如何正确Move Table,利用PLSQL可以批量处理









--Move 分区表
create or replace procedure p_mv_tabpart(pv_tname  in varchar2,
                                         pv_destTS in varchar2) is
    sqlStmnt varchar2(1024);
    cursor pCur(vTname varchar2, vTspName varchar2) is
        select table_name, partition_name
          from user_tab_partitions
         where table_name = vTname
           and tablespace_name not like vTspName
         order by partition_position desc;
    for pRow in pCur(pv_tname, pv_destTS) loop
        sqlStmnt := 'alter table ' || pRow.table_name || ' move partition ' ||
                    pRow.partition_name || ' tablespace ' || pv_destTS;
        execute immediate sqlStmnt;
    end loop;
end p_mv_tabpart;

--设置表的tablespace 属性
create or replace procedure p_set_attr_tab_ts(pv_tname  in varchar2,
                                          pv_destTS in varchar2) is
    sqlStmnt varchar2(1024);
    cursor tCur(vTname varchar2) is
        select table_name from user_part_tables where table_name = vTname;
    for tRow in tCur(pv_tname) loop
        sqlStmnt := 'alter table ' || tRow.table_name ||
                    ' modify default attributes ' || ' tablespace ' ||
        execute immediate sqlStmnt;
    end loop;

end p_set_attr_tab_ts;

--设置索引的tablespace 属性
create or replace procedure p_set_attr_idx_ts(pv_tname  in varchar2,
                                              pv_destTS in varchar2) is
    sqlStmnt varchar2(1024);
    cursor iCur(vTname varchar2) is
        select index_name
          from user_part_indexes
         where index_name in (select index_name
                                from user_indexes
                               where table_name = vTname);
    for iRow in iCur(pv_tname) loop
        sqlStmnt := 'pv_tname index ' || iRow.index_name ||
                    ' modify default attributes ' || ' tablespace ' ||
        execute immediate sqlStmnt;
    end loop;

end p_set_attr_idx_ts;

create or replace procedure p_mv_rb_part_idx(pv_tname  in varchar2,
                                             pv_destTS in varchar2) is
    sqlStmnt varchar2(1024);
    cursor ndxCur(vTname varchar2, vTspName varchar2) is
        select i.index_name index_name, ip.partition_name partition_name
          from user_ind_partitions ip, user_indexes i
         where i.index_name = ip.index_name
           and i.table_name = vTname
           and i.partitioned = 'YES'
           and (ip.tablespace_name not like vTspName or
               ip.status not like 'USABLE')
         order by index_name, partition_name;
    for ndxRow in ndxCur(pv_tname, pv_destTS) loop
        sqlStmnt := 'alter index ' || ndxRow.index_name ||
                    ' rebuild partition ' || ndxRow.partition_name ||
                    ' tablespace ' || pv_destTS;
        execute immediate sqlStmnt;
    end loop;
end p_mv_rb_part_idx;

create or replace procedure p_mv_rb_global_idx(pv_tname  in varchar2,
                                               pv_destTS in varchar2) is
    sqlStmnt varchar2(1024);
    cursor ndxCur(vTname varchar2, vTspName varchar2) is
        select index_name
          from user_indexes
         where table_name = vTname
           and partitioned = 'NO'
           and (tablespace_name not like vTspName or status like 'UNUSABLE')
         order by index_name;
    for ndxRow in ndxCur(pv_tname, pv_destTS) loop
        sqlStmnt := 'alter index ' || ndxRow.index_name ||
                    ' rebuild tablespace ' || pv_destTS;
        execute immediate sqlStmnt;
    end loop;
end p_mv_rb_global_idx;

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