使用 Python Mock 类进行单元测试

Data type, model, or node -- these are just some of the roles a mock object might assume. But how does a mock fit inside a unit test setup?

Sometimes, you need "other" code resources for your test setup. But those resources may be unavailable, unstable, or just too unwieldy to use. You could try and find a replacement for the missing resource; or you could simulate it by creating what is known as a mock. Mocks let us simulate resources that are either unavailable or too unwieldy for unit testing.

Creating a mock in Python is done through the Mock module. You can build a mock one-attribute-at-a-time or wholesale with a dictionary object or a class interface. You can also define how a mock behaves and check its usage during a test. Let's explore.

Sample code presented here is written in Python 2.4, unless noted otherwise.






The Test Setup

The typical test setup has at least two parts. First, there is the test subject (red), the focus of the test. It can be a method, module, or class. It may or may not return a result, but it can raise an error or exception depending on input data or internal state  (Figure 1).

Figure 1.

Second is the test case (grey), which runs alone or as part of a suite. It prepares the test subject, as well as any data or resources needed by the subject. It runs one or more test routines and checks how the test subject behaves in each test. And it collects the test results and presents them in a concise, readable format.

Now, some test subjects need one or more resources (green) in order to function. These resources may be another class or module, or even an independent process. Whatever their nature, test resources are functional code. Their role is to support the test subject, but they are not the focus of the test.








Reasons to Mock

But there are times when a test resource is either unavailable or unsuitable. Perhaps the resource is being developed in parallel with the test subject. It may then be incomplete or too unstable to be reliable.

The resource may be too costly. If the resource is a third-party product, its high price tag can disqualify its use for testing. Setting up the resource might be complex, taking up hardware and time that could be used elsewhere. If the resource is a data source, setting up its data set, one that mimics real-world content, can get tedious.

The resource may simply be unpredictable. A good unit test has to be repeatable, allowing you to isolate and identify a fault. But the test resource might give out stochastic results, or it might have widely varying response times. And as a result, you end up glossing over a potential showstopper.






These are some of the reasons why you might want to use a mock in place of a test resource. A mock can present the same set of method interfaces as the resource to the test subject. But a mock is easier to setup, easier to manage. It can present the test subject the same method interfaces as the actual test resource. It can deliver deterministic results, and it can be customize to suit a particular test. And it can be easily updated to reflect changes in the actual resource.

Of course, mocks are not without issues. Designing an accurate mock is difficult, especially if you have no reliable information on the test resource. You can try and find an open-source match, or you can make a guesstimate on the resource's method interface. Whichever you choose, you can update the mock easily later on, should you get more detailed information on the preferred resource.

Too many mocks can complicate a test, making it harder for you to track down a failure. Best practice is to limit a test case to one or two mocks, or use separate test cases for each mock/subject pairing.





Mocks versus Stubs versus Fakes

A mock is not the only way to mimic a test resource. Solutions like a stub or a fake are just as capable of the same service. So, how does a mock compare against these two? Why choose a mock over a stub or a fake?

Consider the stub: A stub presents a set of method interfaces to the test subject, the same set the subject would see in an actual test resource. When the test subject calls a stub method, the stub may respond with a predetermined set of results. It may raise an error or exception, also predetermined. A stub may track its interactions with the test subject, but it performs no tasks outside the narrow scope of its programming.

A fake also presents a set of method interfaces and tracks its interactions with the test subject. But unlike a stub, a fake actually processes input data from the test subject and produces results based on that data. In short, a fake is a functional, but non-production version of the actual test resource. It lacks the checks and balances found in resource, it uses simpler algorithms, and it seldom, if ever, stores or transports data.

With fakes and stubs, you can test if the test subject called the right method with the right input. You can test how the subject handles the result and how it reacts to an error or exception. These tests are known as state verification. But what if you want to know if the test subject called the same method twice? What if you want to know if it called several methods in the proper order? Such tests are known as behavior verification, and to do them, you need mocks.







To Mock with Python

The Mock module is what you use to create and manage a mock object on Python. This module is the brainchild of Michael Foord, and it is a standard module on Python 3.0. For Python 2.4 to 2.7, however, you have to install the module yourself. You can get the latest version of the Mock module (1.0.1) from the Python Package Index website.

The Mock module provides a handful classes on which to base your mock object. There is even a patch mechanism for altering the mock on the fly. But for now, our focus is on one class: the Mock class.

Figure 2 shows the basic structure of the Mock class (green). It derives from two parent classes: NonCallableMock and CallableMixin (grey).NonCallableMock defines the routines needed by the mock object. It overrides several magic methods, giving them default behaviors. And it supplies the assert routines for tracking the mock's behavior. As forCallableMixin, it updates those magic methods that make a mock object callable. In turn, both parents derive from the Base class (red), which declares the properties needed by the mock object.

使用 Python Mock 类进行单元测试_第1张图片
Figure 2.


使用Python Mock

在Python中Mock模块是用来创建和管理mock对象的。该模块是Michael Foord的心血结晶,它是Python3.0的标准模块。因此在Python2.4~2.7中,你不得不自己安装这个模块。你可以 Python Package Index website从获得Mock模块最新的版本。



使用 Python Mock 类进行单元测试_第2张图片


Preparing to Mock

The Mock class has four sets of methods (Figure 3). In the first set is the class constructor, which takes up to six optional and labeled arguments. The diagram shows the four arguments you will use most often.

使用 Python Mock 类进行单元测试_第3张图片
Figure 3.

The first constructor argument is the name argument, which gives a mock object  a unique name. Listing One shows how I create a mock object (mockFoo) with the name Foo. Notice the name appears next to the mock's unique ID when I print the mock object (lines 6-9).

Listing One

from mock import Mock

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(name = "Foo")

print mockFoo
# returns: <Mock name='Foo' id='494864'>
print repr(mockFoo)
# still returns: <Mock name='Foo' id='494864'>

The next constructor argument is the spec argument. It sets the mock object's attributes — which may be a property or a method. The attributes can be a list of strings or  can come from another Python class.

To demonstrate, in Listing Two, I have a list object (fooSpec) with three items (line 4): the property attribute _fooValue, and the method attributes callFooand doFoo. When I pass fooSpec to the class constructor (line 7), mockFoogains three attributes, which I can access with the dot operator (lines 10-15). But if I access an undeclared attribute, mockFoo raises an AttributeErrorand names the "faulty" attribute (lines 21-24).

Listing Two

from mock import Mock

# prepare the spec list
fooSpec = ["_fooValue", "callFoo", "doFoo"]

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = fooSpec)

# accessing the mocked attributes
print mockFoo
# <Mock id='427280'>
print mockFoo._fooValue
# returns <Mock name='mock._fooValue' id='2788112'>
print mockFoo.callFoo()
# returns: <Mock name='mock.callFoo()' id='2815376'>

# nothing happens, which is fine

# accessing the missing attributes
print mockFoo._fooBar
# raises: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute '_fooBar'
# raises: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute 'callFoobar'



使用 Python Mock 类进行单元测试_第4张图片


构造器的第一个参数是name,它定义了mock对象的唯一标示符。Listing one显示了怎么创建一个标示符为Foo的mock对象mockFoo。请注意当我打印mock对象(6-9行)时,标示符后紧跟的是mock对象的唯一ID。

Listing One

from mock import Mock

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(name = "Foo")

print mockFoo
# returns: <Mock name='Foo' id='494864'>
print repr(mockFoo)
# still returns: <Mock name='Foo' id='494864'>


为了演示,在Listing Two中,我有一个带三个项目的列表对象fooSpec(第4行):property属性_fooValue,方法属性callFoo和doFoo。当我把fooSpec带入类构造器时(第7行),mockFoo获得了三个属性,我能用点操作符访问它们(10~15行)。当我访问了一个未声明的属性时,mockFoo引发AttributeError和"faulty"属性(21~14行)。

Listing Two

from mock import Mock

# prepare the spec list
fooSpec = ["_fooValue", "callFoo", "doFoo"]

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = fooSpec)

# accessing the mocked attributes
print mockFoo
# <Mock id='427280'>
print mockFoo._fooValue
# returns <Mock name='mock._fooValue' id='2788112'>
print mockFoo.callFoo()
# returns: <Mock name='mock.callFoo()' id='2815376'>

# nothing happens, which is fine

# accessing the missing attributes
print mockFoo._fooBar
# raises: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute '_fooBar'
# raises: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute 'callFoobar'

Listing Three shows another use of the spec argument. This time, I have classFoo with the same three attributes (lines 4-12). I pass the class name to the constructor (line 15), which then produces a mock object with the same attributes as Foo (lines 18-23). Again, accessing an undeclared attribute raises an AttributeError (lines 29-32). Also, in both examples, the method attributes are non-functional. Calling a mocked method does nothing, even if said method has functional code (lines 25-26).

