field of view. This is a fraction: 0 means no matching, 1 means full matching, and values in between are compromises. Reasons for not matching 100% would include preserving some VR-ness, and that due to the lens distortion the edges of the view are not as easily seen as when the phone is not in VR-mode.

Another use for this variable is to preserve scene composition against differences in the optical FOV of various Cardboard models. In all cases, this value simply lets the mono camera have some control over the scene in VR mode, like it does in non-VR mode.

float matchByZoom [0..1, default 0]

Determines the method by which the stereo cameras' FOVs are matched to the mono camera's FOV (assuming matchMonoFOV is not 0). The default is to move the stereo cameras (matchByZoom = 0), with the option to instead do a simple camera zoom (matchByZoom = 1). In-between values yield a mix of the two behaviors.

It is not recommended to use simple zooming for typical scene composition, as it conflicts with the VR need to match the user's head motion with the corresponding scene motion. This should be reserved for special effects such as when the player views the scene through a telescope or other magnifier (and thus the player knows that VR is going to be affected), or similar situations.

Note that matching by moving the eyes requires that the centerOfInterest object be non-null, or there will be no effect.

Transform centerOfInterest [default null]

Matching the mono camera's field of view in stereo by moving the eyes requires a designated "center of interest". This is either a point in space (an empty gameobject) you place in the scene as a sort of "3D cursor", or an actual scene entity which the player is likely to be focussed on.

The FOV adjustment is done by moving the eyes toward or away from the COI so that it appears to have the same size on screen as it would in the mono camera. This is disabled if the COI is null.

float radiusOfInterest [default 0]

The centerOfInterest is generally meant to be just a point in space, like a 3D cursor. Occasionally, you will want it to be an actual object with a definite size. Set this property to the approximate radius of the object to help the FOV-matching code compensate for the object's horizon.

bool checkStereoComfort [default true]

If true, the controller checks that the centerOfInterest is between the min and max comfortable viewing distances (see Cardboard), or else it adjusts the stereo multiplier to compensate. If the centerOfInterest has a nonzeroradiusOfInterest, then the near side is checked. The centerOfInterest must be non-null for this setting to have any effect.

float screenParallax [0..1, default 0]

For picture-in-picture cameras that don't fill the entire screen, set the virtual depth of the window itself. A value of 0 means zero parallax, which is fairly close to the user. A value of 1 means full parallax, which is equal to the interpupillary distance and equates visually to an infinitely distant window. This does not affect the actual screen size of the the window in pixels, only the stereo separation of the left and right images.

float stereoPaddingX [0..1, default 0]
float stereoPaddingY [0..1, default 0]

For picture-in-picture cameras, move the window away from the edges in VR Mode to make it easier to see. The optics of HMDs make the screen edges hard to see, so you can use this to keep the PIP visible whether in VR Mode or not. The Xvalue is the fraction of the screen along either side to pad, and the Y value is for the top and bottom of the screen.

CardboardHead Head [read only]

Returns the nearest CardboardHead that affects the stereo cameras of this controller.

CardboardEye[] Eyes [read only]

Returns an array of stereo cameras that are controlled by this instance of the script. Note that this array is cached for speedier access. Call InvalidateEyes() if it is ever necessary to reset the cache.

RenderTexture StereoScreen [read only]

Returns the target texture that the eyes will render into. This is the mono camera’s target texture, if it has one, or elseCardboard.SDK.StereoScreen.


void InvalidateEyes()

Clears the cached Eyes array. Call this function only if you change which active game objects have CardboardEyecomponents controlled by this StereoController.

Editor Scripts

The following scripts customize the Inspector panels for some Cardboard components.


A custom editor for properties on the Cardboard script. This appears in the Inspector window of a Cardboard object. Its purpose is to allow changing the Cardboard.SDK object's properties from their default values. In particular, theInCardboard property's value can be set while playing in the Editor in order to fake the phone being inserted into or removed from a Cardboard.


A custom editor for the StereoController script. It exists to add the Update Stereo Cameras button to theStereoController's Inspector window, and to the corresponding main menu entry and Camera context menu command. The usage of the these actions is described in the StereoController.cs section above.


This section describes the prefabs that are provided by the package.


This prefab is intended to be a drop-in replacement for a normal Unity camera, such as Main Camera, primarily when the camera is simple, i.e. not already festooned with scripts. A brand new Unity project is a good time to use it. To apply it in the Editor, delete the camera in question and replace it with an instance of this prefab.

