
  1.nevigation drawer总结,布局文件
Intent intent=new Intent(Intent.ACTION_QUERY);
intent.putExtra(SearchMnager.SEARCH,Charsequence value);

public static final String QUERY

Added in  API level 1

Intent extra data key: Use this key with content.Intent.getStringExtra() to obtain the query string from Intent.ACTION_SEARCH.

Constant Value: "query"

public Intent putExtra (String name, CharSequence value)

Added in  API level 1

Add extended data to the intent. The name must include a package prefix, for example the app com.android.contacts would use names like "com.android.contacts.ShowAll".

name The name of the extra data, with package prefix.
value The CharSequence data value.
  • Returns the same Intent object, for chaining multiple calls into a single statement.
See Also
  • putExtras(Intent)
  • removeExtra(String)
  • getCharSequenceExtra(String)

  • if  (intent.resolveActivity(getPackageManager())!=  null ) {


    public ComponentName resolveActivity (PackageManager pm)

    Added in  API level 1

    Return the Activity component that should be used to handle this intent. The appropriate component is determined based on the information in the intent, evaluated as follows:

    If getComponent() returns an explicit class, that is returned without any further consideration.

    The activity must handle the CATEGORY_DEFAULT Intent category to be considered.

    If getAction() is non-NULL, the activity must handle this action.

    If resolveType(ContentResolver) returns non-NULL, the activity must handle this type.

    If addCategory(String) has added any categories, the activity must handle ALL of the categories specified.

    If getPackage() is non-NULL, only activity components in that application package will be considered.

    If there are no activities that satisfy all of these conditions, a null string is returned.

    If multiple activities are found to satisfy the intent, the one with the highest priority will be used. If there are multiple activities with the same priority, the system will either pick the best activity based on user preference, or resolve to a system class that will allow the user to pick an activity and forward from there.

    This method is implemented simply by calling resolveActivity(Intent, int) with the "defaultOnly" parameter true.

    This API is called for you as part of starting an activity from an intent. You do not normally need to call it yourself.

    pm The package manager with which to resolve the Intent.
    • Name of the component implementing an activity that can display the intent.
    See Also
    • setComponent(ComponentName)
    • getComponent()
    • resolveActivityInfo(PackageManager, int)
    • int imageId=imageview.getIdentifier(String name,String defType,String defPack);该方法是通过image的名字,包名,类型,为drawable楼来得到image的资源定位符,暂且这么说吧。但前提是imag的名字与其在drawable文件夹中图片的名字必须是相同的,否则找不到。