Listing Three

from mock import Mock

# The class interfaces
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue    

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)

# accessing the mocked attributes
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>
print mockFoo._fooValue
# returns <Mock name='mock._fooValue' id='2788112'>
print mockFoo.callFoo()
# returns: <Mock name='mock.callFoo()' id='2815376'>

# nothing happens, which is fine

# accessing the missing attributes
print mockFoo._fooBar
# raises: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute '_fooBar'
# raises: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute 'callFoobar'

The next constructor argument is return_value. This one sets a mock object's response when it gets a direct call. I use this argument for simulating a factory call.

To demonstrate, in Listing Four, I have return_value set to 456 (line 4). When I call mockFoo, I get 456 for a result (line 9-11). In Listing Five, I pass an instance of class Foo (fooObj) for return_value (lines 15-19). Now, when I call mockFoo, I get fooObj instead (shown here as mockObj) (line 24). And unlike in Listings Two and Three, the methods in mockObj are functional.

Listing Four

from mock import Mock

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(return_value = 456)

print mockFoo
# <Mock id='2787568'>

mockObj = mockFoo()
print mockObj
# returns: 456

Listing Five

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# creating the mock object
fooObj = Foo()
print fooObj
# returns: <__main__.Foo object at 0x68550>

mockFoo = Mock(return_value = fooObj)
print mockFoo
# returns: <Mock id='2788144'>

# creating an "instance"
mockObj = mockFoo()
print mockObj
# returns: <__main__.Foo object at 0x68550>

# working with the mocked instance
print mockObj._fooValue
# returns: 123
# returns: Foo:callFoo_
# returns: Foo:doFoo:input =  narf
<Mock id='428560'>

Counter to return_value is the side_effect argument. This one assigns the mock with an alternative result, one that overrides return_value. In short, a simulated factory call returns the side_effect value, not the return_value.

Listing Six demonstrates the effects of the side_effect argument. First, I create an instance of class Foo (fooObj) and pass it as a return_valueargument (line 17). The result is similar to Listing Five; mockFoo returnsfooObj when called (line 22). But then I repeat the same steps, passingStandardError for the side_effect argument (line 28). Now, calling mockFooraises StandardError, instead of returning fooObj (lines 29-30).


Listing Three显示了spec参数的另一种用法。这次,有带三个属性的类Foo(4~12行)。把类名传入构造器中,这样就产生了一个和Foo有相同属性的mock对象(18~23行)。再次,访问一个未声明的属性引发了AttributeError(29~32行)。也就是说,在两个例子中,方法属性时没有功能的。甚至在方法有功能代码时,调用mock的方法也什么都不做。

Listing Three

from mock import Mock

# The class interfaces
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue    

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)

# accessing the mocked attributes
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>
print mockFoo._fooValue
# returns <Mock name='mock._fooValue' id='2788112'>
print mockFoo.callFoo()
# returns: <Mock name='mock.callFoo()' id='2815376'>

# nothing happens, which is fine

# accessing the missing attributes
print mockFoo._fooBar
# raises: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute '_fooBar'
# raises: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute 'callFoobar'


为了演示,在Listing Four中,设置return_value为456(第4行)。当调用mockFoo时,将返回456的结果(9~11行)。在Listing Five中,我给return_value传入了一个类Foo的实例fooObj(15~19行)。现在,当我调用mockFoo时,我获得了fooObj的实例(显示为mockObj)(第24行)。和Listing Two和Three不一样,mockObj的方法是带有功能的。

Listing Four

from mock import Mock

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(return_value = 456)

print mockFoo
# <Mock id='2787568'>

mockObj = mockFoo()
print mockObj
# returns: 456

Listing Five

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# creating the mock object
fooObj = Foo()
print fooObj
# returns: <__main__.Foo object at 0x68550>

mockFoo = Mock(return_value = fooObj)
print mockFoo
# returns: <Mock id='2788144'>

# creating an "instance"
mockObj = mockFoo()
print mockObj
# returns: <__main__.Foo object at 0x68550>

# working with the mocked instance
print mockObj._fooValue
# returns: 123
# returns: Foo:callFoo_
# returns: Foo:doFoo:input =  narf
<Mock id='428560'>


Listing Six演示了side_effect参数的影响。首先,创建类Foo的实例fooObj,把它传入return_value参数(第17行)。这个结果和Listing Five是类似的。当它被调用的时候,mockFoo返回fooObj(第22行)。然后我重复同样的步骤,给side_effect参数传入StandardError(第28行),现在,调用mockFoo引发了StandardError,不再返回fooObj(29~30行)。

Listing Six

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# creating the mock object (without a side effect)
fooObj = Foo()

mockFoo = Mock(return_value = fooObj)
print mockFoo
# returns: <Mock id='2788144'>

# creating an "instance"
mockObj = mockFoo()
print mockObj
# returns: <__main__.Foo object at 0x2a88f0>

# creating a mock object (with a side effect)

mockFoo = Mock(return_value = fooObj, side_effect = StandardError)
mockObj = mockFoo()
# raises: StandardError

Listing Seven shows another effect. In this one, I pass a list object (fooList) to the class constructor (lines 17-18). Then, each time I call mockFoo, it returns a list item in succession (lines 20-30). Once mockFoo reaches the end of the list, another call will raise a StopIteration error (lines 32-34).

Listing Seven

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# creating the mock object (with a side effect)
fooObj = FooSpec()

fooList = [665, 666, 667]
mockFoo = Mock(return_value = fooObj, side_effect = fooList)

fooTest = mockFoo()
print fooTest
# returns 665

fooTest = mockFoo()
print fooTest
# returns 666

fooTest = mockFoo()
print fooTest
# returns 667

fooTest = mockFoo()
print fooTest
# raises: StopIteration

You could pass other iterable objects (set, tuple) to the side_effectargument. What you cannot pass is a primitive (integer, string, and so on) because these are not iterable. To make a primitive iterable, add it to a single-item list.


Listing Six

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# creating the mock object (without a side effect)
fooObj = Foo()

mockFoo = Mock(return_value = fooObj)
print mockFoo
# returns: <Mock id='2788144'>

# creating an "instance"
mockObj = mockFoo()
print mockObj
# returns: <__main__.Foo object at 0x2a88f0>

# creating a mock object (with a side effect)

mockFoo = Mock(return_value = fooObj, side_effect = StandardError)
mockObj = mockFoo()
# raises: StandardError

Listing Seven显示了另一个影响。在这个例子中,传入一个列表对象fooList到类构造器中(17~18行)。然后,每次我调用mockFoo时,它连续的返回列表中的项(20~30行)。一旦mockFoo到达了列表的末尾,调用将引发StopIteration 错误(32~34行)

Listing Seven

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# creating the mock object (with a side effect)
fooObj = FooSpec()

fooList = [665, 666, 667]
mockFoo = Mock(return_value = fooObj, side_effect = fooList)

fooTest = mockFoo()
print fooTest
# returns 665

fooTest = mockFoo()
print fooTest
# returns 666

fooTest = mockFoo()
print fooTest
# returns 667

fooTest = mockFoo()
print fooTest
# raises: StopIteration


Asserting with a Mock

The next set of methods from the Mock class are the asserts. These help track the method calls made to the mock by the test subject. They can work in conjunction with the asserts from the unittest module. They can be attached to the mock or to one of its method attributes. All but one take the same two optional arguments: a variable sequence, and a key/value sequence.

