svn: check out a new branch , realse or tag and merge to branches.

create a new branch 

   In SVN, branches, realses and tags are just common directories. Creating a new branch means making a new directory to contain files copied from other direcotries.

commands as below:

  svn mkdir -m "creating breanches directory" http://svn.url/project/branches

  svn copy -m "creating a branch for 1.0" svn http://svn.url/project/trunck/  http://svn.url/project/branches/RB-1.0


You can use the same the  process to create a tag or a realse.


merge to branches:


  svn merge http://svn.url/project/branches/RB1.0  http://svn.url/project/tags/bufix1.0

