<span style="font-size:24px;">Public Function da(frm) Dim ctrl As Control For Each ctrl In frm.Controls If TypeOf ctrl Is TextBox Then '是否为文本框TextBox ctrl.Text = "" End If If TypeOf ctrl Is ComboBox Then ctrl.Text = "" End If Next End Function</span>2.窗体中写
<span style="font-size:24px;">Call da(Me)</span>3、text也可以换成combo
<span style="font-size:24px;">Public Sub AdjustColWidth(frmCur As Form, gridCur As Object, Optional bNullRow As Boolean = True, Optional dblIncWidth As Double = 0) '-------------------------------------------------------------------- '功能: ' 自动调整Grid各列列宽为最合适的宽度 '参数: ' [frmCur].........................................当前工作窗体 ' [gridCur]........................................当前要调整的Grid '-------------------------------------------------------------------- Dim i, j As Integer Dim dblWidth As Double With gridCur For i = 0 To .Cols - 1 dblWidth = 0 If .ColWidth(i) <> 0 Then For j = 0 To .Rows - 1 If frmCur.TextWidth(.TextMatrix(j, i)) > dblWidth Then dblWidth = frmCur.TextWidth(.TextMatrix(j, i)) End If Next .ColWidth(i) = dblWidth + dblIncWidth + 1500 '注意这里的1500,可以自己改数字。 End If Next End With End Sub</span>2.窗体中写
<span style="font-size:24px;">Call AdjustColWidth(frmaduser, MyFlexGrid) '后面为窗体名字,和窗体中myflexgrid的名字</span>
<span style="font-size:24px;">Public Function chkkey(t As String, k As Integer) As Integer chkkey = k If k = 46 And InStr(t, ".") = 0 Then Exit Function End If If k = 8 Then Exit Function End If If k < 48 Or k > 57 Then chkkey = 0 End If End Function</span>2、窗体调用
<span style="font-size:24px;">Private Sub txtcontent_KeyPress(Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer) If (Cmbfield1.Text) = "卡号" Then KeyAscii = chkkey(txtcontent(0), KeyAscii) Else If (Cmbfield1.Text) = "学号" Then KeyAscii = chkkey(txtcontent(0), KeyAscii) End If End If If (Cmbfield2.Text) = "卡号" Then KeyAscii = chkkey(txtcontent(1), KeyAscii) Else If (Cmbfield2.Text) = "学号" Then KeyAscii = chkkey(txtcontent(1), KeyAscii) End If End If If (Cmbfield3.Text) = "卡号" Then KeyAscii = chkkey(txtcontent(2), KeyAscii) Else If (Cmbfield3.Text) = "学号" Then KeyAscii = chkkey(txtcontent(2), KeyAscii) End If End If End Sub</span>四、未解决问题
combo的限制输入,虽然在它的keypress事件中输入一行KeyAscii = 0就可以解决,但是我想在模块中输入,然后整个工程中所有的combo限制输入。没有实现。谁有好的办法一块交流哦!