[转]Joshua Bloch关于API设计的Keynote

Joshua Bloch关于API设计的Keynote


Gather Requirements–with a Healthy Degree of Skepticism:以use cases的形式。
Start with Short Spec–1 Page is Ideal:让越多的人参与越好,随着信心的增加不断扩充。
Write to Your API Early and Often:在实现API之前,在描述之前,扩充之后继续编写
Writing to SPI is Even More Important:在发布之前先写至少3个插件
Maintain Realistic Expectations:多数API设计都限制过多,有犯错误的心理准备

API Should Do One Thing and Do it Well:功能应该容易说明
API Should Be As Small As Possible But No Smaller:有疑问的时候就忽略,追求power-to-weight比
Implementation Should Not Impact API:不要让实现细节泄漏到API中
Minimize Accessibility of Everything:最大化信息隐藏
Names Matter–API is a Little Language:名字应该是顾名思义的;一致的;代码应该像散文
Documentation Matters
Document Religiously:仔细的说明状态空间
Consider Performance Consequences of API Design Decisions:坏的决策影响性能;不要wrap API来获取性能
Effects of API Design Decisions on Performance are Real and Permanent
API Must Coexist Peacefully with Platform

Minimize Mutability:如果只能是mutable的,保证小的状态空间
Subclass Only Where It Makes Sense:不能为了容易实现,就让一个Public类继承另外一个Public类。
Design and Document for Inheritance or Else Prohibit it:继承违背了封装

Don’t Make the Client Do Anything the Module Could Do
Don’t Violate the Principle of Least Astonishment
Fail Fast–Report Errors as Soon as Possible After They Occur:编译时刻最好;运行时刻,第一次坏方法调用的时候
Provide Programmatic Access to All Data Available in String Form:否则,客户端代码必须解析字符串
Overload With Care:避免模糊的overloadings;如果必须提供,保证相同的参数有相同的行为
Use Appropriate Parameter and Return Types:Favor interface types over classes for input;Use most specific possible input parameter type;Don’t use string if a better type exists;Don’t use floating point for monetary values;Use double (64 bits) rather than float (32 bits)
Use Consistent Parameter Ordering Across Methods
Avoid Long Parameter Lists:3个或更少最好
Avoid Return Values that Demand Exceptional Processing

Throw Exceptions to Indicate Exceptional Conditions:不要迫使客户端代码使用异常来控制流程;不要悄无声息的失败
Favor Unchecked Exceptions
Include Failure-Capture Information in Exceptions
