# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun May 19 18:54:36 2013
@author: rk
import nltk
import os
import math
train_data = "./hw1_data/train/"
test_data = "./hw1_data/test/"
ham = "ham/"
spam = "spam/"
MAX_NUM = 10000
K = 2
def sort_by_value(d):
return sorted(d.items(), lambda x, y: cmp(x[1], y[1]), reverse = True)
def word_process(word):
# lemmatizer = nltk.WordNetLemmatizer()
#stop words
#lower characters
word_low = word.strip().lower()
#lemmatize word
#word_final = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word_low)
word_final = word_low
return word_final
def add_to_dict(word, dict_name):
if(word in dict_name):
num = dict_name[word]
num += 1
dict_name[word] = num
dict_name[word] = 1
def negative_dict_maker(dictionary):
d = dict()
for (key, value) in dictionary.items():
if(value >= MAX_NUM or value <= 1):
d[key] = 1
return d
def text_reader(file_name, dict_name):
tokenizer = nltk.RegexpTokenizer("[\w']{2,}") #leave the word with length > 1
f = open(file_name, 'r')
for line in f:
words = tokenizer.tokenize(line)
for word in words:
word = word_process(word)
add_to_dict(word, dict_name)
def save_dict(dict_name, file_path, all_flag):
f = open(file_path, 'w')#"dict_file.data", 'w')
word_max = ""
value_max = 0;
for (key, value) in dict_name.items():
if(not all_flag):
if value > 1 and value < MAX_NUM:
f.writelines(key+" "+str(value)+"\n")
if value > value_max:
word_max = key
value_max = value
f.writelines(key+" "+str(value)+"\n")
if value > value_max:
word_max = key
value_max = value
print("Save_dict-----> Max_key:"+word_max+", Max_value:"+str(value_max))
def load_dict(file_path):
dict_loaded = dict()
f = open(file_path, 'r')
while 1:
line = f.readline()
if not line:
words = line.split()
dict_loaded[words[0]] = int(words[1])
return dict_loaded
def save_file_number(ham, spam, total):
f = open("file_number.data", 'w')
#make the master dictionary and calculate the number of ham or spam
def traverse_dictionary_maker(file_path):#the path is the ham/spam's parent
dictionary = dict()
ham_path = file_path+ham
spam_path = file_path+spam
path = {ham_path, spam_path}
path_order = 0
num_ham = 0
num_spam = 0
for i in path:
folders = os.listdir(i)
for file_name in folders:
if os.path.isfile(i+file_name):
text_reader(i+file_name, dictionary)
if(path_order == 0):
num_ham += 1
num_spam += 1
path_order += 1
save_file_number(num_ham, num_spam, num_ham + num_spam)
return dictionary
#create the ham/spam email dictionary
def dict_creator(file_path, negative_dict):
dictionary = load_dict("dict_file.data")
#initialize the dictionary item value
for key in dictionary:
dictionary[key] = 0
if(not os.path.isfile(file_path)): #if file_path is a folder
folders = os.listdir(file_path)
for file_name in folders:
single_dict = dict()
if os.path.isfile(file_path+file_name):
text_reader(file_path+file_name, single_dict)
for key in single_dict:
if key not in negative_dict:
num = dictionary[key]
num += 1
dictionary[key] = num
single_dict = dict()
text_reader(file_path, single_dict)
for key in single_dict:
# if key not in negative_dict:
if(key in dictionary):
num = dictionary[key]
num += 1
dictionary[key] = num
return dictionary
#output the file data after process
def save_vector(dictionary, target_path):
f = open(target_path, 'w')
for (key, value) in dictionary.items():
if (value != 0) :
f.writelines(key+" "+str(value)+"\n")
print("test_dict: "+target_path + " written!")
