[C++]Stack with Template

Stack with Template



In this assignment, you are required to finish the Stack with Template. Please modify class Stack’s declaration and definition so as to finish the validation from main.cpp

Attention: please use template you have learned in the class to finish this assignment and DON NOT add and modify any memeber function and member variable.


  1. Do not use Stack in STL.

  2. Do not use array of Node to finish the definition of some function.

The Stack’s declaration with element type “int” is below:

class Stack { public: Stack() ;

Stack(const Stack &stack);


bool empty();

size_t size() const;

int top() const;

void push(int element);

void pop();

void swap(Stack& stack);

void reverse(); /*reverse the elements' order in the stack*/

void clear();

struct Node {
int element;
Node* next;
Node(int ele, Node *n = NULL) {
element = ele;
next = n;
Node *top_node;
size_t node_num;

This question has some important knowledge point which needs be cared, like swap, reverse, construct procedure and so on. It is neccessary to be familiar with that codes.


using namespace std;

template <typename ElementType>
class Stack {
        Stack() {
            top_node = NULL;
            node_num = 0;

        Stack(const Stack<ElementType> &stack) {
            if (this == &stack) return;
            top_node = NULL;
            node_num = 0;
            if (stack.top_node == NULL) return;

            Node *copy_temp = stack.top_node;
            Node *top_temp = NULL;
            while (copy_temp) {
                if (top_temp == NULL) {
                    top_node = new Node(copy_temp->element);
                    top_temp = top_node;
                } else {
                    top_node->next = new Node(copy_temp->element);
                    top_node = top_node->next;
                copy_temp = copy_temp->next;
            top_node = top_temp;
            node_num = stack.node_num;

        ~Stack() {

        bool empty() {
            return (node_num == 0);

        size_t size() const {
            return node_num;

        ElementType top() const {
            return top_node->element;

        void push(ElementType element) {
            if (top_node == NULL) {
                top_node = new Node(element);
            } else {
                Node*temp = new Node(element, top_node);
                top_node = temp;

        void pop() {
            if (top_node == NULL) return;
            Node *temp = top_node;
            top_node = top_node->next;
            delete temp;

        void swap(Stack<ElementType>& stack) {
        // swap the pointer is much easier!!!
            Node* temp = top_node;
            top_node = stack.top_node;
            stack.top_node = temp;
            size_t temp_num = node_num;
            node_num = stack.node_num;
            stack.node_num = temp_num;

        void reverse() {
            if (node_num <= 1) return;

            Stack<ElementType> temp;
            while (!empty()) {

        void clear() {
            while (!empty()) pop();

        struct Node {
            ElementType element;
            Node* next;
            Node(ElementType ele, Node *n = NULL) {
                element = ele;
                next = n;
        Node *top_node;
        size_t node_num;


#include <iostream>
#include "Stack.h"
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <exception>

using namespace std;

class STLForbidden : public exception {
  virtual const char *what() const throw() {
    return "Please do not use std::sort or std::list or std::vector .....";

class Job {
        explicit Job(int pri = 0) {
            id = number++;
            priority = pri;
        string toString() {
            stringstream ss;
            ss << "[" << id << ":" << priority << "]";
            return ss.str();
        static int number;
        int id;
        int priority;

int Job::number = 0;

template<typename T>
void print(Stack<T> stack) {
    while (!stack.empty()) {
        cout << stack.top() << " ";
    cout << endl;

int main() {

// ignore it
#if defined(_GLIBCXX_ALGORITHM) || defined(_GLIBCXX_LIST) || \
    defined(_GLIBCXX_VECTOR) || defined(_GLIBCXX_DEQUE) || \
    // throw AlgorithmnForbidden();
    throw STLForbidden();

    // testing -> integer..
    Stack<int> stk;
    int m, n;
    cin >> m >> n;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) stk.push(i + 0.01);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) stk.pop();

    Stack<int> stk0(stk);

    if (!stk.empty()) cout << stk.top() << endl;
    cout << "The size is: " << stk.size() << endl;
    if (stk.empty()) cout << "The stack is empty!" << endl;
    else cout << "The stack is NOT empty!" << endl;

    // testing -> Stack(const &stack);
    if (!stk0.empty()) cout << "The top of Stack is: " << stk0.top() << endl;
    cout << "The size is: " << stk0.size() << endl;
    if (!stk0.empty()) cout << "The top of Stack is: " << stk0.top() << endl;
    cout << "The size is: " << stk0.size() << endl;

    // testing -> reverse()
    cout << "Result of reversing is: ";

    // testing -> double..
    Stack<double> stk1;
    cin >> m >> n;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) stk1.push(i + 0.01);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) stk1.pop();
    if (!stk1.empty()) cout << stk1.top() << endl;

    cout << "The size is: " << stk1.size() << endl;
    cout << "The size is: " << stk1.size() << endl;

    if (stk1.empty()) cout << "The stack is empty!" << endl;
    else cout << "The stack is NOT empty!" << endl;

    // testing -> user defined class..
    cin >> m >> n;
    Stack<Job> stk2;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) stk2.push(Job(i));
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) stk2.pop();

    if (!stk2.empty()) cout << stk2.top().toString() << endl;
    cout << "The size is: " << stk2.size() << endl;
    if (stk2.empty()) cout << "The stack is empty!" << endl;
    else cout << "The stack is NOT empty!" << endl;

    // testing -> swap function..
    Stack<int> stk3, stk4;
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) stk3.push(i);
    for (int i = 0; i < m; i++) stk4.push(m - i);

    cout << "Before swap...." << endl;


    cout << "After swap...." << endl;

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