PMBOK (英 2004 3rd P110) 项目范围管理中的范围定义过程中有一种输入叫做产品分析(Product Analysis),其中提到了的分析工具有价值分析和价值工程,据课堂上老师介绍国内基本把这两种方法当作一种方法,没有区别。google了一下,好像这两个概念的区分确实比较模糊: 将 Value Engineering 定义为
A thinking system (also called value management or
value analysis) used to develop decision criteria when it is important to secure as much as possible of what is wanted from each unit of the resource used. The resource may be money, time, material, labor, space, energy, and so on. 中将二者做了别分(一种方法不同"方向"上的使用?)
Use Value Analysis to analyze and understand the detail of specific situations.
Use it to find a focus on key areas for innovation.
Use it in reverse (called Value Engineering) to identify specific solutions to detail problems.
![[概念] 价值分析(Value Analysis)/价值工程 (Value Engineering)_第1张图片](