# coding:utf-8 import argparse import cPickle import logging import numpy import os.path import PIL.Image import sys import glob import cv2 import gzip numpy.random.seed(51244) from keras.models import Sequential from keras.layers.core import Dense, Dropout, Activation from keras.optimizers import SGD def to_range(ary): #change to +-1.0 return ary* 2.0/255.0 - 1.0 def from_range(ary): #rechange from +-1.0 return (ary + 1.0) * 255.0/2.0 def x_from_image(source, neighbors): #get the x_train data img = PIL.Image.open(source) ary = to_range(numpy.array(img)) enlarged_img = enlarged(ary, neighbors) #边框填充 patches = patchify(enlarged_img, neighbors) #宽度为2*neighbors+1的n个矩阵 return numpy.array(patches), ary.shape #x_train data(每个像素点周围的(2n+1)平方像素点) ,原图shape def y_from_image(source, neighbors): #get the y_train data output = [] cleaned_path = os.path.join('./train_cleaned',os.path.basename(source)) img = PIL.Image.open(cleaned_path) ary = to_range(numpy.array(img)) height, width = ary.shape for i in xrange(height): for j in xrange(width): output.append(ary[i, j].flatten()) #flatten()?? return output def patchify(enlarged, neighbors): #获取周围点组成集合 output = [] height, width = enlarged.shape for i in xrange(neighbors, height-neighbors): for j in xrange(neighbors, width-neighbors): patch = enlarged[i-neighbors:i+neighbors+1, j-neighbors:j+neighbors+1] output.append(patch.flatten()) return output def enlarged(ary, neighbors): #填充外围边角 height, width = ary.shape enlarged = numpy.zeros((height + 2 * neighbors, width + 2 * neighbors)) # Fill in the corners enlarged[:neighbors,:neighbors] = ary[0, 0] enlarged[:neighbors,-neighbors:] = ary[0, -1] enlarged[-neighbors:,:neighbors] = ary[-1, 0] enlarged[-neighbors:,-neighbors:] = ary[-1, -1] # Fill in the edges enlarged[:neighbors, neighbors:-neighbors] = ary[0, :] # top enlarged[neighbors:-neighbors, :neighbors] = ary[:, 0][numpy.newaxis].T # left enlarged[-neighbors:, neighbors:-neighbors] = ary[-1, :] # top enlarged[neighbors:-neighbors, -neighbors:] = ary[:, -1][numpy.newaxis].T # right # Fill in the chewy center enlarged[neighbors:-neighbors,neighbors:-neighbors] = ary return enlarged def load_training(limit=10,neighbors=2): #读取测试图片 xs = [] ys = [] for path in glob.glob('./train/*.png')[:limit]: patches, _ = x_from_image(path, neighbors) solutions = y_from_image(path, neighbors) xs.extend(patches) ys.extend(solutions) return xs, ys def save_training_data(x,y): #保存测试图片 f = open('training_data.pkl','wb') cPickle.dump(x,f,-1) cPickle.dump(y,f,-1) f.close() def load_training_data(): #读取测试图片 f = open('training_data.pkl') x = cPickle.load(f) y = cPickle.load(f) f.close() return x,y def split_training(xs, ys): #分出一部分测试集 joined = zip(xs, ys) numpy.random.shuffle(joined) xs = [x for x, _ in joined] ys = [y for _, y in joined] train_count = int(len(xs)*9/10.0) valid_count = int(len(xs)/10.0) res = (xs[:train_count], ys[:train_count],xs[train_count:], ys[train_count:]) return [numpy.array(r) for r in res] ''' def build_model(input_size): #建模 model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(input_size, 512, init='lecun_uniform')) model.add(Activation('tanh')) #激活函数不能随意选择,这里处理的数据是+-1.0 用tanh做激活函数? model.add(Dense(512, 256, init='lecun_uniform')) model.add(Activation('tanh')) model.add(Dense(256, 128, init='lecun_uniform')) model.add(Activation('tanh')) model.add(Dense(128, 64, init='lecun_uniform')) model.add(Activation('tanh')) model.add(Dense(64, 1, init='lecun_uniform')) model.add(Activation('tanh')) sgd = SGD(lr=0.01, momentum=0.9) # , nesterov=True) model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=sgd) return model ''' def build_model(input_size): #建模 model = Sequential() model.add(Dense(input_size, 512, init='lecun_uniform')) model.add(Activation('tanh')) model.add(Dropout(0.25)) model.add(Dense(512, 512, init='lecun_uniform')) model.add(Activation('tanh')) model.add(Dropout(0.25)) model.add(Dense(512, 256, init='lecun_uniform')) model.add(Activation('tanh')) model.add(Dropout(0.25)) model.add(Dense(256, 128, init='lecun_uniform')) model.add(Activation('tanh')) model.add(Dropout(0.5)) model.add(Dense(128, 1, init='lecun_uniform')) model.add(Activation('tanh')) sgd = SGD(lr=0.05, momentum=0.9) # , nesterov=True) model.compile(loss='mean_squared_error', optimizer=sgd) return model def train(limit=10, neighbors=2, epochs=10, batch_size=500): #训练 print 'loading data...' if os.path.exists('./training_data.pkl'): xs,ys = load_training_data() else: xs,ys = load_training(limit, neighbors) save_training_data(xs,ys) print 'the training_data has been saved!' train_x, train_y, valid_x, valid_y= split_training(xs, ys) print 'building model...' model = build_model(len(train_x[0])) if os.path.exists('./clean_weight'): model.load_weights(filepath = 'clean_weight') model.fit(train_x, train_y, nb_epoch=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, show_accuracy=True, validation_data=(valid_x, valid_y)) model.save_weights(filepath='clean_weight',overwrite=True) def load_test_images(limit=None, neighbors=2): #读取测试图片 image_specs = [] xs = [] for path in glob.glob('./test/*.png')[:limit]: image_number = os.path.basename(path)[:-len('.png')] patches, shape = x_from_image(path, neighbors) image_specs.append((image_number, shape)) #图片代号,形状 xs.append(patches) #数据 return image_specs, xs #(代号,形状),训练数据 def create_pictures(limit=5): #生成新的clean图片 imgs = [] image_specs, xs = load_test_images(limit=limit) #(代号,形状),训练数据 model = build_model(25) #if neighbors ==2 (2*n+1)^2 model.load_weights(filepath = 'clean_weight') for (num, shape), patches in zip(image_specs, xs): predictions = model.predict(patches) shaped = from_range(predictions.reshape(shape)) #还原 img = PIL.Image.fromarray(shaped) add = './clean/'+str(num)+'.Bmp' imgs.append(img) img = numpy.array(img) cv2.imwrite(add,img) #保存图片 return image_specs, imgs #(代号,形状),图片 if __name__ == '__main__': <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>#train(limit=30, neighbors=2, epochs=35, batch_size=1000) <span style="white-space:pre"> </span>image_specs,imgs = create_pictures(limit = None)
n=0 for i in xrange(10000): for j in xrange(10000): n+=1 print n
def save_training_data(x,y): #保存测试图片 f = open('training_data.pkl','wb') cPickle.dump(x,f,-1) cPickle.dump(y,f,-1) f.close() def load_training_data(): #读取测试图片 f = open('training_data.pkl') x = cPickle.load(f) y = cPickle.load(f) f.close() return x,y当时觉得数据太大,就用了gzip.open(),数据缩小了十倍以上,不过不知道为什么读取速度好像也慢了10倍的感觉。