Re: communication

[quote="cookoo"]Nice reading indeed. There's an old saying that "Business is all about communication." though a bit of exaggerated. Also agree with you on understanding. "First to understand then to be understood" is such a rule of thumb.[/quote] I am very glad that you agree with me. Understanding have several steps: 1. Side-way messages: Before you have chances to talk or communicate to an individual, you may have heard of or collected side-way information or anecdotes about him/her. These related have mixed others' opinions and judgement but still could be taken as one of a resource to understand. And most of understaning we reach when we couldn't talk to a person face-to-face is from side-way messages analysis. For example, we worship heros or celebrities but we may have no chance in our life to meet them, especially the ones who passed away before we come to life,hahah. Our feelings rise from understanding of their brightness of side-way messages. 2. Appearance judgement: for those who we are luck to meet ourselves, we will be prompt to an apperance judgement. Although our parents chattered a lot about not judging from appearance, we still keep on doing. And it should be considered as a very important factor when we try to find some one to talk in an unfamiliar party or crowd. You are easy to accpet this concept- he looks easy-going and considerate, maybe I could have a try to talk to him; he looks conservative and stubborn, I prefered talking to a monkey to chatting with him. 3. First impression: first impression here means the talking first impression. The topic or hobby your target prefers will have a crucial point on your impression. That is the factor to decide whether this will be the last talk you have with him for the rest of your life. 4. Further communication: When you have listened to his words or stories, you should start contribute to the communication. Otherwise, it will become his speech time or talk-show. 5. Full communication: this is the highest level you reach. What I am talking here is targeting at the one who is timid to talk or actively to set a target to talk. Next time I will try to explain more for the above 4 points. Please present your opinions and suggestions. I am in beijing these weekends and just landed on shanghai. I am so unluck to have the worst pilots in the world. I am dizzy now and please forgive my wording or any unfit points.
