Java源代码学习 -- java.lang.String




1     /** The value is used for character storage. */
2     private final char value[];
4     /** Cache the hash code for the string */
5     private int hash; // Default to 0





 1     public String()
 2     public String(String original)
 3     public String(char value[])
 4     public String(char value[], int offset, int count)
 5     public String(int[] codePoints, int offset, int count)
 6 @Deprecated
 7     public String(byte ascii[], int hibyte, int offset, int count)
 8 @Deprecated
 9     public String(byte ascii[], int hibyte)
10     public String(byte bytes[], int offset, int length, String charsetName) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
11     public String(byte bytes[], int offset, int length, Charset charset)
12     public String(byte bytes[], String charsetName) throws UnsupportedEncodingException
13     public String(byte bytes[], Charset charset)
14     public String(byte bytes[], int offset, int length)
15     public String(byte bytes[])
16     public String(StringBuffer buffer)
17     public String(StringBuilder builder)

在 public String(StringBuffer buffer) 中,传入形参为StringBuffer,StringBuffer为线程安全类。则在此构造方法内部进行了synchronized关键字锁同步。代码如下:

1     public String(StringBuffer buffer) {
2         synchronized(buffer) {
3             this.value = Arrays.copyOf(buffer.getValue(), buffer.length());
4         }
5     }

在 public String(StringBuilder builder) 中,传入形参为StringBuilder,StringBuilder为非线程安全类。则在此构造方法内部内部未做同步处理,对比 public String(StringBuffer buffer) 。代码如下:

1     public String(StringBuilder builder) {
2         this.value = Arrays.copyOf(builder.getValue(), builder.length());
3     }


java.lang.String对象中封装方法非常多,仅针对常用方法源代码进行分析。如:equals(),replace(), indexOf(),startsWith(),compareTo(),regionMathes(),hashCode()。

public boolean equals(Object anObject)

用于比较两对象存储内容是否相同。采用比较巧妙的方式进行排除比较:(1)先“==”比较两对象是否是同一对象,若是,直接返回true, 否则进一步判断;(2)判断待比较对象类型是否是java.lang.String,若不是,直接返回false,否则进一步判断;(3)判断两字符串长度是否相等,若不是直接返回false,否则进一步判断;(4)从字符数组中第一个字符开始,依次进行比较,一旦发现不相同字符直接返回false,若所在字符均相同则返回true。对字符数组中字符依次进行比较是一件非常耗时的操作,将此操作放在最后执行,先利用其它条件进行对其进行判断。比较巧妙!

 1     public boolean equals(Object anObject) {
 2         if (this == anObject) {
 3             return true;
 4         }
 5         if (anObject instanceof String) {
 6             String anotherString = (String)anObject;
 7             int n = value.length;
 8             if (n == anotherString.value.length) {
 9                 char v1[] = value;
10                 char v2[] = anotherString.value;
11                 int i = 0;
12                 while (n-- != 0) {
13                     if (v1[i] != v2[i])
14                         return false;
15                     i++;
16                 }
17                 return true;
18             }
19         }
20         return false;
21     }

public String replace(char oldChar, char newChar)


 1     public String replace(char oldChar, char newChar) {
 2         if (oldChar != newChar) {
 3             int len = value.length;
 4             int i = -1;
 5             char[] val = value; /* avoid getfield opcode */
 7             while (++i < len) {
 8                 if (val[i] == oldChar) {
 9                     break;
10                 }
11             }
12             if (i < len) {
13                 char buf[] = new char[len];
14                 for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
15                     buf[j] = val[j];
16                 }
17                 while (i < len) {
18                     char c = val[i];
19                     buf[i] = (c == oldChar) ? newChar : c;
20                     i++;
21                 }
22                 return new String(buf, true);
23             }
24         }
25         return this;
26     }

public String replace(CharSequence target, CharSequence replacement)

该方法是我们通常意义所用到的 public String replace(String target, String replacement) ,java.lang.String实现了java.lang.CharSequence接口。方法内部调用正则表达式匹配替换来实现。