The first assert, assert_called_with(), checks if a mocked method gets the right arguments. It fires when at least one argument has the wrong value or type, when there is a wrong number of arguments, when the arguments are in the wrong order, or when the mocked method is not expecting any arguments at all. Listing Eight shows how you might use this assert. Here, I prepared a mock object with class Foo as its spec. I call the mocked methoddoFoo(), passing a string for input. With assert_called_with(), I check if the method gets the right input. The assert in line 20 passes becausedoFoo() got "narf" for input. But the assert in line 24 fails because doFoo()got "zort", which is wrong.

Listing Eight

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
    def doFoo(self, argValue):

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

# assertion passes

# AssertionError: Expected call: doFoo('narf')
# Actual call: doFoo('zort')


Mock类的下一套方法是断言。它将帮助跟踪测试对象对mock方法的调用。他们能和unittest模块的断言一起工作。能连接到mock或者其方法属性之一。 有两个相同的可选参数:一个变量序列,一个键/值序列。

第一个断言assert_called_with(),检查mock方法是否获得了正确的参数。当至少一个参数有错误的值或者类型时,当参数的数量错误时,当参数的顺序错误时,或者当mock的方法根本不存在任何参数时,这个断言将引发错误。Listing Eight显示了可以怎样使用这个断言。那儿,我准备了一个mock对象,用类Foo作为它的spec参数。我调用了类的方法doFoo(),传入了一个字符串作为输入。使用assert_called_with(),我检查方法是否获得了正确的输入。第20行的断言通过了,因为doFoo()获得了"narf"的输入。但是在第24行的断言失败了因为doFoo()获得了"zort",这是错误的输入。

Listing Eight

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
    def doFoo(self, argValue):

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

# assertion passes

# AssertionError: Expected call: doFoo('narf')
# Actual call: doFoo('zort')

Listing Nine shows a slightly different use. In this one, I call the mocked method callFoo(), first without input, and then with the string "zort". The first assert passes (line 20), because callFoo() is not supposed to get any input. And the second assert fails (line 24) for obvious reasons.

Listing Nine

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
    def doFoo(self, argValue):

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

# assertion passes

# AssertionError: Expected call: callFoo()
# Actual call: callFoo('zort')

The next assert is assert_called_once_with(). Like assert_called_with(), this assert checks if the test subject called a mocked method correctly. Butassert_called_once_with() will fire when the same method call happens more than once, whereas assert_called_with() will ignore multiple calls. Listing Ten shows how one might use the assert. Here, I make two calls to the mocked method callFoo(). On the first call (lines 19-20), the assert passes. But on the second call (lines 23-24), the assert fires, sending its error message to stdout.

Listing Ten

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
    def doFoo(self, argValue):

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

# assertion passes

# AssertionError: Expected to be called once. Called 2 times.

The assert assert_any_call() checks if the test subject called a mocked method at any point of the test routine. This is regardless of how many other calls were made between the mocked method and the assert. Compare this with the previous two asserts, both of which check only the most recent call.

Listing Eleven shows the assert_any_call() assert at work: still the same mock object, with class Foo as its spec. The first call is to the methodcallFoo() (line 18), the next two to doFoo() (lines 19-20). Notice thatdoFoo() gets two different inputs.


Listing Nine显示了稍微不同的用法。在这个例子中,我调用了mock方法callFoo(),首先没有任何输入,然后输入了字符串“zort”。第一个断言通过了(第20行),因为callFoo()不支持获得任何输入。而第二个断言失败了(第24行)因为显而易见的原因。

Listing Nine

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
    def doFoo(self, argValue):

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

# assertion passes

# AssertionError: Expected call: callFoo()
# Actual call: callFoo('zort')

先一个断言是assert_called_once_with()。像assert_called_with()一样,这个断言检查测试对象是否正确的调用了mock方法。但是当同样的方法调用超过一次时, assert_called_once_with()将引发错误,然而assert_called_with()会忽略多次调用。Listing Ten显示了怎样使用这个断言。那儿,我调用了mock方法callFoo()两次。第一次调用时(行19~20),断言通过。但是在第二次调用的时(行23~24),断言失败,发送了错误消息到stdout。

Listing Ten

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
    def doFoo(self, argValue):

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

# assertion passes

# AssertionError: Expected to be called once. Called 2 times.


Listing Eleven显示了assert_any_call()断言如何工作:仍然是同样的mock对象,spec参数是Foo类。第一个调用方法callFoo()(第18行),接下来调用两次doFoo()(行19~20)。注意doFoo()获得了两个不同的输入。

Listing Eleven

<from mock import Mock

# The mock specification
class Foo(object):
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
    def doFoo(self, argValue):

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>


# assert passes


# assert passes

# raises: AssertionError: doFoo('egad') call not found

The first assert_any_call() (line 22) passes even though two doFoo() calls separate the assert and callFoo(). The second assert (line 28) also passes even though a callFoo() separates it from the doFoo() in question (line 20). On the other hand, the third assert (line 31) fires, because none of thedoFoo() calls used the string "egad" for input.

Finally, there is assert_has_calls(). This one looks at a sequence of method calls, checks if they are in the right order and with the right arguments. It takes two arguments: a list of expected method calls and an optional argument any_order. It fires when the test subject calls the wrong method, calls one method out of order, or gives a method the wrong input.


Listing Eleven

<from mock import Mock

# The mock specification
class Foo(object):
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
    def doFoo(self, argValue):

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>


# assert passes


# assert passes

# raises: AssertionError: doFoo('egad') call not found



Listing Twelve demonstrates the assert_has_calls() assert. In lines 18-20, I make three method calls, providing input to two. Then, I prepare a list of expected calls (fooCalls) and pass this list to assert_has_calls() (lines 22-23). Since the list matches the method calls, the assert passes.

Listing Twelve

from mock import Mock, call

# The mock specification
class Foo(object):
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
    def doFoo(self, argValue):

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>


fooCalls = [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo("narf"), call.doFoo("zort")]
# assert passes

fooCalls = [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo("zort"), call.doFoo("narf")]
# AssertionError: Calls not found.
# Expected: [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo('zort'), call.doFoo('narf')]
# Actual: [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo('narf'), call.doFoo('zort')]

fooCalls = [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo("zort"), call.doFoo("narf")]
mockFoo.assert_has_calls(fooCalls, any_order = True)
# assert passes

In line 26, I swapped the two doFoo() calls around. The first doFoo() gets  "zort" for input, the second gets "narf". If I pass this fooCalls toassert_has_calls() (line 27), the assert fires. But if I pass a True to theany_order argument, the assert passes. This is because the assert now ignores the order in which the method calls were made.


Listing Twelve演示了assert_has_calls()断言。在18~20行,我调用了三个方法,提供了两个输入。然后,我准备了一个期望调用的列表(fooCalls)并把这个列表传入assert_has_calls()(22~23行)。由于列表匹配了方法的调用,断言通过。

Listing Twelve

from mock import Mock, call

# The mock specification
class Foo(object):
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
    def doFoo(self, argValue):

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>


fooCalls = [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo("narf"), call.doFoo("zort")]
# assert passes

fooCalls = [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo("zort"), call.doFoo("narf")]
# AssertionError: Calls not found.
# Expected: [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo('zort'), call.doFoo('narf')]
# Actual: [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo('narf'), call.doFoo('zort')]

fooCalls = [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo("zort"), call.doFoo("narf")]
mockFoo.assert_has_calls(fooCalls, any_order = True)
# assert passes


Listing Thirteen demonstrates another use. To the list fooCalls, I added a nonexistent method dooFoo() (line 22). Then I passed fooCalls toassert_has_calls() (line 24). The assert fires, informing me that the expected call sequence did not match what actually happened. If I pass aTrue to the any_order argument (line 30), the assert names dooFoo() as the offending method call.

