Mysql 5.0 hibernate 五百万数据查询

(support.XmlWebApplicationContext    412 ) Refreshing display name [Root WebApplicationContext]; startup date [Tue Mar 27 01:33:55 CST 2007]; root of context hierarchy
(xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader         323 ) Loading XML bean definitions from file [G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\test\util\applicationContext-dao.xml]
(xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader         323 ) Loading XML bean definitions from file [G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\test\util\applicationContext-hibernate.xml]
(xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader         323 ) Loading XML bean definitions from file [G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\test\util\applicationContext-index.xml]
(xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader         323 ) Loading XML bean definitions from file [G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\test\util\applicationContext-indexService.xml]
(xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader         323 ) Loading XML bean definitions from file [G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\test\util\applicationContext-resources.xml]
(xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader         323 ) Loading XML bean definitions from file [G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\test\util\applicationContext-service.xml]
(xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader         323 ) Loading XML bean definitions from file [G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\test\util\applicationContext-userDao.xml]
(xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader         323 ) Loading XML bean definitions from file [G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\test\util\applicationContext-userService.xml]
(xml.XmlBeanDefinitionReader         323 ) Loading XML bean definitions from URL [file:/G:/haiwooo/workspace/sky/WebRoot/WEB-INF/classes/test/util/action-servlet.xml]
(support.XmlWebApplicationContext    427 ) Bean factory for application context []:
(config.PropertyPlaceholderConfigurer 178 ) Loading properties file from class path resource []
(support.DefaultListableBeanFactory  414 ) Pre-instantiating singletons in defining beans [dao,orderTaskDao,orderDao,userCountDao,sessionFactory,transactionManager,indexDao,bookDao,companyDao,indexManager,companyManager,propertyConfigurer,dataSource,baseManager,userDao,org.springframework.aop.config.internalAutoProxyCreator,userManagerTx,userManagerSecurity,managerTx,orderManagerTx,txAdvice,userManagerTxAdvice,userSecurityAdvice,manager,userManager,userCache,orderManager,userCountManager,orderOpration,orderManagerTxAdvice,loginAction,registAction,fileDownLoadAction,commandIndexAction,adminIndexAction,indexAction,companyAction,mergeAction,orderAction,eventAction,eventCrimeAction]; root of factory hierarchy
(cfg.Environment                     514 ) Hibernate 3.2.6
(cfg.Environment                     547 ) not found
(cfg.Environment                     681 ) Bytecode provider name : cglib
(cfg.Environment                     598 ) using JDK 1.4 java.sql.Timestamp handling
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\common\CarForumDetail.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> test
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\common\ForumRole.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> Forum_Role
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\Company.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> company
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\Count.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> count
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\CrimeEvent.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> crime_event
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\GoodsStorage.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> goods_storage
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\hainan\HaiKouCarForum.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> Hai_Kou_Car_Forum
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\hainan\HaiKouCarForumDetail.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> Hai_Kou_Car_Forum_Detail
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\hainan\HaiKouCarForumReply.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> Hai_Kou_Car_Forum_Reply
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\hainan\TestTable.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> test_table
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\index\Book.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> book
(cfg.HbmBinder                       873 ) Mapping joined-subclass: -> news_book
(cfg.HbmBinder                       873 ) Mapping joined-subclass: -> command_book
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\index\BookAddress.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> book_address
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\index\BookCatalog.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> book_catalog
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\Industry.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> industry
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\MergerCompany.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> merger_company
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\Order.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> orders
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\Role.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> role
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\SystemInfo.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> system_info
(cfg.Configuration                   305 ) Reading mappings from file: G:\haiwooo\workspace\sky\WebRoot\WEB-INF\classes\com\sky\xml\hibernate\com\sky\model\pojo\User.hbm.xml
(cfg.HbmBinder                       300 ) Mapping class: -> user
(cfg.HbmBinder                       1419) Mapping collection: -> user_role
(cfg.HbmBinder                       2382) Mapping collection: -> Hai_Kou_Car_Forum_Reply
(cfg.HbmBinder                       2382) Mapping collection: -> book_catalog
(cfg.HbmBinder                       2382) Mapping collection: -> book_address
(cfg.HbmBinder                       2382) Mapping collection: -> crime_event
(hibernate3.LocalSessionFactoryBean  730 ) Building new Hibernate SessionFactory
(connection.ConnectionProviderFactory 72  ) Initializing connection provider: org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.LocalDataSourceConnectionProvider
AbandonedObjectPool is used (org.apache.commons.dbcp.AbandonedObjectPool@63b2e6)
   LogAbandoned: false
   RemoveAbandoned: true
   RemoveAbandonedTimeout: 60
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 89  ) RDBMS: MySQL, version: 5.0.27-community-nt
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 90  ) JDBC driver: MySQL-AB JDBC Driver, version: mysql-connector-java-5.0.3 ( $Date: 2006-07-26 17:26:47 +0200 (Wed, 26 Jul 2006) $, $Revision: 5553 $ )
(dialect.Dialect                     152 ) Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.MySQLInnoDBDialect
(transaction.TransactionFactoryFactory 34  ) Transaction strategy: org.springframework.orm.hibernate3.SpringTransactionFactory
(transaction.TransactionManagerLookupFactory 33  ) No TransactionManagerLookup configured (in JTA environment, use of read-write or transactional second-level cache is not recommended)