1     public String replace(CharSequence target, CharSequence replacement) {
2         return Pattern.compile(target.toString(), Pattern.LITERAL).matcher(
3                 this).replaceAll(Matcher.quoteReplacement(replacement.toString()));
4     }

public int indexOf(String str)

该方法是找出目标字符串是第一次出现指定子字符串的位置,若不存在,则返回-1,若存在,则返回位置坐标。具体实现是调用 static int indexOf(char[] source, int sourceOffset, int sourceCount, char[] target, int targetOffset, int targetCount, int fromIndex) 方法。先对目标字符串中出现子字符串的位置可能范围,然后在此范围中遍历找出与子字符串第一个字符相同的位置,并对后面字符进行比较分析。

 1       /**
 2       * Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the
 3       * specified substring.
 4       */
 5      public int indexOf(String str) {
 6          return indexOf(str, 0);
 7      }
 9      /**
10       * Returns the index within this string of the first occurrence of the
11       * specified substring, starting at the specified index.
12       */
13      public int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) {
14          return indexOf(value, 0, value.length,
15                  str.value, 0, str.value.length, fromIndex);
16      }
18      /**
19       * Code shared by String and StringBuffer to do searches. The
20       * source is the character array being searched, and the target
21       * is the string being searched for.
22       *
23       * @param   source       the characters being searched.
24       * @param   sourceOffset offset of the source string.
25       * @param   sourceCount  count of the source string.
26       * @param   target       the characters being searched for.
27       * @param   targetOffset offset of the target string.
28       * @param   targetCount  count of the target string.
29       * @param   fromIndex    the index to begin searching from.
30       */
31      static int indexOf(char[] source, int sourceOffset, int sourceCount,
32              char[] target, int targetOffset, int targetCount,
33              int fromIndex) {
34          if (fromIndex >= sourceCount) {
35              return (targetCount == 0 ? sourceCount : -1);
36          }
37          if (fromIndex < 0) {
38              fromIndex = 0;
39          }
40          if (targetCount == 0) {
41              return fromIndex;
42          }
44          char first = target[targetOffset];
45          int max = sourceOffset + (sourceCount - targetCount);
47          for (int i = sourceOffset + fromIndex; i <= max; i++) {
48              /* Look for first character. */
49              if (source[i] != first) {
50                  while (++i <= max && source[i] != first);
51              }
53              /* Found first character, now look at the rest of v2 */
54              if (i <= max) {
55                  int j = i + 1;
56                  int end = j + targetCount - 1;
57                  for (int k = targetOffset + 1; j < end && source[j]
58                          == target[k]; j++, k++);
60                  if (j == end) {
61                      /* Found whole string. */
62                      return i - sourceOffset;
63                  }
64              }
65          }
66          return -1;
67      }
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public int compareTo(String anotherString)


 1     public int compareTo(String anotherString) {
 2         int len1 = value.length;
 3         int len2 = anotherString.value.length;
 4         int lim = Math.min(len1, len2);
 5         char v1[] = value;
 6         char v2[] = anotherString.value;
 8         int k = 0;
 9         while (k < lim) {
10             char c1 = v1[k];
11             char c2 = v2[k];
12             if (c1 != c2) {
13                 return c1 - c2;
14             }
15             k++;
16         }
17         return len1 - len2;
18     }
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public boolean startsWith(String prefix)

判断目标字符串是否以指定字符子串开关,该方法内部是调用 public boolean startsWith(String prefix, int toffset) 方法实现,原理很简单,代码如下:

1     /**
2      * Tests if this string starts with the specified prefix.
3      *
4      * @param   prefix   the prefix.
5      */
6     public boolean startsWith(String prefix) {
7         return startsWith(prefix, 0);
8     }
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public int hashCode()


 1     public int hashCode() {
 2         int h = hash;
 3         if (h == 0 && value.length > 0) {
 4             char val[] = value;
 6             for (int i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
 7                 h = 31 * h + val[i];
 8             }
 9             hash = h;
10         }
11         return h;
12     }


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