#include <iostream> using namespace std; class CSingleton { public: static CSingleton* getInstance(); static void cleanInstance(); int getValue(); void setValue(int iValue); private: int m_iValue; static CSingleton* m_pSingleton; CSingleton(); ~CSingleton(); }; CSingleton* CSingleton::m_pSingleton = NULL; CSingleton::CSingleton() { cout << "Constructor" << endl; } CSingleton::~CSingleton() { cout << "Destructor" << endl; } CSingleton* CSingleton::getInstance() { if (NULL == m_pSingleton) { m_pSingleton = new CSingleton(); } return m_pSingleton; } void CSingleton::cleanInstance() { delete m_pSingleton; } int CSingleton::getValue() { return m_iValue; } void CSingleton::setValue(int iValue) { m_iValue = iValue; } int main() { CSingleton* pSingleton1 = CSingleton::getInstance(); CSingleton* pSingleton2 = CSingleton::getInstance(); pSingleton1->setValue(123); if (pSingleton1->getValue() == pSingleton2->getValue()) { cout << "Two objects is the same instance" << endl; } else { cout << "Two objects isn't the same instance" << endl; } CSingleton::cleanInstance(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class CSingleton { public: static CSingleton* getInstance(); static void cleanInstance(); int getValue(); void setValue(int iValue); private: int m_iValue; static CSingleton* m_pSingleton; CSingleton(); ~CSingleton(); }; // 在进程运行开始就实例化该单件,又称“急切”创建实例 CSingleton* CSingleton::m_pSingleton = new CSingleton(); CSingleton::CSingleton() { cout << "Constructor" << endl; } CSingleton::~CSingleton() { cout << "Destructor" << endl; } CSingleton* CSingleton::getInstance() { return m_pSingleton; } void CSingleton::cleanInstance() { delete m_pSingleton; } int CSingleton::getValue() { return m_iValue; } void CSingleton::setValue(int iValue) { m_iValue = iValue; } int main() { CSingleton* pSingleton1 = CSingleton::getInstance(); CSingleton* pSingleton2 = CSingleton::getInstance(); pSingleton1->setValue(123); if (pSingleton1->getValue() == pSingleton2->getValue()) { cout << "Two objects is the same instance" << endl; } else { cout << "Two objects isn't the same instance" << endl; } CSingleton::cleanInstance(); return 0; }
#include <iostream> using namespace std; class CSingleton { public: static CSingleton* getInstance(); int getValue(); void setValue(int iValue); private: int m_iValue; CSingleton(); ~CSingleton(); }; CSingleton::CSingleton() { cout << "Constructor" << endl; } CSingleton::~CSingleton() { cout << "Destructor" << endl; } CSingleton* CSingleton::getInstance() { static CSingleton single; return &single; } int CSingleton::getValue() { return m_iValue; } void CSingleton::setValue(int iValue) { m_iValue = iValue; } int main() { cout << "Process begin" << endl; CSingleton* pSingleton1 = CSingleton::getInstance(); CSingleton* pSingleton2 = CSingleton::getInstance(); pSingleton1->setValue(123); if (pSingleton1->getValue() == pSingleton2->getValue()) { cout << "Two objects is the same instance" << endl; } else { cout << "Two objects isn't the same instance" << endl; } return 0; }
Process begin
Two objects is the same instance
参考图书:《Head First 设计模式》