POJ-2983-Is the Information Reliable?(差分约束)

Is the Information Reliable?


The galaxy war between the Empire Draco and the Commonwealth of Zibu broke out 3 years ago. Draco established a line of defense called Grot. Grot is a straight line with N defense stations. Because of the cooperation of the stations, Zibu’s Marine Glory cannot march any further but stay outside the line.

A mystery Information Group X benefits form selling information to both sides of the war. Today you the administrator of Zibu’s Intelligence Department got a piece of information about Grot’s defense stations’ arrangement from Information Group X. Your task is to determine whether the information is reliable.

The information consists of M tips. Each tip is either precise or vague.

Precise tip is in the form of P A B X, means defense station A is X light-years north of defense station B.

Vague tip is in the form of V A B, means defense station A is in the north of defense station B, at least 1 light-year, but the precise distance is unknown.


There are several test cases in the input. Each test case starts with two integers N (0 < N ≤ 1000) and M (1 ≤ M ≤ 100000).The next M line each describe a tip, either in precise form or vague form.


Output one line for each test case in the input. Output “Reliable” if It is possible to arrange N defense stations satisfying all the M tips, otherwise output “Unreliable”.

Sample Input

3 4
P 1 2 1
P 2 3 1
V 1 3
P 1 3 1
5 5
V 1 2
V 2 3
V 3 4
V 4 5
V 3 5

Sample Output




P  A  B  X 表示  A--->B 的距离是X  于是便得到  1.dis[B] - dis[A] <= X  && 2.dis[B] - dis[A] >= X  解这两个不等式便得到 dis[B] <= dis[A] - X;

于是便有 if (dis[B] > dis[A] - X)   dis[B] = dis[A] - X;

V  A  B  表示  A -->  B 之间的距离 >= 1;于是便得到 dis[A]  -  dis[B]  >= 1;   dis[B]  > dis[ A] - 1;

if (dis[B] > dis[A] - 1)   dis[B] = dis[A] - 1.。。。。

建立 <= 的差分约束系统,要求最短路,而要判断信息是否 Reliable,便要判环。利用的是Bellman_Ford。。

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int n,m,a,b,x;
char c;

struct node
    int u;
    int v;
    int w;

int dis[9999999],w[9999999];

void Bellman_Ford (int num)
    int flag = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < n;i++)
        flag = 0;
        for (int j = 0; j < num; j++)
            if ( dis[E[j].v] > dis[E[j].u] - E[j].w)
                flag = 1;
                dis[E[j].v] = dis[E[j].u] - E[j].w;
        if (flag == 0)

    if (flag == 1 )
        printf ("Unreliable\n");
        printf ("Reliable\n");

int main ()
    while (~scanf ("%d%d",&n,&m))
        int num = 0;
        for (int i = 0 ; i < m;i++)
            scanf ("%*c %c",&c);
            if ( c == 'P')
                scanf ("%d%d%d",&a,&b,&x);
                E[num].u = a,E[num].v = b;
                E[num++].w = x;
                E[num].u = b,E[num].v = a;
                E[num++].w = -x;
            else if ( c == 'V')
                scanf ("%d%d",&a,&b);
                E[num].u = a,E[num].v = b;
                E[num++].w = 1;
        Bellman_Ford (num);
    return 0;

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