一.WITH AS的含义
WITH AS短语,也叫做子查询部分(subquery factoring),可以让你做很多事情,定义一个SQL片断,该SQL片断会被整个SQL语句所用到。有的时候,是为了让SQL语句的可读性更高些,也有可能是在UNION ALL的不同部分,作为提供数据的部分。
特别对于UNION ALL比较有用。因为UNION ALL的每个部分可能相同,但是如果每个部分都去执行一遍的话,则成本太高,所以可以使用WITH AS短语,则只要执行一遍即可。如果WITH AS短语所定义的表名被调用两次以上,则优化器会自动将WITH AS短语所获取的数据放入一个TEMP表里,如果只是被调用一次,则不会。而提示materialize则是强制将WITH AS短语里的数据放入一个全局临时表里。很多查询通过这种方法都可以提高速度。
select * from person.StateProvince where CountryRegionCode in (select CountryRegionCode from person.CountryRegion where Name like 'C%')
declare @t table(CountryRegionCode nvarchar(3)) insert into @t(CountryRegionCode) (select CountryRegionCode from person.CountryRegion where Name like 'C%') select * from person.StateProvince where CountryRegionCode in (select * from @t)
[ WITH <common_table_expression> [ ,n ] ] <common_table_expression>::= expression_name [ ( column_name [ ,n ] ) ] AS ( CTE_query_definition )
with cr as ( select CountryRegionCode from person.CountryRegion where Name like 'C%' ) select * from person.StateProvince where CountryRegionCode in (select * from cr)
with cr as ( select CountryRegionCode from person.CountryRegion where Name like 'C%' ) select * from person.CountryRegion -- 应将这条SQL语句去掉 -- 使用CTE的SQL语句应紧跟在相关的CTE后面 -- select * from person.StateProvince where CountryRegionCode in (select * from cr)
with cte1 as ( select * from table1 where name like 'abc%' ), cte2 as ( select * from table2 where id > 20 ), cte3 as ( select * from table3 where price < 100 ) select a.* from cte1 a, cte2 b, cte3 c where a.id = b.id and a.id = c.id
declare @s nvarchar(3) set @s = 'C%' ; -- 必须加分号 with t_tree as ( select CountryRegionCode from person.CountryRegion where Name like @s ) select * from person.StateProvince where CountryRegionCode in (select * from t_tree)