The Java™ Tutorials — Generics :Upper Bounded Wildcards 受上限控制的通配符

The Java™ Tutorials — Generics :Upper Bounded Wildcards 受上限控制的通配符



  • 语法格式:<? extends XXX>
  • 优点:扩大兼容的范围


You can use an upper bounded wildcard to relax the restrictions on a variable. For example, say you want to write a method that works onList<Integer>List<Double>, and List<Number>; you can achieve this by using an upper bounded wildcard.


To declare an upper-bounded wildcard, use the wildcard character (‘?’), followed by the extends keyword, followed by its upper bound. Note that, in this context, extends is used in a general sense to mean either “extends” (as in classes) or “implements” (as in interfaces).


To write the method that works on lists of Number and the subtypes of Number, such as Integer, Double, and Float, you would specify List<? extends Number>. The term List<Number> is more restrictive thanList<? extends Number> because the former matches a list of type Number only, whereas the latter matches a list of type Number or any of its subclasses.

为了写一个在Number或其子类类型(如Integer,Double和Float)列表上工作的方法,你需要指定List<? extends Number>类型。List<Number>要比List<? extends Number>更加严格,因为前者仅能匹配Number列表,然而后者却可同时匹配Number及其子类的列表。

Consider the following process method:


public static void process(List<? extends Foo> list) { /* ... */ }

The upper bounded wildcard, <? extends Foo>, where Foo is any type, matches Foo and any subtype of Foo. The process method can access the list elements as type Foo:

有上限通配符<? extends Foo>中,Foo代表的是某个任意类型。此通配符可以匹配Foo和任何Foo的子类。这个process方法可以接受Foo类型的列表元素:

public static void process(List<? extends Foo> list) {
for (Foo elem : list) {
// ...

In the foreach clause, the elem variable iterates over each element in the list. Any method defined in the Foo class can now be used on elem.


The sumOfList method returns the sum of the numbers in a list:


public static double sumOfList(List<? extends Number> list) {
double s = 0.0;
for (Number n : list)
s += n.doubleValue();
return s;

The following code, using a list of Integer objects, prints sum = 6.0:

在下面的代码中,使用了一个Integer类型的列表,并打印出了sum = 6.0

List<Integer> li = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
System.out.println("sum = " + sumOfList(li));

A list of Double values can use the same sumOfList method. The following code prints sum = 7.0:

一个Double的列表也可以使用sumOfList的方法。下面代码最终打印出的结果为sum = 7.0

List<Double> ld = Arrays.asList(1.2, 2.3, 3.5);
System.out.println("sum = " + sumOfList(ld));
