转 三步让你时间变充裕

转自 http://my.hp009.com/110897?ajaxurl=blog_%3Fmodule%3Dblog%26act%3Darchive%26do%3Dshow%26uid%3D110897%26aid%3D22002


  Step 1: Find a place to sit without distractions. Think about what is important to you then get your paper and pencil and make a list. This list should include things that you would like to accomplish. Keep it short.

  Step 2: Make a realisticdeadline. Put some time aside every day to work toward your goal. It doesn't have to be much -- maybe only an hour. The important thing is that for that hour you focussolelyon completing your task, nothing else should be on your mind. You'll be surprised at what you can accomplish when you focus.

  Step 3: Don't be too hard on yourself. If you focus only on your failures or tasks that you still need to accomplish, you'll get overwhelmedand/or depressedand you'll never accomplish anything.

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