The prefab contains a top-level object called CardboardMain, which has a Cardboard script attached to it for controlling VR Mode settings. Under this is the Head object, which has a CardboardHead attached for tracking the user's head motion. That in turn has a Main Camera child object, with the StereoController script attached. This camera is tagged as a MainCamera so that the Unity property Camera.main will find it. Finally there are the Left and Right stereo eye cameras at the bottom of the hierarchy.


This prefab is a replacement for other cameras in the scene that also need head-tracking. It has a top-level object calledHead with a CardboardHead script. Under that is the Camera child which has the StereoController script, and then the Left and Right stereo eye cameras. Unlike CardboardMain, the camera in this prefab is not tagged MainCamera.


This prefab is for when you wish to keep your existing Camera object, usually because it is heavily wired with game logic and already moves exactly as needed for non-VR game play. Place this prefab as a child of the camera, and then executeUpdate Stereo Cameras (or manually attach StereoController to the camera) to complete the rig.

Unlike the other prefabs, this setup places the head-tracked node below the Main Camera. Therefore, only the stereo cameras are affected by the user's head motion.

General Prefab Notes

Each prefab is provided as a starting point for customization. It is a framework on which to attach additional scripts for your own needs. Elements under a Head node will maintain a fixed position on screen, thus acting like a Heads-up Display (HUD). Elements that are siblings of Head will maintain a fixed position and orientation relative to the overall point of view, thus acting more like a cockpit instrument panel.

Legacy Reference


This section describes scripts provided for legacy purposes.


Captures Unity's OnGUI pass in a texture which can then be rendered onto a mesh, such as a quad, in the scene (seeCardboardGUIWindow below).

Position the GUI mesh in 3D space using the gameobject's transform. Note: do not place the object as a child of the CardboardHead, or the user will not be able to look at different parts of the UI because it will move with them. It is better to place it as a sibling of the Head object.

delegate void OnGUICallback()

The .NET type of an OnGUI() method.

event OnGUICallback onGUICallback [static]

The list of OnGUI() calls that will be captured in the texture. Add your script's OnGUI method to enable the script's GUI in the CardboardGUI window. See the Code Changes section just below for details.

bool IsGUIVisible [static, default false]

This is your global visibility control for whether CardboardGUI shows anything in the scene. Set it to true to allow the GUI to draw, and false to hide it. The purpose is so you can move GUI elements away from the edges of the screen (which are hard to see in VR Mode), and instead pop up the GUI when it is needed, and dismiss it when not.

bool Triggered [static, read only]

A wrapper around Cardboard.SDK.Triggered that hides the trigger event when the GUI is visible (i.e. when you setIsGUIVisible to true). By using this flag in your scripts rather than the Cardboard.SDK's triggered flag, you allow the GUI to take the trigger events when it is visible. This is when the trigger is needed for clicking buttons. When the GUI is hidden, the trigger events pass through.

Color Background [default transparent]

The GUI texture is cleared to this color before any OnGUI methods are called during the capture phase.

bool OKToDraw(MonoBehavior mb) [static]

Provided to prevent Unity from double-calling your OnGUI function (once by itself, and once through CardboardGUI'sonGUICallback event). Add a check at the top of OnGUI() and exit early if it is false. See the Code Changes section just below for details.

Code Changes to Scripts using OnGUI()

Some minor changes must be made to any script that uses OnGUI() in order to work with CardboardGUI. These are non-invasive and do not alter the behavior of the script when the app is not in VR Mode. The changes are as follows:

void Start() {
CardboardGUI.onGUICallback += this.OnGUI;
// ...

void OnDestroy() {
CardboardGUI.onGUICallback -= this.OnGUI;
// ...

void OnGUI() {
if (!CardboardGUI.OKToDraw(this)) return;
// ...


Attach this script to the same object as CardboardGUI itself. It can draw a cursor image into the GUI texture to show the location of the mouse pointer. It supports moving the mouse with the user's gaze, and clicking on the UI with the trigger, but other mouse-controlling devices, such as gamepads, will work as well.

CardboardHead Head [default null]

The CardboardHead instance that will provide the user's head tracking for gaze-based mouse control. Leave it null if you are using another pointing device.

Texture PointerImage [default null]

The image of the pointer to draw on the GUI texture to represent the current "mouse" position.

Vector2 PointerSize [default (0,0)]

The size of the pointer image in screen coordinates, that is, the same coordinates used in your OnGUI functions to place UI elements on the screen when the app is not in VR Mode. It is independent of the actual resolution of the image.

