MLlib中的labeled point代表监督学习的训练样本
MLlib支持两种local vector :dense和sparse.
dense比较简单例如:[1.0, 0.0, 3.0]代表向量(1.0, 0.0, 3.0)
如果用sparse格式则为:(3, [0,2],[1.0, 3.0]) 其中3是向量的大小,[0,2]代表角标,[1.0,3.0]代表真实值
local vector的基类是Vector,有两个实现类:DenseVector,SparseVector,推荐使用Vectors的工厂方法创建local vectors
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, Vectors}
// Create a dense vector (1.0, 0.0, 3.0). val dv: Vector = Vectors.dense(1.0, 0.0, 3.0) // Create a sparse vector (1.0, 0.0, 3.0) by specifying its indices and values corresponding to nonzero entries. val sv1: Vector = Vectors.sparse(3, Array(0, 2), Array(1.0, 3.0)) // Create a sparse vector (1.0, 0.0, 3.0) by specifying its nonzero entries. val sv2: Vector = Vectors.sparse(3, Seq((0, 1.0), (2, 3.0)))
labeled point 也是local vector. 由于使用了double存储label,因此即可用于回归也可用于分类。分类时,labels应从0开始,0,1,3,。。。
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Vector, Vectors}
// Create a dense vector (1.0, 0.0, 3.0). val dv: Vector = Vectors.dense(1.0, 0.0, 3.0) // Create a sparse vector (1.0, 0.0, 3.0) by specifying its indices and values corresponding to nonzero entries. val sv1: Vector = Vectors.sparse(3, Array(0, 2), Array(1.0, 3.0)) // Create a sparse vector (1.0, 0.0, 3.0) by specifying its nonzero entries. val sv2: Vector = Vectors.sparse(3, Seq((0, 1.0), (2, 3.0)))
It is very common in practice to have sparse training data. MLlib supports reading training examples stored in LIBSVM format, which is the default format used by LIBSVM and LIBLINEAR. It is a text format in which each line represents a labeled sparse feature vector using the following format:
label index1:value1 index2:value2 ...
where the indices are one-based and in ascending order. After loading, the feature indices are converted to zero-based.
import org.apache.spark.mllib.regression.LabeledPoint
import org.apache.spark.mllib.util.MLUtils
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
val examples: RDD[LabeledPoint] = MLUtils.loadLibSVMFile(sc, "data/mllib/sample_libsvm_data.txt")
local matrix的基类是Matrix,提供了两个实现:DenseMatrix,SparseMatrix,推荐使用Matrices的工厂方法创建local matrices。记住按列存储
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.{Matrix, Matrices}
// Create a dense matrix ((1.0, 2.0), (3.0, 4.0), (5.0, 6.0))
val dm: Matrix = Matrices.dense(3, 2, Array(1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 2.0, 4.0, 6.0))
// Create a sparse matrix ((9.0, 0.0), (0.0, 8.0), (0.0, 6.0))
val sm: Matrix = Matrices.sparse(3, 2, Array(0, 1, 3), Array(0, 2, 1), Array(9, 6, 8))
基础类型是RowMatix,是一个基于行的分布式矩阵,例如一个特征向量的集合。由RDD的行组成,每个行是一个local vector.
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.Vector
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.RowMatrix
val rows: RDD[Vector] = ... // an RDD of local vectors
// Create a RowMatrix from an RDD[Vector].
val mat: RowMatrix = new RowMatrix(rows)
// Get its size.
val m = mat.numRows()
val n = mat.numCols()
// QR decomposition
val qrResult = mat.tallSkinnyQR(true)
IndexedRowMatrix can be converted to a RowMatrix by dropping its row indices.
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.{IndexedRow, IndexedRowMatrix, RowMatrix}
val rows: RDD[IndexedRow] = ... // an RDD of indexed rows
// Create an IndexedRowMatrix from an RDD[IndexedRow].
val mat: IndexedRowMatrix = new IndexedRowMatrix(rows)
// Get its size.
val m = mat.numRows()
val n = mat.numCols()
// Drop its row indices.
val rowMat: RowMatrix = mat.toRowMatrix()
A CoordinateMatrix is a distributed matrix backed by an RDD of its entries. Each entry is a tuple of (i: Long, j: Long, value: Double), where i is the row index, j is the column index, and value is the entry value. A CoordinateMatrix should be used only when both dimensions of the matrix are huge and the matrix is very sparse.
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.{CoordinateMatrix, MatrixEntry}
val entries: RDD[MatrixEntry] = ... // an RDD of matrix entries
// Create a CoordinateMatrix from an RDD[MatrixEntry].
val mat: CoordinateMatrix = new CoordinateMatrix(entries)
// Get its size.
val m = mat.numRows()
val n = mat.numCols()
// Convert it to an IndexRowMatrix whose rows are sparse vectors.
val indexedRowMatrix = mat.toIndexedRowMatrix()
A BlockMatrix is a distributed matrix backed by an RDD of MatrixBlocks, where a MatrixBlock is a tuple of ((Int, Int), Matrix), where the (Int, Int) is the index of the block, and Matrix is the sub-matrix at the given index with size rowsPerBlock x colsPerBlock. BlockMatrix supports methods such as add and multiply with another BlockMatrix. BlockMatrix also has a helper function validate which can be used to check whether the BlockMatrix is set up properly.
import org.apache.spark.mllib.linalg.distributed.{BlockMatrix, CoordinateMatrix, MatrixEntry}
val entries: RDD[MatrixEntry] = ... // an RDD of (i, j, v) matrix entries
// Create a CoordinateMatrix from an RDD[MatrixEntry].
val coordMat: CoordinateMatrix = new CoordinateMatrix(entries)
// Transform the CoordinateMatrix to a BlockMatrix
val matA: BlockMatrix = coordMat.toBlockMatrix().cache()
// Validate whether the BlockMatrix is set up properly. Throws an Exception when it is not valid.
// Nothing happens if it is valid.
// Calculate A^T A.
val ata = matA.transpose.multiply(matA)