通过《通过实例认识Python的GIL》 ,《再谈Python的GIL》 ,《再谈Python的GIL(续)》已经基本上认识到了 Python的线程在多核情况下的性能是比较低的,但是在单核情况就就没有这个问题,难道就没有一个好的办法让Python的线程在多核情况下像单核情况下表现卓越吗?答案是有的,那就是限制Python在指定的CPU上运行。
BOOL WINAPI SetProcessAffinityMask(
_In_ HANDLE hProcess,
_In_ DWORD_PTR dwProcessAffinityMask
dwProcessAffinityMask用于指定运行的CPU,比如1表示在CPU 0上运行,2表示在CPU 1上运行,3表示在CPU 0 和CPU 1上运行。
cdef extern from "Windows.h": ctypedef int BOOL ctypedef void * HANDLE ctypedef unsigned long DWORD_PTR int SetProcessAffinityMask(HANDLE hProcess,DWORD_PTR dwProcessAffinityMask) nogil HANDLE GetCurrentProcess() nogil def SetAffinity(int mask): with nogil: SetProcessAffinityMask(<HANDLE>GetCurrentProcess(),mask)
from distutils.core import setup from distutils.extension import Extension from Cython.Build import cythonize ext = Extension("utility", define_macros = [('MAJOR_VERSION', '1'), ('MINOR_VERSION', '0')], sources = ["utility.pyx", ]) setup( name = 'callback', version = '1.0', description = 'This is a callback demo package', author = '', author_email = '[email protected]', url = '', long_description = '', ext_modules=cythonize([ext,]), )
python Setup.py build_ext --inplace
from threading import Thread from threading import Event as TEvent from multiprocessing import Process from multiprocessing import Event as PEvent import utility utility.SetAffinity(1) from timeit import Timer import sys sys.setcheckinterval(100) #(100000) def countdown(n,event): while n > 0: n -= 1 event.set() def io_op(n,event,filename): f = open(filename,'w') while not event.is_set(): f.write('hello,world') f.close() def t1(): COUNT=100000000 event = TEvent() thread1 = Thread(target=countdown,args=(COUNT,event)) thread1.start() thread1.join() def t2(): COUNT=100000000 event = TEvent() thread1 = Thread(target=countdown,args=(COUNT//2,event)) thread2 = Thread(target=countdown,args=(COUNT//2,event)) thread1.start(); thread2.start() thread1.join(); thread2.join() def t3(): COUNT=100000000 event = PEvent() p1 = Process(target=countdown,args=(COUNT//2,event)) p2 = Process(target=countdown,args=(COUNT//2,event)) p1.start(); p2.start() p1.join(); p2.join() def t4(): COUNT=100000000 event = TEvent() thread1 = Thread(target=countdown,args=(COUNT,event)) thread2 = Thread(target=io_op,args=(COUNT,event,'thread.txt')) thread1.start(); thread2.start() thread1.join(); thread2.join() def t5(): COUNT=100000000 event = PEvent() p1 = Process(target=countdown,args=(COUNT,event)) p2 = Process(target=io_op,args=(COUNT,event,'process.txt')) p1.start(); p2.start() p1.join(); p2.join() if __name__ == '__main__': t = Timer(t1) print('countdown in one thread:%f'%(t.timeit(1),)) t = Timer(t2) print('countdown use two thread:%f'%(t.timeit(1),)) t = Timer(t3) print('countdown use two Process:%f'%(t.timeit(1),)) t = Timer(t4) print('countdown in one thread with io op in another thread:%f'%(t.timeit(1),)) t = Timer(t5) print('countdown in one process with io op in another process:%f'%(t.timeit(1),))
import utility utility.SetAffinity(1)
countdown in one thread:7.005823
countdown use two thread:4.790538
countdown use two Process:4.936478
countdown in one thread with io op in another thread:9.526901
countdown in one process with io op in another process:9.262508
countdown in one thread:', 5.9650638561501195
countdown use two thread:', 5.8188333656781595
countdown use two Process', 6.197559396296269
countdown in one thread with io op in another thread:', 11.369204522553051
countdown in one process with io op in another process:', 11.79234388645473