官网资料:http://www.hokuyo-aut.jp/02sensor/07scanner/download/urg_programs_en/ 上面包括激光雷达的驱动和采集软件都有提供,需要的话只需要按照上面的步骤去做就可以。
/*! \file \brief Sample to get URG data using Win32 \author Satofumi KAMIMURA $Id: capture_sample.cpp 1724 2010-02-25 10:43:11Z satofumi $ Compling and execute process - In case of Visual Studio - Select capture_sample.sln from capture_sample.zip - When Visual Studio is started, press F5 to build and execute. - If COM port is not found, then change the com_port in main function. - In case of MinGW, Cygwin - % g++ capture_sample.cpp -o capture_sample - % ./capture_sample - If COM port is not found, then change the com_port in main function. \attention Change com_port, com_baudrate values in main() with relevant values. \attention We are not responsible for any loss or damage occur by using this program \attention We appreciate the suggestions and bug reports */ #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include <windows.h> #include <cstdio> #include <cstdlib> #include <cstring> #include <string> using namespace std; // To record the output of SCIP,define RAW_OUTPUT //#define RAW_OUTPUT #if defined(RAW_OUTPUT) static FILE* Raw_fd_ = NULL; #endif enum { Timeout = 1000, // [msec] EachTimeout = 2, // [msec] LineLength = 64 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 16, }; static HANDLE HCom = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static int ReadableSize = 0; static char* ErrorMessage = "no error."; /*! \brief Manage sensor information */ typedef struct { enum { MODL = 0, //!< Sensor model information DMIN, //!< Minimum measurable distance [mm] DMAX, //!< Maximum measurable distance [mm] ARES, //!< Angle of resolution AMIN, //!< Minimum measurable area AMAX, //!< Maximum measurable area AFRT, //!< Front direction value SCAN, //!< Standard angular velocity }; string model; //!< Obtained MODL information long distance_min; //!< Obtained DMIN information long distance_max; //!< Obtained DMAX information int area_total; //!< Obtained ARES information int area_min; //!< Obtained AMIN information int area_max; //!< Obtained AMAX information int area_front; //!< Obtained AFRT information int scan_rpm; //!< Obtained SCAN information int first; //!< Starting position of measurement int last; //!< End position of measurement int max_size; //!< Maximum size of data long last_timestamp; //!< Time stamp when latest data is obtained } urg_state_t; // Delay static void delay(int msec) { Sleep(msec); } static int com_changeBaudrate(long baudrate) { DCB dcb; GetCommState(HCom, &dcb); dcb.BaudRate = baudrate; dcb.ByteSize = 8; dcb.Parity = NOPARITY; dcb.fParity = FALSE; dcb.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT; SetCommState(HCom, &dcb); return 0; } // Serial transceiver static int com_connect(const char* device, long baudrate) { #if defined(RAW_OUTPUT) Raw_fd_ = fopen("raw_output.txt", "w"); #endif char adjust_device[16]; _snprintf(adjust_device, 16, "\\\\.\\%s", device); HCom = CreateFileA(adjust_device, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (HCom == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return -1; } // Baud rate setting return com_changeBaudrate(baudrate); } static void com_disconnect(void) { if (HCom != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle(HCom); HCom = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } } static int com_send(const char* data, int size) { DWORD n; WriteFile(HCom, data, size, &n, NULL); return n; } static int com_recv(char* data, int max_size, int timeout) { if (max_size <= 0) { return 0; } if (ReadableSize < max_size) { DWORD dwErrors; COMSTAT ComStat; ClearCommError(HCom, &dwErrors, &ComStat); ReadableSize = ComStat.cbInQue; } if (max_size > ReadableSize) { COMMTIMEOUTS pcto; int each_timeout = 2; if (timeout == 0) { max_size = ReadableSize; } else { if (timeout < 0) { /* If timeout is 0, this function wait data infinity */ timeout = 0; each_timeout = 0; } /* set timeout */ GetCommTimeouts(HCom, &pcto); pcto.ReadIntervalTimeout = timeout; pcto.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = each_timeout; pcto.