Listing Thirteen

from mock import Mock, call

# The mock specification
class Foo(object):
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
    def doFoo(self, argValue):

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>


fooCalls = [call.callFoo(), call.dooFoo("narf"), call.doFoo("zort")]

# AssertionError: Calls not found.
# Expected: [call.callFoo(), call.dooFoo('narf'), call.doFoo('zort')]
# Actual: [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo('narf'), call.doFoo('zort')]

fooCalls = [call.callFoo(), call.dooFoo("narf"), call.doFoo("zort")]
mockFoo.assert_has_calls(fooCalls, any_order = True)
# AssertionError: (call.dooFoo('narf'),) not all found in call list

In both examples for assert_has_calls(), note the call keyword that appears before each method name. This keyword is for a helper object, one that marks out a method attribute in the mock object. To use the callkeyword, make sure to import the helper from the mock module as follows:

from mock import Mock, call

Listing Thirteen演示了其他的用法。在fooCalls列表中,我添加了不存在的方法dooFoo()(第22行)。然后我传入fooCalls到assert_has_calls()中(第24行)。断言失败,通知我期望调用的顺序和真实发生的顺序不匹配。如果我给any_order赋值为True(第30行),断言名称dooFoo()作为违规的方法调用。

Listing Thirteen

from mock import Mock, call

# The mock specification
class Foo(object):
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
    def doFoo(self, argValue):

# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>


fooCalls = [call.callFoo(), call.dooFoo("narf"), call.doFoo("zort")]

# AssertionError: Calls not found.
# Expected: [call.callFoo(), call.dooFoo('narf'), call.doFoo('zort')]
# Actual: [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo('narf'), call.doFoo('zort')]

fooCalls = [call.callFoo(), call.dooFoo("narf"), call.doFoo("zort")]
mockFoo.assert_has_calls(fooCalls, any_order = True)
# AssertionError: (call.dooFoo('narf'),) not all found in call list


from mock import Mock, call

Managing a Mock

A third set of methods from the Mock class allow you to control and manage your mock object. You can change how the mock behaves, alter some of its attributes, or restore the mock to its pre-test state. You can even change the response values for each mocked method or for the mock itself.

The method attach_mock() lets you add a second mock object to your mock. This method takes two arguments: the second mock object (aMock) and an attribute name (aName).

Listing Fourteen demonstrates how this is done. Here, I create two mock objects, mockFoo and mockBar, each one with a different spec (lines 25, 30). To mockFoo, I add mockBar using  attach_mock() and  the name "fooBar" (line 35). Once that is done, I can access the second mock and its attributes via the property fooBar (lines 46-53). And I can still access the attributes for the first mock, mockFoo (lines 40-43).

Listing Fourteen

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

class Bar(object):
    # instance properties
    _barValue = 456
    def callBar(self):
    def doBar(self, argValue):

# create the first mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

# create the second mock object
mockBar = Mock(spec = Bar)
print mockBar
# returns: <Mock spec='Bar' id='2784400'>

# attach the second mock to the first
mockFoo.attach_mock(mockBar, 'fooBar')

# access the first mock's attributes
print mockFoo
# returns: <Mock spec='Foo' id='495312'>
print mockFoo._fooValue
# returns: <Mock name='mock._fooValue' id='428976'>
print mockFoo.callFoo()
# returns: <Mock name='mock.callFoo()' id='448144'>

# access the second mock and its attributes
print mockFoo.fooBar
# returns: <Mock name='mock.fooBar' spec='Bar' id='2788592'>
print mockFoo.fooBar._barValue
# returns: <Mock name='mock.fooBar._barValue' id='2788016'>
print mockFoo.fooBar.callBar()
# returns: <Mock name='mock.fooBar.callBar()' id='2819344'>
print mockFoo.fooBar.doBar("narf")
# returns: <Mock name='mock.fooBar.doBar()' id='4544528'>

The method configure_mock() lets you make wholesale changes to the mock object. Its sole argument is a sequence of key/value pairs, each key being the attribute you want changed. If the mock does not have the specified attribute, configure_mock() will add the attribute to the mock.




Listing Fourteen 样式了attach_mock()方法的使用。那儿,我创建了两个mock对象mockFoo和mockBar,他们有不同spec参数(第25行和第30行)。我用attach_mock()方法将mockBar添加到mockFoo中,命名为fooBar(第35行)。一旦添加成功,我就能通过property fooBar访问第二mock对象和它的属性(46~53行)。并且我仍然可以访问第一个mock对象mockFoo的属性。

Listing Fourteen

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

class Bar(object):
    # instance properties
    _barValue = 456
    def callBar(self):
    def doBar(self, argValue):

# create the first mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

# create the second mock object
mockBar = Mock(spec = Bar)
print mockBar
# returns: <Mock spec='Bar' id='2784400'>

# attach the second mock to the first
mockFoo.attach_mock(mockBar, 'fooBar')

# access the first mock's attributes
print mockFoo
# returns: <Mock spec='Foo' id='495312'>
print mockFoo._fooValue
# returns: <Mock name='mock._fooValue' id='428976'>
print mockFoo.callFoo()
# returns: <Mock name='mock.callFoo()' id='448144'>

# access the second mock and its attributes
print mockFoo.fooBar
# returns: <Mock name='mock.fooBar' spec='Bar' id='2788592'>
print mockFoo.fooBar._barValue
# returns: <Mock name='mock.fooBar._barValue' id='2788016'>
print mockFoo.fooBar.callBar()
# returns: <Mock name='mock.fooBar.callBar()' id='2819344'>
print mockFoo.fooBar.doBar("narf")
# returns: <Mock name='mock.fooBar.doBar()' id='4544528'>


Listing Fifteen shows the configure_mock() method in action. Once again, I have a mock object (mockFoo) with class Foo for a spec and 555 for areturn_value (line 13). Then with configure_mock(), I changed thereturn_value property to 999 (line 17). When I call mockFoo directly, I get 999for a result, instead of the original 555.

Listing Fifteen

from mock import Mock

class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo, return_value = 555)
print mockFoo()
# returns: 555

mockFoo.configure_mock(return_value = 999)
print mockFoo()
# returns: 999

fooSpec = {'callFoo.return_value':"narf", 'doFoo.return_value':"zort", 'doFoo.side_effect':StandardError}

print mockFoo.callFoo()
# returns: narf
print mockFoo.doFoo("narf")
# raises: StandardError

fooSpec = {'doFoo.side_effect':None}
print mockFoo.doFoo("narf")
# returns: zort

Next, I prepare a dictionary object (fooSpec) into which I set the return values for two mocked methods and the side effect for doFoo() (line 21). I pass fooSpec into configure_mock(), taking care to prefix fooSpec with '**'(line 22). Invoking callFoo() now returns "narf" as a result; and invokingdoFoo(), regardless of input, raises a StandardError signal (lines 24-27). If I alter fooSpec, setting the side-effect value for doFoo() to None, I get a result of "zort" when invoking doFoo() (lines 29-32).


Listing fifteen显示了configure_mock()方法的运用。再次,我定义了一个spec为类Foo和return_value为555的mock对象mockFoo(第13行)。然后使用configure_mock()方法更改return_value为999(第17行)。当我直接调用mockFoo时,获得的结果为999,替换了原来的555。

Listing Fifteen

from mock import Mock

class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo, return_value = 555)
print mockFoo()
# returns: 555

mockFoo.configure_mock(return_value = 999)
print mockFoo()
# returns: 999

fooSpec = {'callFoo.return_value':"narf", 'doFoo.return_value':"zort", 'doFoo.side_effect':StandardError}

print mockFoo.callFoo()
# returns: narf
print mockFoo.doFoo("narf")
# raises: StandardError

fooSpec = {'doFoo.side_effect':None}
print mockFoo.doFoo("narf")
# returns: zort

接着,我准备了一个字段对象(fooSpec),对两个mock方法设置了返回值,为doFoo()设置了side_effect(第21行)。我将fooSpec传入configure_mock(),注意fooSpec带有前缀'**'(第22行)。现在调用callFoo()结果返回“narf”。调用doFoo(),无论输入什么,引发StandardError 信号(行24~27)。如果我修改了fooSpec,设置doFoo()的side_effect的值为None,当我调用doFoo()时,将得到结果“zort”(29~32行)。

The next method, mock_add_spec(), lets you add new attributes to the mock object. Its function is similar to the constructor argument spec, exceptmock_add_spec() works on an existing object, and it "erases" those attributes set by the constructor. The method takes two arguments: the attribute spec (aSpec) and a spec_set flag (aFlag). Again, the spec may be a list of strings or it may be a class. The added attributes are read-only by default, but passing a True to the spec_set flag make those same attributes writable.

