如何创建软链接 how to create a symbolic link in clearcase

在做完一个feature check in 文件的时候要check in一个软链接,用clearcase 如何创建软链接步骤如下:

1. checkout the directory where we would like to create the symbolic link: c co .

2. c ln -s <source_file_name_along_with_the_path> target_file_nam
3. check in the directory: c ci .

for example:

在目录/usr1/arbor/denver_site/dba/common/customer/sequences 创建RC_DIFF_NOTE.sequence.common的链接 到../../admin/sequences/RC_DIFF_NOTE.sequence.common 

进入目录,check out 目录

cd  /usr1/arbor/denver_site/dba/common/customer/sequences

kco -c "DR-2-023-724" .

建立链接,check in目录

c ln -s ../../admin/sequences/RC_DIFF_NOTE.sequence.common  RC_DIFF_NOTE.sequence.common

kci -c "DR-2-023-724" .

display 链接

[/usr1/arbor/denver_site/dba/common/customer/sequences] (103)yyang@mila52s1#ll RC_DIFF_NOTE.sequence.common
lrwxrwxrwx   1 yyang    clearusr         50 May 19 00:49 RC_DIFF_NOTE.sequence.common@ -> ../../admin/sequences/RC_DIFF_NOTE.sequence.common

rm -rf symbolic_name 