def vector_creator(file_path, negative_dict, target_path):
dictionary = dict_creator(file_path, negative_dict)
save_vector(dictionary, target_path)
def vector_loader(target_path):
dictionary = load_dict(target_path)
return dictionary
def read_w_number():
f = open("file_number.data", 'r')
lines = f.readlines()
w_num = [int(lines[0]), int(lines[1]), int(lines[2])]
return w_num
def print_top_twenty(list_name):
index = 0
while(index < 20):
index += 1
#to calculate the probability of P(xi|w) with smoothing log function
def calculate_log_p_xi_w(word, dict_name, n_w, exist_flag):
result = math.log(dict_name[word]+1)
result = math.log(n_w+K-dict_name[word]-1)
return result
#to calculate the probability of P(x|w) with log function
def calculate_log_p_x_w(vector, dict_name, n_w, n_t, denominator_all):
result = 0.0
for (key, value) in dict_name.items():
exist_flag = (key in vector)
result += calculate_log_p_xi_w(key, dict_name, n_w, exist_flag)
result -= denominator_all
result += math.log(n_w)
result -= math.log(n_t)
return result
def predict(file_path, w_num, ham_dict, spam_dict, ham_denominator_all, spam_denominator_all):
vector = vector_loader(file_path)
prob_ham = calculate_log_p_x_w(vector, ham_dict, w_num[0], w_num[2], ham_denominator_all)
prob_spam = calculate_log_p_x_w(vector, spam_dict, w_num[1], w_num[2], spam_denominator_all)
if prob_ham > prob_spam :
return 0
else :
return 1
file_path = train_data
dictionary = traverse_dictionary_maker(file_path)
negative_dict = negative_dict_maker(dictionary) #filter the word with number >= MAX_NUM negative[key]=1
# print ("negative: "+str(len(negative_dict))) #39624
save_dict(dictionary, "dict_file.data", False) #include the filtering of number of words
dictionary = load_dict("dict_file.data")
w_num = read_w_number() #the number of ham emails and spam emails
#print the number of each email set
#traverse ham emails, create ham dictionary
ham_dict = dict_creator(train_data + ham, negative_dict)
save_dict(ham_dict, "ham_dict.data", True)
#traverse spam emails, create spam dictionary
spam_dict = dict_creator(train_data + spam, negative_dict)
save_dict(spam_dict, "spam_dict.data", True)
#train process
list_ham = sort_by_value(ham_dict)
list_spam = sort_by_value(spam_dict)
ham_length = len(ham_dict)
# print ham_length #46328
ham_denominator_all = math.log(w_num[0]+K) * len(dictionary)# w_num[2]
spam_length = len(spam_dict)
# print spam_length #46328
# print len(dictionary) #46328
spam_denominator_all = math.log(w_num[1]+K) * len(dictionary)# w_num[2]
#initial process for test set
def test_process(data_set):
test_set = [ham, spam]
for w in test_set:
folder_path = data_set + w
files = os.listdir(folder_path)
# total_num = 0
# correct_num = 0
for file in files:
# dict_temp = dict()
if os.path.isfile(folder_path+file):
vector_creator(folder_path+file, negative_dict, folder_path+"dict/"+file)
def test_prob(data_set):
test_set = [ham, spam]
for w in test_set:
folder_path = data_set + w + "dict/"
print folder_path
files = os.listdir(folder_path)
total_num = 0
ham_predict_num = 0
spam_predict_num = 0
print len(files)
f = open("file.data", 'w')
for file in files:
# dict_temp = dict()
if os.path.isfile(folder_path+file):
result = predict(folder_path+file, w_num, ham_dict, spam_dict, ham_denominator_all, spam_denominator_all)
# print result
total_num += 1
if(w == ham and result == 0):
ham_predict_num += 1
elif (w == spam and result == 1):
spam_predict_num += 1
print "Total test number: " + str(total_num)
print "Ham predicted number: " + str(ham_predict_num)
print "Spam predicted number: " + str(spam_predict_num)
# test_process(test_data) #This function is to pre-process the test file
# test_process(train_data) #This function is to pre-process the train file
test_prob(test_data) #This function is to calculate the probability of test_data
test_prob(train_data) ##This function is to calculate the probability of train_data
def get_top_ten_word_ratio():
dict_temp = dict()
for key in dictionary:
log2 = calculate_log_p_xi_w(key, ham_dict, w_num[0], True) - math.log(w_num[0]+K)
log1 = calculate_log_p_xi_w(key, spam_dict, w_num[1], True) - math.log(w_num[1]+K)
result = log1-log2
dict_temp[key] = result
list_temp = sort_by_value(dict_temp)
print("--------------TOP 20 spam words-----------------")
print("-------------output ends------------------")