Listing Sixteen demonstrates mock_add_spec() in action. The mock object (mockFoo) starts with attributes coming from class Foo (line 25). When I access two of the attributes (_fooValue and callFoo()), I get a result confirming their presence (lines 29-32)

Listing Sixteen

from mock import Mock

# The class interfaces
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

class Bar(object):
    # instance properties
    _barValue = 456
    def callBar(self):
    def doBar(self, argValue):
# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)

print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>
print mockFoo._fooValue
# returns <Mock name='mock._fooValue' id='2788112'>
print mockFoo.callFoo()
# returns: <Mock name='mock.callFoo()' id='2815376'>

# add a new spec attributes

print mockFoo
# returns: <Mock spec='Bar' id='491088'>
print mockFoo._barValue
# returns: <Mock name='mock._barValue' id='2815120'>
print mockFoo.callBar()
# returns: <Mock name='mock.callBar()' id='4544368'>

print mockFoo._fooValue
# raises: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute '_fooValue'
print mockFoo.callFoo()
# raises: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute 'callFoo'

Then, I use mock_add_spec() to add class Bar to mockFoo (line 35). The mock object now assumes the attributes declared in class Bar (lines 39-42). If I access any Foo attribute, the mock object raises an AttributeError to signal their absence (lines 44-47).



Listing Sixteen演示了mock_add_spec()的运用。mock对象mockFoo开始的属性来自于类Foo(第25行)。当我访问两个属性(_fooValue和callFoo())时,我得到结果确认他们是存在的(29~32行)。

Listing Sixteen

from mock import Mock

# The class interfaces
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

class Bar(object):
    # instance properties
    _barValue = 456
    def callBar(self):
    def doBar(self, argValue):
# create the mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)

print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>
print mockFoo._fooValue
# returns <Mock name='mock._fooValue' id='2788112'>
print mockFoo.callFoo()
# returns: <Mock name='mock.callFoo()' id='2815376'>

# add a new spec attributes

print mockFoo
# returns: <Mock spec='Bar' id='491088'>
print mockFoo._barValue
# returns: <Mock name='mock._barValue' id='2815120'>
print mockFoo.callBar()
# returns: <Mock name='mock.callBar()' id='4544368'>

print mockFoo._fooValue
# raises: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute '_fooValue'
print mockFoo.callFoo()
# raises: AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute 'callFoo'

然后,我使用mock_add_spec()方法添加类Bar到mockFoo(第35行)。mock对象现在的属性已声明在类Bar中(39~42行)。如果我访问任何Foo属性,mock对象将引发AttributeError 信号,表示他们不存在(44~47行)。

The last method, resetMock(), puts the mock object back to its pre-test state. It clears the mock's call statistics and asserts. It does not clear thereturn_value and side_effect properties for both mock and its method attributes. Do this to reuse the mock and avoid the overhead of creating another mock.

Finally, you can assign a return value or side-effect to each method attribute. This you do through the accessors return_value and side_effect. For example, to make the method callFoo() return a value of "narf", use thereturn_value accessor as follows:

mockFoo.callFoo.return_value = "narf"

To give callFoo() the side-effect of TypeError, use the side_effectaccessor as follows:

mockFoo.callFoo.side_effect = TypeError

To clear the side-effect, pass None to the accessor:

mockFoo.callFoo.side_effect = None

You can also use the same two accessors to change how the mock object responds to a factory call.




mockFoo.callFoo.return_value = "narf"

按如下的语句通过side_effect访问器 设置方法callFoo()的side-ffect为TypeError

mockFoo.callFoo.side_effect = TypeError


mockFoo.callFoo.side_effect = None


Statistics with a Mock

The last set of methods consists of accessors that track any calls made to a mock object. The accessor called returns a True when the mock gets a factory call, False  otherwise. Consider the code in Listing Seventeen. After I create mockFoo, the called accessor returns a False result (lines 19-20). If I do a factory call, it returns a True result (lines 22-23). But what if I create a second mock object, then invoke a mocked method (callFoo(), line 30)? In that case, the called accessor will only give a False result (lines 31-32).

Listing Seventeen

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# create the first mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

print mockFoo.called
# returns: False

print mockFoo.called
# returns: True

mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo.called
# returns: False

print mockFoo.called
# returns: False

The accessor call_count gives the number of times a mock object gets a factory call. Consider the code in Listing Eighteen. After I create mockFoo,call_count gives the expected result of 0 (lines 19-20). When I make a factory call to mockFoocall_count increases by 1 (lines 22-24). When I invoke the mocked method callFoo()call_count remains unchanged (lines 26-28). If I do a second factory call, call_count should increase by 1 more.

Listing Eighteen

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# create the first mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

print mockFoo.call_count
# returns: 0

print mockFoo.call_count
# returns: 1

print mockFoo.call_count
# returns: 1


最后一套方法包含跟踪mock对象所做的任意调用的访问器。当mock对象获得工厂调用时,访问器called返回True,否则返回False。查看Listing Seventeen中的代码,我创建了mockFoo之后,called访问器返回了结果False(19~20行)。如果我做了一个工厂调用,它将返回结果True(22~23行)。但是如果我创建了第二个mock对象,然后调用了mock方法callFoo()(第30行)?在这个例子中,called访问器仅仅放回了False结果(31~32行)。

Listing Seventeen

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# create the first mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

print mockFoo.called
# returns: False

print mockFoo.called
# returns: True

mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo.called
# returns: False

print mockFoo.called
# returns: False

访问器call_count给出了mock对象被工厂调用的次数。查看Listing Eighteen中的代码。我创建mockFoo之后,call_count给出的期望结果为0(19~20行)。当我对mockFoo做了一个工厂调用时,call_count增加1(22~24行)。当我调用mock方法callFoo()时,call_count没有改变(26~28行)。如果我做了第二次工厂调用call_count将再增加1。

Listing Eighteen

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# create the first mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo)
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

print mockFoo.call_count
# returns: 0

print mockFoo.call_count
# returns: 1

print mockFoo.call_count
# returns: 1

The accessor call_args returns the arguments used in a factory call. Listing Nineteen demonstrates its action. For a newly created mock object (mockFoo), the call_args accessor gives a result of None (lines 17-21). If I make a factory call, passing "zort" for input, call_args reports it as"call('zort')" (line 23-25). Note the call keyword in the result. For a second factory call, without input, call_args returns "call()" (lines 27-29). A third factory call, with "troz" for input, gives the result "call('troz')"from call_args (lines 31-33). But when I invoke the mocked methodcallFoo(), the call_args accessor still returns "call('troz')" (lines 35-37).

Listing Nineteen


from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# create the first mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo, return_value = "narf")
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>
print mockFoo.call_args
# returns: None

print mockFoo.call_args
# returns: call('zort')

print mockFoo.call_args
# returns: call()

print mockFoo.call_args
# returns: call('troz')

print mockFoo.call_args
# returns: call('troz')

The accessor call_args_list also reports the arguments used in a factory call. But while call_args returns the most recent arguments,call_args_list returns a list, with the first item being the earliest argument. Listing Twenty shows the accessor in action, using the same code in Listing Nineteen.


访问器call_args返回工厂调用已用的参数。Listing Nineteen演示了它的运用。对于新创建的mock对象(mockFoo),call_args访问器返回结果为None(17~21行)。如果我做了一个工厂调用,在输入中传入"zort",call_args报告的结果为call('zort')(23~25行)。注意结果中的call关键字。对于第二个没有输入的工厂调用,call_args返回call()(27~29行)。第三个工厂调用,输入“troz”,call_args给出结果为call('troz')(31~33行)。但是当我调用mock方法callFoo()时,call_args访问器仍然返回call('troz')(35~37行)。

Listing Nineteen


from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# create the first mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo, return_value = "narf")
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>
print mockFoo.call_args
# returns: None

print mockFoo.call_args
# returns: call('zort')

print mockFoo.call_args
# returns: call()

print mockFoo.call_args
# returns: call('troz')

print mockFoo.call_args
# returns: call('troz')

访问器call_args_list 也报告了工厂调用中已使用的参数。但是call_args返回最近使用的参数,而call_args_list返回一个列表,第一项为最早的参数。Listing Twenty显示了这个访问的的运用,使用了和Listing Nineteen相同的代码。

Listing Twenty

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# create the first mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo, return_value = "narf")
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

print mockFoo.call_args_list
# returns: [call('zort')]

print mockFoo.call_args_list
# returns: [call('zort'), call()]

print mockFoo.call_args_list
# returns: [call('zort'), call(), call('troz')]

print mockFoo.call_args_list
# returns: [call('zort'), call(), call('troz')]

The accessor method_calls reports the mocked method calls made by the test subject. Its result is a list object, each item showing the method name and its arguments.

