FAQ 1 - [email protected]

* How to boot linux on an ARM platform?
- http://www.simtec.co.uk/products/SWLINUX/files/booting_article.html
* Why my computer complains "Starting NFS quotas: Cannot register service:RPC:Unable to receivce; errno=Connection Refused..."
- make sure 'portmap' service is turned on.
* Why my computer complains "usr/initramfs_data.S: Assembler messages: usr/initramfs_data.S:29: Error: Unknown pseudo-op:  `.incbin' " when compiling linux kernel - 2.6.11?
- make sure your binutils version > 2.12(this is also stated in Documentation/Changes)
* How to use 'stored procedure'?
- There are two methods for this:
  # use SQL*PLUS to set it up manually by 'CREATE' sentences.
  # use Enterprise Manager: 'Create' on Schema -> choose Procedure/package/function/package body...
- How to connect to Oracle Server by SQL*PLUS?
  # use host name such as 'ORACLE_162.105.130.50'.
- How to call Stored procedure in Java?
see 'lib/软件工程师俱乐部 - 每日一课 - 开发语言学习 - JAVA - Java调用存储过程.htm'
* How to make an arm toolchain?
- use cross tool: see http://kegel.org/crosstool a wonderful script along with patches.
* How to use oracle trigger?
- see lib/"oracle trigger.txt"
* How to use oracle cursor to update individual lines?
- see lib/Oracle数据库游标使用大全(1,2,3);
* Why my web app displays only '?'s from the 'resource.properties' file?
- In may case, struts 1.1 + j2sdk 1.5.0 + tomcat 5.5.4 will bring this kind of problems but struts 1.1 + j2sdk 1.4.2_05 + tomcat 5.0.27 will not.
* Why My tomcat complains:
 Unable to find a javac compiler;
 com.sun.tools.javac.Main is not on the classpath.
 Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK
- Try to add $JAVA_HOME/lib/tools.jar to tomcat JAVA-CLASSPATH.
* What Unicode and UTF8 is ?
see lib/unicode.html or http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/cn/linux/i18n/unicode/linuni/index.html
- What is XMLTypes for in Data Base?
* we can use XML Type datatype on table columns. In short a record can have an XML attribute.
- How can i put the value of a sequence into a PL/SQL vairable in Oracle?
* Use 'DUAL' table: select XXXSEQ.CURRVAL into var from dual. 'DUAL' table can do much more than this, see the chapter 8-15 , DB92_sqlref.pdf
DUAL is a table automatically created by Oracle along with the data dictionary.
DUAL is in the schema of the user SYS, but is accessible by the name DUAL to all
users. It has one column, DUMMY, defined to be VARCHAR2(1), and contains one
row with a value ’X’. Selecting from the DUAL table is useful for computing a
constant expression with the SELECT statement. Because DUAL has only one row,
the constant is returned only once. Alternatively, you can select a constant,
pseudocolumn, or expression from any table, but the value will be returned as
many times as there are rows in the table.
- What http library can be used for programming C/C++ on Windows?
* use "WINHTTP"
- Why my VC complains that "winhttp.h" cannot be found???
* "The WinHTTP header file is "Winhttp.h", and the library file is "Winhttp.lib". If you are using the older SDK header files that come with Visual Studio 6.0, the project will not build correctly (for example, more recent type definitions such as 'DWORD_PTR' will be missing)."-http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winhttp/http/setting_internet_options_in_winhttp.asp
- How to use "Password Edit box"in MFC,Visual Studio,VC?
* Edit box Control has a property called "password" in "behavior" select it true, that's OK
- How to Set VC environment variables for command line window?
* run "...VC7/bin/VCVARS32.bat", then OK
- HOW to build openssl on windows?
* see https://www.mmlab.cse.yzu.edu.tw/course/cns/doc/openssl.html, see lib
- What's the diference between '#include "XXX.h"' and '#include <XXX.h>'?
* Using '"' tell a C/C++ precompiler to look for header file in the search path, while using "<>" tell a C/C++ precompiler to  search in the standard library. see http://www.its.strath.ac.uk/courses/c/subsection3_13_3.html#SECTION00013300000000000000. NOTE, in VC7, search path is defined in "project attributes" dialog by feeding argument(s) like " /Ixxx", standard including path is defined in "tools->options->project".
* Why the pop-up menu won't disappear after created by TrackPopupMenu()???
* 如何在MFC的对话框中捕获键盘事件?

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