Direct access to objective-c's isa is deprecated in favor of object_setClass() and object_getClass()
object->isa 替换为 object_getClass(object)format specifies type 'unsigned long' but the argument has type 'nsuinteger' (aka 'unsigned int')
2:md5加密(iOS SDK中自带了CommonCrypto)
Implicit declaration of function 'CC_MD5' is invalid in C99
#import <CommonCrypto/CommonDigest.h>
format specifies type 'short' but the argument has type 'int'
在+ (NSError *)deflateErrorWithCode:(int)code 和 +(NSError *)inflateErrorWithCode:(int)code中
[NSString stringWithFormat:@"Compression of data failed with code %hi",code] 中
将code改为 (short)code,类型转换
Using 'stringWithString:' with a literal is redundant
statusString = [NSString stringWithString: @"Not Reachable"];
改为:statusString = @"Not Reachable";
5.format specifies type 'id' but the argument has type 'const char *'
NSCAssert(NO, @"Unhandled error encountered during SAX parse. msg is %@", msg);
改为:NSCAssert(NO, @"Unhandled error encountered during SAX parse. msg is %@", [NSString stringWithUTF8String:msg]);