Listing Twenty-one demonstrates method_calls in action. With a newly created mockFoomethod_calls returns an empty list (lines 15-19). The same also happens when I do a factory call (lines 21-23). When I invoke the mocked method callFoo()method_calls returns a list object with one entry (lines 25-27). When I invoke doFoo(), passing "narf" for input, method_callsreturns a list with two items (lines 29-31). Notice how each method name appears in the order of its invocation.

Listing Twenty-one

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# create the first mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo, return_value = "poink")
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>
print mockFoo.method_calls
# returns []

print mockFoo.method_calls
# returns []

print mockFoo.method_calls
# returns: [call.callFoo()]

print mockFoo.method_calls
# returns: [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo('narf')]

print mockFoo.method_calls
# returns: [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo('narf')]

The last accessor mock_calls reports all calls made by the test subject to the mock object. The result is again a list, but now showing both factory and method calls. Listing Twenty-two demonstrates the accessor in action, using the same code in Listing Twenty-one.

Listing Twenty-two

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# create the first mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo, return_value = "poink")
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

print mockFoo.mock_calls
# returns []

print mockFoo.mock_calls
# returns [call()]

print mockFoo.mock_calls
# returns: [call(), call.callFoo()]

print mockFoo.mock_calls
# returns: [call(), call.callFoo(), call.doFoo('narf')]

print mockFoo.mock_calls
# returns: [call(), call.callFoo(), call.doFoo('narf'), call()]

Listing Twenty

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# create the first mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo, return_value = "narf")
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

print mockFoo.call_args_list
# returns: [call('zort')]

print mockFoo.call_args_list
# returns: [call('zort'), call()]

print mockFoo.call_args_list
# returns: [call('zort'), call(), call('troz')]

print mockFoo.call_args_list
# returns: [call('zort'), call(), call('troz')]


Listing Twenty-one演示了method_calls的运用。对新创建的mockFoo,method_calls返回了空列表(15~19行)。当做了工厂调用时,同样返回空列表(21~23行)。当我调用了mock方法callFoo()时,method_calls返回一个带一项数据的列表对象(25~27行)。当我调用doFoo(),并传入"narf"参数时,method_calls返回带有两项数据的列表(29~31行)。注意每个方法名称是按照它调用的顺序显示的。

Listing Twenty-one

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# create the first mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo, return_value = "poink")
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>
print mockFoo.method_calls
# returns []

print mockFoo.method_calls
# returns []

print mockFoo.method_calls
# returns: [call.callFoo()]

print mockFoo.method_calls
# returns: [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo('narf')]

print mockFoo.method_calls
# returns: [call.callFoo(), call.doFoo('narf')]

最后一个访问器mock_calls报告了测试对象对mock对象所有的调用。结果是一个列表,但是工厂调用和方法调用都显示了。Listing Twenty-two演示这个访问器的运用,使用了和Listing Twenty-one相同的代码

Listing Twenty-two

from mock import Mock

# The mock object
class Foo(object):
    # instance properties
    _fooValue = 123
    def callFoo(self):
        print "Foo:callFoo_"
    def doFoo(self, argValue):
        print "Foo:doFoo:input = ", argValue

# create the first mock object
mockFoo = Mock(spec = Foo, return_value = "poink")
print mockFoo
# returns <Mock spec='Foo' id='507120'>

print mockFoo.mock_calls
# returns []

print mockFoo.mock_calls
# returns [call()]

print mockFoo.mock_calls
# returns: [call(), call.callFoo()]

print mockFoo.mock_calls
# returns: [call(), call.callFoo(), call.doFoo('narf')]

print mockFoo.mock_calls
# returns: [call(), call.callFoo(), call.doFoo('narf'), call()]

Testing with a Mock

Data type, model, or node &#151; these are just some of the roles a mock object might assume. But how does a mock fit inside a unit test setup? Let us take a look, using a simplified setup taken from the Martin Fowler articleMocks Aren't Stubs.

In the test setup are three classes (Figure 4). The Order class is the test subject. It models a single item purchase order, which it fills from a data source. The Warehouse class is the test resource. It contains a sequence of key/value pairs, the key being the item name, the value being the available quantity. And the OrderTest class is the test case itself.

使用 Python Mock 类进行单元测试_第5张图片
Figure 4.

Listing Twenty-three describes the Order class. The class declares three properties: the item name (_orderItem), the requested quantity (_orderAmount) and the filled quantity (_orderFilled). Its constructor takes two arguments (lines 8-18), which it uses to populate the properties_orderItem and _orderAmount. Its __repr__() method returns a summary of the purchase order (lines 21-24).

Listing Twenty-three

class Order(object):
    # instance properties
    _orderItem = "None"
    _orderAmount = 0
    _orderFilled = -1
    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, argItem, argAmount):
        print "Order:__init__"
        # set the order item
        if (isinstance(argItem, str)):
            if (len(argItem) > 0):
                self._orderItem = argItem
        # set the order amount
        if (argAmount > 0):
            self._orderAmount = argAmount
    # Magic methods
    def __repr__(self):
       # assemble the dictionary
        locOrder = {'item':self._orderItem, 'amount':self._orderAmount}
        return repr(locOrder)
    # Instance methods
    # attempt to fill the order
    def fill(self, argSrc):
        print "Order:fill_"
            # does the warehouse has the item in stock?
            if (argSrc is not None):
                if (argSrc.hasInventory(self._orderItem)):
                    # get the item
                    locCount =    argSrc.getInventory(self._orderItem, self._orderAmount)
                    # update the following property
                    self._orderFilled = locCount
                    print "Inventory item not available"
                print "Warehouse not available"
        except TypeError:
            print "Invalid warehouse"
    # check if the order has been filled
    def isFilled(self):
        print "Order:isFilled_"
        return (self._orderAmount == self._orderFilled)

The Order class defines two instance methods. The fill() method gets a data source (argSrc) for an argument. It checks if the source is valid and if it has the item in question (line 33-34). It submits a withdrawal request and updates _orderFilled with the actual quantity withdrawn (lines 36-39). TheisFilled() method returns a True when both _orderAmount and_orderFilled have the same values (lines 48-50).



数据类型,模型或者节点,这些是mock对象可能被假定的一些角色。但是mock对象怎样适合单元测试呢?让我们一起来看看,来自Martin Fowler的文章Mocks Aren't Stubs采取了简化的设置。


使用 Python Mock 类进行单元测试_第6张图片


Listing Twenty-three描述了Order。Order类声明了三个属性:项目名称(_orderItem),要求的数量(_orderAmount)和已填写的数量(_orderFilled)。它的构造器带有两个参数(8~18行),填入的属性是_orderItem和_orderAmount。它的__repr__()方法返回了购买清单的摘要(21~24行)。

Listing Twenty-three

class Order(object):
    # instance properties
    _orderItem = "None"
    _orderAmount = 0
    _orderFilled = -1
    # Constructor
    def __init__(self, argItem, argAmount):
        print "Order:__init__"
        # set the order item
        if (isinstance(argItem, str)):
            if (len(argItem) > 0):
                self._orderItem = argItem
        # set the order amount
        if (argAmount > 0):
            self._orderAmount = argAmount
    # Magic methods
    def __repr__(self):
       # assemble the dictionary
        locOrder = {'item':self._orderItem, 'amount':self._orderAmount}
        return repr(locOrder)
    # Instance methods
    # attempt to fill the order
    def fill(self, argSrc):
        print "Order:fill_"
            # does the warehouse has the item in stock?
            if (argSrc is not None):
                if (argSrc.hasInventory(self._orderItem)):
                    # get the item
                    locCount =    argSrc.getInventory(self._orderItem, self._orderAmount)
                    # update the following property
                    self._orderFilled = locCount
                    print "Inventory item not available"
                print "Warehouse not available"
        except TypeError:
            print "Invalid warehouse"
    # check if the order has been filled
    def isFilled(self):
        print "Order:isFilled_"
        return (self._orderAmount == self._orderFilled)


Listing Twenty-four describes the Warehouse class. It is an abstract class, declaring properties and method interfaces, but not defining the methods themselves. The property _houseName holds the warehouse's name, while_houseList holds its inventory. Accessors exists for these two properties.

