JGroups(2.6.9-GA)使用RpcDispatcher来调用callRemoteMethods等类似的一系列函数来实现远程调用,并且推荐使用MethodCall作为远程调用的函数信息,MethodCall类包装了包括函数名,函数参数及其类型等信息。MethodCall类部分代码如下:public class MethodCall implements Externalizable { private static final long serialVersionUID=7873471327078957662L; /** The name of the method, case sensitive. */ protected String method_name; /** The ID of a method, maps to a java.lang.reflect.Method */ protected short method_id=-1; /** The arguments of the method. */ protected Object[] args; /** The class types, e.g., new Class[]{String.class, int.class}. */ protected Class[] types; /** The signature, e.g., new String[]{String.class.getName(), int.class.getName()}. */ protected String[] signature; /** The Method of the call. */ protected Method method; /** To carry arbitrary data with a method call, data needs to be serializable if sent across the wire */ protected Map payload; protected static final Log log=LogFactory.getLog(MethodCall.class); /** Which mode to use. */ protected short mode=OLD; /** Infer the method from the arguments. */ protected static final short OLD=1; /** Explicitly ship the method, caller has to determine method himself. */ protected static final short METHOD=2; /** Use class information. */ protected static final short TYPES=3; /** Provide a signature, similar to JMX. */ protected static final short SIGNATURE=4; /** Use an ID to map to a method */ protected static final short ID=5; //other ops.... }
JGroups查找匹配的函数时提供了多种选择,并且通过MethodCall的属性mode设定。这些模式包括: switch(mode) { case OLD: meth=findMethod(cl); break; case METHOD: if(this.method != null) meth=this.method; break; case TYPES: //meth=cl.getDeclaredMethod(method_name, types); meth = getMethod(cl, method_name, types); break; case SIGNATURE: Class[] mytypes=null; if(signature != null) mytypes=getTypesFromString(cl, signature); //meth=cl.getDeclaredMethod(method_name, mytypes); meth = getMethod(cl, method_name, mytypes); break; case ID: break; default: if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("mode " + mode + " is invalid"); break; }
3.TYPES模式:检查函数名,函数参数个数,并且通过Class.isAssignableFrom(Class clazz)判断是否是匹配类型。
默认的查找方式是OLD,其实现方式是: Method findMethod(Class target_class) throws Exception { int len=args != null? args.length : 0; Method m; Method[] methods=getAllMethods(target_class); for(int i=0; i < methods.length; i++) { m=methods[i]; if(m.getName().equals(method_name)) { if(m.getParameterTypes().length == len) return m; } } return null; } ,也就是说只检查函数名以及参数个数。这就会导致匹配出现问题。
函数查找模式的设定是通过不同的构造函数类确定的。如: public MethodCall(String method_name, Object[] args) { this.method_name=method_name; this.mode=OLD;//默认模式 this.args=args; } public MethodCall(short method_id, Object[] args) { this.method_id=method_id; this.mode=ID;//ID模式,通过函数ID查找? this.args=args; } public MethodCall(String method_name, Object[] args, Class[] types) { this.method_name=method_name; this.args=args; this.types=types; this.mode=TYPES;//参数类型 } public MethodCall(String method_name, Object[] args, String[] signature) { this.method_name=method_name; this.args=args; this.signature=signature; this.mode=SIGNATURE;//函数签名 }
public boolean remove(Object id){//body} public boolean remove(List ids){//body} ,调用Object[] args = new Object[]{256L}; Class[] types = new Class[]{Long.class}; MethodCall methodCall = new MethodCall("remove",args,types); RpcDispatcher.callRemoteMethod(dest, methodCall, GroupRequest.GET_FIRST, 20000); 并不能确定能调用ServerObject的public boolean remove(Object id){//body} 方法。因为它使用的TYPES的查找模式。这种模式检查函数名,参数个数之后用如下的语句判断函数参数类型是否匹配。那么任何Object的子类都是可以复制给万能的Object类型的。 if(!parameters[j].isAssignableFrom(types[j])) { // if (!types[j].equals(parameters[j])) { continue methods; }