Texture PointerSpot [default (0,0)]

The location of the pointer's hot spot relative to the top left corner of the pointer image. Again, this is in screen coordinates, and does not depend on the actual resolution of the pointer image.


Draws all or part of the GUI texture captured by CardboardGUI. It must be attached on a child gameobject of theCardboardGUI, accompanied by a MeshFilter, a MeshRenderer, and Collider components. The mesh will be used to draw the texture, and the collider used to check for intersections with the user's gaze for mouse positioning. The material used for rendering the texture is created and maintained internally by this script.

Each instance can pick out a different region of the GUI texture to show (see Rect below). Use the object's transform to position and orient this region in space relative to the parent CardboardGUI object. The mesh is automatically scaled to account for the aspect ratio of the overall GUI.

By using multiple CardboardGUIWindow children of the CardboardGUI object, you can build a VR Mode GUI layout that is arranged in space around the user. This layout is independent of the normal OnGUI layout when the app is not in VR Mode. The enabled flag on individual CardboardGUIWindows can be used to turn on or off the separate regions of the GUI.

Rect Rect [default (0,0,1,1)]

Determines the portion of the CardboardGUI texture to draw on the attached mesh. The units are exactly the same as a Camera component's Viewport Rect(0,0) is the bottom left corner and (1,1) the top right. Use it to pick out the region of the GUI to draw on this mesh.


Unity 4's built-in skybox backgrounds do not work correctly for stereo rendering. Since the same exact image is rendered to each eye, the background has zero parallax. Given the optics of Cardboard, this yields an effective stereo depth that is likely right in the middle, or worse, front of the scene. The results in a visually painful parallax clash with other objects in the scene.

This script should be attached to the Camera which represents the primary viewpoint of the player (such as Main Camera). At runtime it builds a mesh that will be textured with the camera's skybox material. The mesh is scaled up to just fit inside the far clipping plane, and kept centered on the camera's position.

enum Shape { Sphere, Cube }

The overall shape of the generated sky mesh.

Shape shape [default Sphere]

The overall shape of the generated sky mesh. The mesh has 6 sides regardless of shape, one for each texture in the skybox material. The shape simply determines whether those sides are convex or flat.

int segments [default 32]

Controls the mesh resolution: Each side of the mesh is an NxN grid of triangles, where N = segments.

int layer [default 0]

The skybox mesh will be set to this layer. If you wish for only certain cameras to see the skybox mesh, choose a layer for it and make sure that only those cameras render that layer.


Unity 4's built-in lens flares do not work correctly for stereo rendering when in Directional mode, for similar reasons as the skybox mentioned previously. This script can be attached to a Lens Flare to make it stereo-aware directional.

To use it, add the script to a Lens Flare and clear the flare's Directional flag so that the flare is actually positional. This script keeps the flare at a distance well away from the mono camera along the flare's own forward vector, thus recreating the directional behavior, but with proper stereo parallax. The flare is repositioned relative to each camera that renders it.

float range [0..1, default 0.75]

Sets the distance to the flare as a fraction of the camera's far clipping distance.


This section describes the prefabs that are provided by the package for legacy purposes.


This prefab captures the OnGUI pass of a frame into a texture. It draws the texture on a quad in the scene, along with cursor image for the mouse pointer, if you specify one. It can move the mouse by tracking the user's gaze and it can read the trigger to "click" UI elements.

To use it, add an instance of the prefab to the scene. It should not be placed under a CardboardHead if you want the user's gaze to control the mouse, but can be if you use an alternative input device. The prefab contains one child called GUIScreen, which by default draws the entire screen's OnGUI layer on a single quad.

It is possible to add more such children to the CardboardGUI object. Just duplicate the GUIScreen child in the Editor as needed, adjust each child's Rect to pick out a different region of the OnGUI layer, and set its Transform to place that region in the scene. In this way you can completely rearrange the GUI layout when in VR Mode without changing anyOnGUI() functions' code or behavior.

CardboardGUI and its Window children have visibility controls that you can use to convert a non-transient (i.e. always on) UI to a transient (popup) UI when in VR Mode. Non-transient UI is usually placed along the edges of the screen, which in HMD stereo systems are extremely hard to see. For VR Mode, you will likely need to rearrange the UI to appear front-and-center, perhaps depending on which way the user looks. This obscures the scene itself, unless the UI can be hidden when not needed.