Listing Twenty-four

class Warehouse(object):    
    # private properties
    _houseName = None
    _houseList = None
    # accessors
    def warehouseName(self):
        return (self._houseName)
    def inventory(self):
        return (self._houseList)
    # set up the warehouse
    def setup(self, argName, argList):
    # check for an inventory item
    def hasInventory(self, argItem):
    # retrieve an inventory item
    def getInventory(self, argItem, argCount):
    # add an inventory item
    def addInventory(self, argItem, argCount):

The class declares four method interfaces. The method setup() takes two arguments, which are meant to update the two properties. The methodhasInventory() gets an item name and returns a True if said item is in the inventory. The method getInventory() gets an item name and quantity. It tries to deduct that quantity from the inventory, and returns what was deducted successfully. The method addInventory() also gets an item name and quantity. It is suppose to update _houseList with those two arguments.

In Listing Twenty-five is the test case itself, OrderTest. Its one property,fooSource, holds the mock object needed by the Order class. The setUp()method identifies the test routine to be executed (lines 14-16), then creates and configures the mock object (lines 21-34). And the tearDown() method prints an empty line to stdout.

Listing Twenty-five

import unittest
from mock import Mock, call

class OrderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    # declare the test resource
    fooSource = None
    # preparing to test
    def setUp(self):
        """ Setting up for the test """
        print "OrderTest:setUp_:begin"
        # identify the test routine
        testName = self.id().split(".")
        testName = testName[2]
        print testName
        # prepare and configure the test resource
        if (testName == "testA_newOrder"):
            print "OrderTest:setup_:testA_newOrder:RESERVED"
        elif (testName == "testB_nilInventory"):
            self.fooSource = Mock(spec = Warehouse, return_value = None)
        elif (testName == "testC_orderCheck"):
            self.fooSource = Mock(spec = Warehouse)
            self.fooSource.hasInventory.return_value = True
            self.fooSource.getInventory.return_value = 0
        elif (testName == "testD_orderFilled"):
            self.fooSource = Mock(spec = Warehouse)
            self.fooSource.hasInventory.return_value = True
            self.fooSource.getInventory.return_value = 10
        elif (testName == "testE_orderIncomplete"):
            self.fooSource = Mock(spec = Warehouse)
            self.fooSource.hasInventory.return_value = True
            self.fooSource.getInventory.return_value = 5
            print "UNSUPPORTED TEST ROUTINE"
    # ending the test
    def tearDown(self):
        """Cleaning up after the test"""
        print "OrderTest:tearDown_:begin"
        print ""
    # test: new order
    # objective: creating an order
    def testA_newOrder(self):
        # creating a new order
        testOrder = Order("mushrooms", 10)
        print repr(testOrder)
        # test for a nil object
        self.assertIsNotNone(testOrder, "Order object is a nil.")
        # test for a valid item name
        testName = testOrder._orderItem
        self.assertEqual(testName, "mushrooms", "Invalid item name")
        # test for a valid item amount
        testAmount = testOrder._orderAmount
        self.assertGreater(testAmount, 0, "Invalid item amount")
    # test: nil inventory
    # objective: how the order object handles a nil inventory
    def testB_nilInventory(self):
        """Test routine B"""
        # creating a new order
        testOrder = Order("mushrooms", 10)
        print repr(testOrder)
        # fill the order
        testSource = self.fooSource()
        # print the mocked calls
        print self.fooSource.mock_calls
        # check the call history
        testCalls = [call()]
    # ... continued in the next listing

The OrderTest class has five test routines. All five start by creating an instance of the Order class. The routine testA_newOrder() tests if the Orderobject is valid and if it holds the right data (lines 46-60). The routinetestB_nilWarehouse() creates a null mock and passes that to the Orderobject's fill() method (lines 64-79). It checks the mock's call history, making sure only a factory call has occurred.


Listing Twenty-four描述了Warehouse类。它是一个抽象类,声明了属性和方法接口,但是没有定义方法本身。属性_houseName是仓库的名字,而_houseList是它持有的库存。还有这两个属性的访问器。

Listing Twenty-four

class Warehouse(object):    
    # private properties
    _houseName = None
    _houseList = None
    # accessors
    def warehouseName(self):
        return (self._houseName)
    def inventory(self):
        return (self._houseList)
    # set up the warehouse
    def setup(self, argName, argList):
    # check for an inventory item
    def hasInventory(self, argItem):
    # retrieve an inventory item
    def getInventory(self, argItem, argCount):
    # add an inventory item
    def addInventory(self, argItem, argCount):


Listing Twenty-five是测试用例本身,orderTest类。他有一个属性fooSource是Order类所需的mock对象。setUp()方法识别执行的测试例程(14~16行),然后创建和配置mock对象(21~34行)。tearDown()方法向stdout打印一个空行。

Listing Twenty-five

import unittest
from mock import Mock, call

class OrderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    # declare the test resource
    fooSource = None
    # preparing to test
    def setUp(self):
        """ Setting up for the test """
        print "OrderTest:setUp_:begin"
        # identify the test routine
        testName = self.id().split(".")
        testName = testName[2]
        print testName
        # prepare and configure the test resource
        if (testName == "testA_newOrder"):
            print "OrderTest:setup_:testA_newOrder:RESERVED"
        elif (testName == "testB_nilInventory"):
            self.fooSource = Mock(spec = Warehouse, return_value = None)
        elif (testName == "testC_orderCheck"):
            self.fooSource = Mock(spec = Warehouse)
            self.fooSource.hasInventory.return_value = True
            self.fooSource.getInventory.return_value = 0
        elif (testName == "testD_orderFilled"):
            self.fooSource = Mock(spec = Warehouse)
            self.fooSource.hasInventory.return_value = True
            self.fooSource.getInventory.return_value = 10
        elif (testName == "testE_orderIncomplete"):
            self.fooSource = Mock(spec = Warehouse)
            self.fooSource.hasInventory.return_value = True
            self.fooSource.getInventory.return_value = 5
            print "UNSUPPORTED TEST ROUTINE"
    # ending the test
    def tearDown(self):
        """Cleaning up after the test"""
        print "OrderTest:tearDown_:begin"
        print ""
    # test: new order
    # objective: creating an order
    def testA_newOrder(self):
        # creating a new order
        testOrder = Order("mushrooms", 10)
        print repr(testOrder)
        # test for a nil object
        self.assertIsNotNone(testOrder, "Order object is a nil.")
        # test for a valid item name
        testName = testOrder._orderItem
        self.assertEqual(testName, "mushrooms", "Invalid item name")
        # test for a valid item amount
        testAmount = testOrder._orderAmount
        self.assertGreater(testAmount, 0, "Invalid item amount")
    # test: nil inventory
    # objective: how the order object handles a nil inventory
    def testB_nilInventory(self):
        """Test routine B"""
        # creating a new order
        testOrder = Order("mushrooms", 10)
        print repr(testOrder)
        # fill the order
        testSource = self.fooSource()
        # print the mocked calls
        print self.fooSource.mock_calls
        # check the call history
        testCalls = [call()]
    # ... continued in the next listing


The routine testC_orderCheck() (Listing Twenty-six) tests how the Orderobject reacts to a missing inventory item. Initially, fooSource responds with aTrue with its hasInventory() method and a 0 with getinventory(). The test routine checks if the order is not fulfilled and if the right mocked method is called (lines 16-19). Then the routine creates a new Order object, this time for a different item. The mock fooSource is set to respond with a False with its hasInventory() method (line 27). Again, the routine checks if the order is not filled and if the right mocked method is called (lines 34-37). Note the use of the reset_mock() method to restore fooSource to its pre-test state (line 28).

