hWnd: HWND; {a handle to a window}
Msg: UINT; {the identifier of the message to send}
wParam: WPARAM; {a 32 bit message specific value}
lParam: LPARAM {a 32 bit message specific value}
): BOOL; {returns TRUE or FALSE}
This function places the indicated message in the message queue of the thread that owns the specified window, returning immediately without waiting for the message to be processed. Caution is advised when sending a message whose parameters contain pointers, as the function will return before the thread associated with the specified window has a chance to process the message and the pointers could be freed before they are used.
hWnd: A handle to the window whose window procedure is to receive the specified message. If this parameter is set to zero, PostMessage functions exactly like a call to the PostThreadMessage function with the idThread parameter set to the identifier of the calling thread. If this parameter is set to HWND_BROADCAST, the message is sent to all top level windows in the system, including disabled and invisible windows. The message is not sent to child windows. Applications that need to send a user defined message to other applications using HWND_BROADCAST should use the RegisterWindowMessage to obtain a unique message identifier.
Msg: The identifier of the message to send.
wParam: A 32 bit value dependent on the message being sent.
lParam: A 32 bit value dependent on the message being sent.
Return Value
If the function succeeds, it returns TRUE; otherwise it returns FALSE. To get extended error information, call the GetLastError function.
hWnd: HWND; {a handle to a window}
Msg: UINT; {the identifier of the message to send}
wParam: WPARAM; {a 32 bit message specific value}
lParam: LPARAM {a 32 bit message specific value}
): LRESULT; {returns a message specific result}
This function sends the specified message to the window procedure of the indicated window, and does not return until the called window procedure has processed the message. If the specified window belongs to the calling thread, that window's window procedure is called immediately as a subroutine. However, if the window belongs to a different thread, Windows switches to that thread, sending the message to the appropriate window procedure, and the thread sending the message is blocked until the receiving thread processes the message.
hWnd: A handle to the window whose window procedure is to receive the specified message. If this parameter is set to HWND_BROADCAST, the message is sent to all top level windows in the system, including disabled and invisible windows. The message is not sent to child windows. Applications that need to send a user defined message to other applications using HWND_BROADCAST should use the RegisterWindowMessage to obtain a unique message identifier.
Msg: The identifier of the message to send.
wParam: A 32 bit value dependent on the message being sent.
lParam: A 32 bit value dependent on the message being sent.
Return Value
If the function succeeds, it returns a message specific value indicating the result of the message processing. If the function fails, it returns zero.