#include<iostream> using namespace std; const int len=7; void binaryInsertSort(int * array,int len) { for(int i=1;i<len;i++)//与普通的排序一样,外层for循环用来控制排序趟数 { int x=array[i]; int low=0,high=i-1;//low与high的初始化很重要,因为i从1开始,所以low=0,high=i-1,这样就能保证数组中的每一个 //元素参与排序,教材上的low=1是错误的,因为教材上将数组中的第0位作为监视哨而未参与排序。 while(low<=high)//寻找待插入的位置 { int mid=(low+high)/2; if(x<array[mid]) high=mid-1; else low=mid+1; } for(int j=i-1;j>=low;j--)//将记录向后移动 { array[j+1]=array[j]; } array[low]=x;//插入记录 } } int main() { int a[len]={7,0,4,5,1,2,3}; binaryInsertSort(a,len); for(int i=0;i<len;i++) cout<<a[i]<<' '; cout<<endl; }可以看到折半插入排序的思想是基于折半查找的,即对有序表进行折半查找,其性能较好,所以可将折半查找的思路运用到排序中一个数组中的元素虽然刚开始不是有序的,但是可以通过折半查找的同时构造有序表,即折半插入排序算法即是通过折半查找构造有序序列,然后在已构造的部分有序序列中运用折半查找插入元素,最终直至整个表排好序为止。
static <T> void sort(T[] a, int lo, int hi, Comparator<? super T> c, T[] work, int workBase, int workLen) { assert c != null && a != null && lo >= 0 && lo <= hi && hi <= a.length; int nRemaining = hi - lo; if (nRemaining < 2) return; // Arrays of size 0 and 1 are always sorted // If array is small, do a "mini-TimSort" with no merges if (nRemaining < MIN_MERGE) { int initRunLen = countRunAndMakeAscending(a, lo, hi, c); binarySort(a, lo, hi, lo + initRunLen, c); return; }可以看到在TimSort类中最终会调用binarySort方法,即折半插入排序,我们来看一下其源码:
/** * Sorts the specified portion of the specified array using a binary * insertion sort. This is the best method for sorting small numbers * of elements. It requires O(n log n) compares, but O(n^2) data * movement (worst case). * * If the initial part of the specified range is already sorted, * this method can take advantage of it: the method assumes that the * elements from index {@code lo}, inclusive, to {@code start}, * exclusive are already sorted. * * @param a the array in which a range is to be sorted * @param lo the index of the first element in the range to be sorted * @param hi the index after the last element in the range to be sorted * @param start the index of the first element in the range that is * not already known to be sorted ({@code lo <= start <= hi}) * @param c comparator to used for the sort */ @SuppressWarnings("fallthrough") private static <T> void binarySort(T[] a, int lo, int hi, int start, Comparator<? super T> c) { assert lo <= start && start <= hi; if (start == lo) start++; for ( ; start < hi; start++) { T pivot = a[start]; // Set left (and right) to the index where a[start] (pivot) belongs int left = lo; int right = start; assert left <= right; /* * Invariants: * pivot >= all in [lo, left). * pivot < all in [right, start). */ while (left < right) { int mid = (left + right) >>> 1; if (c.compare(pivot, a[mid]) < 0) right = mid; else left = mid + 1; } assert left == right; /* * The invariants still hold: pivot >= all in [lo, left) and * pivot < all in [left, start), so pivot belongs at left. Note * that if there are elements equal to pivot, left points to the * first slot after them -- that's why this sort is stable. * Slide elements over to make room for pivot. */ int n = start - left; // The number of elements to move // Switch is just an optimization for arraycopy in default case switch (n) { case 2: a[left + 2] = a[left + 1]; case 1: a[left + 1] = a[left]; break; default: System.arraycopy(a, left, a, left + 1, n); } a[left] = pivot; } }可以看到其实其代码一点也不复杂,与我们上面分析的c语言代码几乎完全相同,只不过它所排序的元素不再是简单的int型,比较规则也不再是简单的比较数的大小,而是通过java中的Comparator接口来规定的,可以看到注释远远多于代码量,一方面这是因为那些天才们用其高超的艺术大大的简化了代码,另一方面也是为了解释关于选择折半插入排序的原因:
/** * Sorts the specified portion of the specified array using a binary * insertion sort. This is the best method for sorting small numbers * of elements. It requires O(n log n) compares, but O(n^2) data * movement (worst case). /* * The invariants still hold: pivot >= all in [lo, left) and * pivot < all in [left, start), so pivot belongs at left. Note * that if there are elements equal to pivot, left points to the * first slot after them -- that's why this sort is stable. * Slide elements over to make room for pivot. */从我截取的这两段注释来看,可以知道:
2它只需要O(nlogn)的比较次数,但是其移动次数仍然为 O(n^2)。It requires O(n log n) compares, but O(n^2) data movement (worst case).
3它是稳定的排序算法。that's why this sort is stable.而快速排序不是稳定的排序。