Listing Twenty-six

class OrderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    # ... see previous listing
    # test: checking the inventory
    # objective: does the order object check for inventory?
    def testC_orderCheck(self):
        """Test routine C"""
        # creating a test order
        testOrder = Order("mushrooms", 10)
        print repr(testOrder)
        # perform the test
        # perform the checks
        self.assertEqual(testOrder._orderFilled, 0)
        print self.fooSource.mock_calls
        # creating another order
        testOrder = Order("cabbage", 10)
        print repr(testOrder)
        # reconfigure the test resource
        self.fooSource.hasInventory.return_value = False
        # perform the test
        # perform the checks
        self.assertEqual(testOrder._orderFilled, -1)
        print self.fooSource.mock_calls
    # ... continued in the next listing

Test routine testD_orderFilled() (Listing Twenty-seven) simulates a successful order transaction. Here, fooSource responds with a True with itshasInventory() method and returns 10 with getinventory(). The routine passes the mock to the fill() method, then checks if the order has been filled (lines 17-18). It also checks whether the right mocked methods were called in the right order and with the right arguments (lines 20-24).

Listing Twenty-seven

class OrderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    # ... see previous listing
    # test: fulfilling an order
    # objective: how does the order object behave with a successful transaction
    def testD_orderFilled(self):
        """Test routine D"""
        # creating a test order
        testOrder = Order("mushrooms", 10)
        print repr(testOrder)
        # perform the test
        print testOrder.isFilled()
        # perform the checks
        self.assertNotEqual(testOrder._orderFilled, -1)
        self.fooSource.getInventory.assert_called_with("mushrooms", 10)
        testCalls = [call.hasInventory("mushrooms"), call.getInventory("mushrooms", 10)]
    # ... continued in the next listing

Test routine testE_orderIncomplete() (Listing Twenty-eight) simulates an incomplete transaction. In this one, fooSource responds with a True with itshasInventory(), but with a 5 with getinventory(). The routine passes the mock to the fill() method, then checks for an incomplete order (lines 17-18). And it also checks if the right mocked methods were called in the right order and with the right arguments (lines 20-25).

Listing Twenty-eight

class OrderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    # ... see previous listing
    # test: fulfilling an order
    # objective: how does the order object behave with an incomplete transaction
    def testE_orderIncomplete(self):
        """Test routine E"""
        # creating a test order
        testOrder = Order("mushrooms", 10)
        print repr(testOrder)
        # perform the test
        print testOrder.isFilled()
        # perform the checks
        self.assertNotEqual(testOrder._orderFilled, testOrder._orderAmount)
        self.fooSource.getInventory.assert_called_with("mushrooms", 10)
        print self.fooSource.mock_calls
        testCalls = [call.hasInventory("mushrooms"), call.getInventory("mushrooms", 10)]

例程testC_orderCheck()(Listing Twenty-six)测试了Order对象在库存不足时的反应。最初,fooSource的hasInventory()方法响应True,getinventory()方法返回0。测试例程检查是否订单未达成,是否正确的mock方法被带调用(16~19行)。然后测试例程创建了一个新的Order对象,这次是一个不同的项目。mock(fooSource)的方法hasInventory()的响应设置为False(第27行)。再次,例程检查是否订单未达成,是否调用了正确的mock方法(34~37行)。注意使用reset_mock()方法将fooSource恢复到测试前的状态(第28行)。

Listing Twenty-six

class OrderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    # ... see previous listing
    # test: checking the inventory
    # objective: does the order object check for inventory?
    def testC_orderCheck(self):
        """Test routine C"""
        # creating a test order
        testOrder = Order("mushrooms", 10)
        print repr(testOrder)
        # perform the test
        # perform the checks
        self.assertEqual(testOrder._orderFilled, 0)
        print self.fooSource.mock_calls
        # creating another order
        testOrder = Order("cabbage", 10)
        print repr(testOrder)
        # reconfigure the test resource
        self.fooSource.hasInventory.return_value = False
        # perform the test
        # perform the checks
        self.assertEqual(testOrder._orderFilled, -1)
        print self.fooSource.mock_calls
    # ... continued in the next listing

测试例程testD_orderFilled()(Listing Twenty-seven)模拟了一个成功的订单事务。fooSource的hasInventory()方法响应True,getinventory()方法返回10。例程调用fill()方法传入mock对象,然后检查订单是否已完成(17~18行)。它也检查了是否采用正确的顺序和正确的参数调用了 正确的mock方法(20~24行)。

Listing Twenty-seven

class OrderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    # ... see previous listing
    # test: fulfilling an order
    # objective: how does the order object behave with a successful transaction
    def testD_orderFilled(self):
        """Test routine D"""
        # creating a test order
        testOrder = Order("mushrooms", 10)
        print repr(testOrder)
        # perform the test
        print testOrder.isFilled()
        # perform the checks
        self.assertNotEqual(testOrder._orderFilled, -1)
        self.fooSource.getInventory.assert_called_with("mushrooms", 10)
        testCalls = [call.hasInventory("mushrooms"), call.getInventory("mushrooms", 10)]
    # ... continued in the next listing

测试例程testE_orderIncomplete()(Listing Twenty-eight)模拟了一个未完成的事务。在这个测试中,fooSource的方法hasInventory()响应True,但是getinventory()返回5。例程调用fill()方法传入mock对象,然后检查未完成的订单(17~18行)。 它也检查了是否采用正确的顺序和正确的参数调用了正确的mock方法(20~25行)。

Listing Twenty-eight

class OrderTest(unittest.TestCase):
    # ... see previous listing
    # test: fulfilling an order
    # objective: how does the order object behave with an incomplete transaction
    def testE_orderIncomplete(self):
        """Test routine E"""
        # creating a test order
        testOrder = Order("mushrooms", 10)
        print repr(testOrder)
        # perform the test
        print testOrder.isFilled()
        # perform the checks
        self.assertNotEqual(testOrder._orderFilled, testOrder._orderAmount)
        self.fooSource.getInventory.assert_called_with("mushrooms", 10)
        print self.fooSource.mock_calls
        testCalls = [call.hasInventory("mushrooms"), call.getInventory("mushrooms", 10)]


Mocks let us simulate resources that are either unavailable or too unwieldy for unit testing. We can configure a mock on the fly, change how it behaves or responds in a particular test, or get it to throw errors and exceptions on cue.

In this article, we looked at how a unit test setup benefits from a mock. We learned how a mock differs from a fake or a stub. We learned how to create a mock on Python, how to manage it and how to track its behavior with asserts. And we examined a simple mock at work in a basic test case.Feel free to try out this test setup and observe its results. Feel free to tweak the test routines presented here, and experiment with how those tweaks affect the test.


Alex Marandon. Python Mock Gotchas.

Grig Gheorghiu. (2009). Python Mock Testing Techniques and Tools. Python Magazine

Insomihack. Python Unit Testing with Mock.

Matt Cottingham. Python: Injecting Mock Objects for Powerful Testing.

Michael Foord. (2012). Mock Documentation, Release 1.0.1. [PDF]

Martin Fowler. Mocks Aren't Stubs.

Naftuli Tzvi Kay. An Introduction to Mocking in Python.

Steve Freeman, Tim Mackinnon, et al. (2004). Mock Roles, Not Objects [PDF].OOPLSA 2004






Alex Marandon. Python Mock Gotchas.

Grig Gheorghiu. (2009). Python Mock Testing Techniques and Tools. Python Magazine

Insomihack. Python Unit Testing with Mock.

Matt Cottingham. Python: Injecting Mock Objects for Powerful Testing.

Michael Foord. (2012). Mock Documentation, Release 1.0.1. [PDF]

Martin Fowler. Mocks Aren't Stubs.

Naftuli Tzvi Kay. An Introduction to Mocking in Python.

Steve Freeman, Tim Mackinnon, et al. (2004). Mock Roles, Not Objects [PDF]. OOPLSA 2004