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 143 ) Automatic flush during beforeCompletion(): disabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 147 ) Automatic session close at end of transaction: disabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 154 ) JDBC batch size: 2000
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 157 ) JDBC batch updates for versioned data: disabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 162 ) Scrollable result sets: enabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 170 ) JDBC3 getGeneratedKeys(): enabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 178 ) Connection release mode: auto
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 202 ) Maximum outer join fetch depth: 2
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 205 ) Default batch fetch size: 1
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 209 ) Generate SQL with comments: disabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 213 ) Order SQL updates by primary key: disabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 217 ) Order SQL inserts for batching: disabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 386 ) Query translator: org.hibernate.hql.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
(ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory       24  ) Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 225 ) Query language substitutions: {}
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 230 ) JPA-QL strict compliance: disabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 235 ) Second-level cache: enabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 239 ) Query cache: disabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 373 ) Cache provider: org.hibernate.cache.NoCacheProvider
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 254 ) Optimize cache for minimal puts: disabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 263 ) Structured second-level cache entries: disabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 283 ) Echoing all SQL to stdout
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 290 ) Statistics: disabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 294 ) Deleted entity synthetic identifier rollback: disabled
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 309 ) Default entity-mode: pojo
(cfg.SettingsFactory                 313 ) Named query checking : enabled
(impl.SessionFactoryImpl             161 ) building session factory
(impl.SessionFactoryObjectFactory    82  ) Not binding factory to JNDI, no JNDI name configured
(hibernate3.HibernateTransactionManager 390 ) Using DataSource [org.apache.commons.dbcp.BasicDataSource@1cec874] of Hibernate SessionFactory for HibernateTransactionManager
(ehcache.EhCacheManagerFactoryBean   100 ) Initializing EHCache CacheManager
(config.ConfigurationFactory         127 ) No configuration found. Configuring ehcache from ehcache-failsafe.xml  found in the classpath: jar:file:/G:/haiwooo/workspace/sky/lib/ehcache-1.3.0.jar!/ehcache-failsafe.xml
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?
0 select to 1000=4829
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
1 select to 1000=3890
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
4 select to 1000=3875
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
9 select to 1000=3985
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
16 select to 1000=3953
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
25 select to 1000=3953
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
36 select to 1000=3984
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
49 select to 1000=3938
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
64 select to 1000=3922
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
81 select to 1000=3968
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
100 select to 1000=3922
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
121 select to 1000=3906
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
144 select to 1000=3922
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
169 select to 1000=3922
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
196 select to 1000=3938
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
225 select to 1000=3937
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
256 select to 1000=4016
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
289 select to 1000=4015
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
324 select to 1000=3907
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
361 select to 1000=3937
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
400 select to 1000=3891
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
441 select to 1000=3906
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
484 select to 1000=3875
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
529 select to 1000=3875
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
576 select to 1000=3906
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
625 select to 1000=3907
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
676 select to 1000=3875
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
729 select to 1000=3875
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
784 select to 1000=3890
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
841 select to 1000=3875
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
900 select to 1000=3922
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
961 select to 1000=3984
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
1024 select to 1000=3891
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
1089 select to 1000=3953
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
1156 select to 1000=3953
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
1225 select to 1000=3922
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
1296 select to 1000=3906
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
1369 select to 1000=3844
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
1444 select to 1000=3953
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
1521 select to 1000=3844
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
1600 select to 1000=3844
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
1681 select to 1000=3969
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
1764 select to 1000=4000
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
1849 select to 1000=3968
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
1936 select to 1000=3860
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
2025 select to 1000=3875
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
2116 select to 1000=3890
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
2209 select to 1000=3875
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
2304 select to 1000=3875
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times limit ?, ?
2401 select to 1000=3875
Hibernate: insert into test_table (date_Times, descriptions, names) values (?, ?, ?)
insert one=203




  普通查询 第一次 1300多毫秒

   其他平均 450毫秒


        第一次 4829毫秒

   其他平均 4000毫秒




Hibernate: insert into test_table (date_Times, descriptions, names) values (?, ?, ?)
Hibernate: select testtable0_.autoId as autoId9_, testtable0_.date_Times as date2_9_, testtable0_.descriptions as descript3_9_, testtable0_.names as names9_ from test_table testtable0_ where testtable0_.names like ? order by testtable0_.date_Times desc limit ?, ?
1 select to 1000=188
加了ehcahe二级缓存,第二查询用了 188毫秒


如果用户查询要花个4-5秒的时间等待那是一个很长的时间 或许蹲厕所的人不知道等厕所的人着急吧