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = timeout; SetCommTimeouts(HCom, &pcto); } } DWORD n; ReadFile(HCom, data, (DWORD)max_size, &n, NULL); #if defined(RAW_OUTPUT) if (Raw_fd_) { for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { fprintf(Raw_fd_, "%c", data[i]); } fflush(Raw_fd_); } #endif if (n > 0) { ReadableSize -= n; } return n; } // The command is transmitted to URG static int urg_sendTag(const char* tag) { char send_message[LineLength]; _snprintf(send_message, LineLength, "%s\n", tag); int send_size = (int)strlen(send_message); com_send(send_message, send_size); return send_size; } // Read one line data from URG static int urg_readLine(char *buffer) { int i; for (i = 0; i < LineLength -1; ++i) { char recv_ch; int n = com_recv(&recv_ch, 1, Timeout); if (n <= 0) { if (i == 0) { return -1; // timeout } break; } if ((recv_ch == '\r') || (recv_ch == '\n')) { break; } buffer[i] = recv_ch; } buffer[i] = '\0'; return i; } // Trasmit command to URG and wait for response static int urg_sendMessage(const char* command, int timeout, int* recv_n) { int send_size = urg_sendTag(command); int recv_size = send_size + 2 + 1 + 2; char buffer[LineLength]; int n = com_recv(buffer, recv_size, timeout); *recv_n = n; if (n < recv_size) { // if received data size is incorrect return -1; } if (strncmp(buffer, command, send_size -1)) { // If there is mismatch in command return -1; } // !!! check checksum here // Convert the response string into hexadecimal number and return that value char reply_str[3] = "00"; reply_str[0] = buffer[send_size]; reply_str[1] = buffer[send_size + 1]; return strtol(reply_str, NULL, 16); } // Change baudrate static int urg_changeBaudrate(long baudrate) { char buffer[] = "SSxxxxxx\r"; _snprintf(buffer, 10, "SS%06d\r", baudrate); int dummy = 0; int ret = urg_sendMessage(buffer, Timeout, &dummy); if ((ret == 0) || (ret == 3) || (ret == 4)) { return 0; } else { return -1; } } // Read out URG parameter static int urg_getParameters(urg_state_t* state) { // Read parameter urg_sendTag("PP"); char buffer[LineLength]; int line_index = 0; enum { TagReply = 0, DataReply, Other, }; int line_length; for (; (line_length = urg_readLine(buffer)) > 0; ++line_index) { if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::MODL) { buffer[line_length - 2] = '\0'; state->model = &buffer[5]; } else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::DMIN) { state->distance_min = atoi(&buffer[5]); } else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::DMAX) { state->distance_max = atoi(&buffer[5]); } else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::ARES) { state->area_total = atoi(&buffer[5]); } else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::AMIN) { state->area_min = atoi(&buffer[5]); state->first = state->area_min; } else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::AMAX) { state->area_max = atoi(&buffer[5]); state->last = state->area_max; } else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::AFRT) { state->area_front = atoi(&buffer[5]); } else if (line_index == Other + urg_state_t::SCAN) { state->scan_rpm = atoi(&buffer[5]); } } if (line_index <= Other + urg_state_t::SCAN) { return -1; } // Calculate the data size state->max_size = state->area_max +1; return 0; } /*! \brief Connection to URG \param state [o] Sensor information \param port [i] Device \param baudrate [i] Baudrate [bps] \retval 0 Success \retval < 0 Error */ static int urg_connect(urg_state_t* state, const char* port, const long baudrate) { static char message_buffer[LineLength]; if (com_connect(port, baudrate) < 0) { _snprintf(message_buffer, LineLength, "Cannot connect COM device: %s", port); ErrorMessage = message_buffer; return -1; } const long try_baudrate[] = { 19200, 115200, 38400 }; size_t n = sizeof(try_baudrate) / sizeof(try_baudrate[0]); for (size_t i = 0; i < n; ++i) { // Search for the communicate able baud rate by trying different baud rate if (com_changeBaudrate(try_baudrate[i])) { ErrorMessage = "change baudrate fail."; return -1; } // Change to SCIP2.0 mode int recv_n = 0; urg_sendMessage("SCIP2.0", Timeout, &recv_n); if (recv_n <= 0) { // If there is difference in baud rate value,then there will be no // response. So if there is no response, try the next baud rate. continue; } // If specified baudrate is different, then change the baudrate if (try_baudrate[i] != baudrate) { urg_changeBaudrate(baudrate); // Wait for SS command applied. delay(100); com_changeBaudrate(baudrate); } // Get parameter if (urg_getParameters(state) < 0) { ErrorMessage = "PP command fail.\n" "This COM device may be not URG, or URG firmware is too old.\n" "SCIP 1.1 protocol is not supported. Please update URG firmware."; return -1; } state->last_timestamp = 0; // success return 0; } // fail ErrorMessage = "no urg ports."; return -1; } /*! \brief Disconnection */ static void urg_disconnect(void) { com_disconnect(); } /*! \brief Receive range data by using GD command \param state[i] Sensor information \retval 0 Success \retval < 0 Error */ static int urg_captureByGD(const urg_state_t* state) { char send_message[LineLength]; _snprintf(send_message, LineLength, "GD%04d%04d%02d", state->first, state->last, 1); return urg_sendTag(send_message); } /*! \brief Get range data by using MD command \param state [i] Sensor information \param capture_times [i] capture times \retval 0 Success \retval < 0 Error */ static int urg_captureByMD(const