Q\A about VME bus for Vxworks

Aditya Amar wrote:
> Calling upon all VxWorks Gurus for help !!
> My problem has to do with handling interrupts from the VMEbus
> I am using various custom designed boards ( which are connected to the SBC via the VME bus) to 
> generate interrupts. The SBC is a MVME5100 board having a PPC604 processor and interfaced with
> a VME bus via the "Tundra PCI Universe2B" chip. We are using the mvme5100 BSP provided by 
> Wind River for this board.
> I have copied the following code-snippet from  a Wind-River document "WTN-56" which 
> explains "VME Bus access and control via Tundra Universe 2" ...
> /* connect interrupt service routine 
> The following sample code can be integrated into an application to enable VME bus interrupts 
> and attach interrupt handlers */
> #include "vxWorks.h"
> #include "stdio.h"
> #include "logLib.h"
> #include "intLib.h"
> #define INUM_TO_IVEC(intNum) ((VOIDFUNCPTR *) ((intNum) << 3))
> /* The following functions can be used to test VME bus interrupts */
> /* Use the function sysBusIntGen from a second bus master to generate
> an interrupt */
> void vmeHandler (void)
> {
> logMsg ("Inside vmeHandler ISR....");
> }
> void vmeMain (int intLevel, int vector)
> {
> sysIntEnable (intLevel);
> printf ("Level %d enabled\n", intLevel);
> intConnect(INUM_TO_IVEC(vector),(VOIDFUNCPTR) vmeHandler, 0);
> }
> My questions are as follows:-
> 1.The VMEbus has 7  levels of prioritized interrupts (IRQ1...IRQ7) . If I am 
> generating IRQ4 from our custom designed h/w board then what should 
> be the argument in the call to sysIntEnable from within vmeMain ().

> When I generated an IRQ4 interrupt from our custom board , over the 
> VMEbus and called sysIntEnable(4) to enable the specified bus interrupt level,
>  I got a scrolling display of error messages on my debug monitor indicating that a 
> wrong VMEbus interrupt :0 was recieved ?????????

Your board probably is not using "release on acknowledge".  It is also
possible that the board is not sending the correct interrupt number.

> 2. Assuming that during the IACK ( interrupt acknowledge) cycle, the interrupting board would send 0x60 as the 
> Interrupt Number/Interrupt Vector  to the the SBC over the VME bus 
> my call to intConnect should be 
>     intConnect (INUM_TO_IVEC (0x60), myVMEinterruptHandler, 0);   or
>     intConnect (0x60, myVMEinterruptHandler, 0);  
> Is 0x60 an interrupt number or an interrupt vector ?

In VMEspeak, the term interrupt vector is used for the same thing
that WRS calls an interrupt Number.  Basically, you use INUM_TO_IVEC
on whatever the board is going to put on the bus during the IACK

> 3. I was under the impression that the intArchLib ( which is the architecture-dependent 
> interrupt library ) will provide the definition of  INUM_TO_IVEC. But from the code snippet 
> above it looks like I have to define it myself. So the question is who provides the 
> definition of  INUM_TO_IVEC ? If I have to define it how do I do it ?

It should be in one of the .h files.  I forget which, why don't you
just search fot it?

> I am NOT using sysBusIntGen()  to simulate the generation of interrupts, rather I am using our custom
> H/W boards to actually generate interrupts across the VMEbus. We have verified that these interrupts
> are actually getting generated and being transferred across the VMEbus using probes, but are 
> not able to connect an ISR which will handle this interrupt on the SBC.

Is the board sending 0x60 during the IACK cycle?  Is the board turning
the int off when the IACK comes through?  See a copy of the standard
for the exact seq of events.  I have had trouble with custom boards
in which the designer was changing his bus signals on the wrong edge
of bus control signals.  The VME standard has the exact requirements.

> Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated....
> best,
> Adi

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