urg_state_t* state, int capture_times) { if (capture_times >= 100) { capture_times = 0; } char send_message[LineLength]; _snprintf(send_message, LineLength, "MD%04d%04d%02d%01d%02d", state->first, state->last, 1, 0, capture_times); return urg_sendTag(send_message); } // Decode 6bit data static long urg_decode(const char data[], int data_byte) { long value = 0; for (int i = 0; i < data_byte; ++i) { value <<= 6; value &= ~0x3f; value |= data[i] - 0x30; } return value; } // Receive range data static int urg_addRecvData(const char buffer[], long data[], int* filled) { static int remain_byte = 0; static char remain_data[3]; const int data_byte = 3; const char* pre_p = buffer; const char* p = pre_p; if (*filled <= 0) { remain_byte = 0; } if (remain_byte > 0) { memmove(&remain_data[remain_byte], buffer, data_byte - remain_byte); data[*filled] = urg_decode(remain_data, data_byte); ++(*filled); pre_p = &buffer[data_byte - remain_byte]; p = pre_p; remain_byte = 0; } do { ++p; if ((p - pre_p) >= static_cast<int>(data_byte)) { data[*filled] = urg_decode(pre_p, data_byte); ++(*filled); pre_p = p; } } while (*p != '\0'); remain_byte = (int)(p - pre_p); memmove(remain_data, pre_p, remain_byte); return 0; } static int checkSum(char buffer[], int size, char actual_sum) { char expected_sum = 0x00; int i; for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) { expected_sum += buffer[i]; } expected_sum = (expected_sum & 0x3f) + 0x30; return (expected_sum == actual_sum) ? 0 : -1; } /*! \brief Receive URG data \param state [i] Sensor information \param data [o] range data \param max_size [i] range data buffer size \retval >= 0 number of range data \retval < 0 Error */ static int urg_receiveData(urg_state_t* state, long data[], size_t max_size) { int filled = 0; // fill -1 from 0 to first for (int i = state->first -1; i >= 0; --i) { data[filled++] = -1; } char message_type = 'M'; char buffer[LineLength]; int line_length; for (int line_count = 0; (line_length = urg_readLine(buffer)) >= 0; ++line_count) { // check sum if ((line_count > 3) && (line_length >= 3)) { if (checkSum(buffer, line_length - 1, buffer[line_length - 1]) < 0) { fprintf(stderr, "line_count: %d: %s\n", line_count, buffer); return -1; } } if ((line_count >= 6) && (line_length == 0)) { for (size_t i = filled; i < max_size; ++i) { // fill -1 to last of data buffer data[filled++] = -1; } return filled; } else if (line_count == 0) { if ((buffer[0] != 'M') && (buffer[0] != 'G')) { return -1; } message_type = buffer[0]; } else if (! strncmp(buffer, "99b", 3)) { line_count = 4; } else if ((line_count == 1) && (message_type == 'G')) { line_count = 4; } else if (line_count == 4) { if (strncmp(buffer, "99b", 3)) { return -1; } } else if (line_count == 5) { state->last_timestamp = urg_decode(buffer, 4); } else if (line_count >= 6) { if (line_length > (64 + 1)) { line_length = (64 + 1); } buffer[line_length -1] = '\0'; int ret = urg_addRecvData(buffer, data, &filled); if (ret < 0) { return ret; } } } return -1; } void outputData(long data[], int n, size_t total_index) { char output_file[] = "data_xxxxxxxxxx.csv"; _snprintf(output_file, sizeof(output_file), "data_%03d.csv", total_index); FILE* fd = fopen(output_file, "w"); if (! fd) { perror("fopen"); return; } for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { fprintf(fd, "%ld, ", data[i]); } fprintf(fd, "\n"); fclose(fd); } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { const char com_port[] = "COM10"; const long com_baudrate = 115200; urg_state_t urg_state; int ret = urg_connect(&urg_state, com_port, com_baudrate); if (ret < 0) { printf("urg_connect: %s\n", ErrorMessage); getchar(); exit(1); } int max_size = urg_state.max_size; long* data = new long[max_size]; enum { CaptureTimes = 5 }; size_t total_index = 0; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("using GD command\n"); int recv_n = 0; urg_sendMessage("BM", Timeout, &recv_n); for (int i = 0; i < CaptureTimes; ++i) { urg_captureByGD(&urg_state); int n = urg_receiveData(&urg_state, data, max_size); if (n > 0) { printf("% 3d: front: %ld, urg_timestamp: %ld\n", i, data[urg_state.area_front], urg_state.last_timestamp); outputData(data, n, ++total_index); } } printf("\n"); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// printf("using MD command\n"); urg_captureByMD(&urg_state, CaptureTimes); for (int i = 0; i < CaptureTimes; ++i) { int n = urg_receiveData(&urg_state, data, max_size); if (n > 0) { printf("% 3d: front: %ld, urg_timestamp: %ld\n", i, data[urg_state.area_front], urg_state.last_timestamp); outputData(data, n, ++total_index); } } if (CaptureTimes >= 100) { int dummy; urg_sendMessage("QT", Timeout, &dummy); } urg_disconnect(); delete [] data; printf("end.\n"); getchar(); return 0; }//激光雷达采集到数据的显示: