“simple exponential smoothing” (SES)
- 使用最后一个值(naive模型)
- 使用前面值的平均数(平均值)
前面两种方法都会使其预测值随着时间的增长越来越大,或者越来越小,显然如果时间很长,预测值可能不合适,damped trend methods 就是一种将趋势在增加到一定程度就不增加的方法。
livestock2 <- window(livestock,start=1970,end=2000)
fit1 <- ses(livestock2)
fit2 <- holt(livestock2)
fit3 <- holt(livestock2,exponential=TRUE)
fit4 <- holt(livestock2,damped=TRUE)
fit5 <- holt(livestock2,exponential=TRUE,damped=TRUE)
# Results for first model:
accuracy(fit1) # training set
accuracy(fit1,livestock) # test set
plot(fit3, type="o", ylab="Livestock, sheep in Asia (millions)",
flwd=1, plot.conf=FALSE)
legend("topleft", lty=1, pch=1, col=1:6,
"Additive Damped","Multiplicative Damped"))
aust <- window(austourists,start=2005) fit1 <- hw(aust,seasonal="additive") fit2 <- hw(aust,seasonal="multiplicative") plot(fit2,ylab="International visitor night in Australia (millions)", plot.conf=FALSE, type="o", fcol="white", xlab="Year") lines(fitted(fit1), col="red", lty=2) lines(fitted(fit2), col="green", lty=2) lines(fit1$mean, type="o", col="red") lines(fit2$mean, type="o", col="green") legend("topleft",lty=1, pch=1, col=1:3, c("data","Holt Winters' Additive","Holt Winters' Multiplicative"))
向前面一样,加入衰减因子,将h变为 (ϕ+ϕ2+⋯+ϕh)
如回归中对特征的选择的评价方法,这里也可以使用aic aicc bic等来评价
ets(y, model="ZZZ", damped=NULL, alpha=NULL, beta=NULL,
gamma=NULL, phi=NULL, additive.only=FALSE, lambda=NULL,
lower=c(rep(0.0001,3), 0.8), upper=c(rep(0.9999,3),0.98),
opt.crit=c("lik","amse","mse","sigma","mae"), nmse=3,
ic=c("aicc","aic","bic"), restrict=TRUE)
The time series to be forecast.
A three-letter code indicating the model to be estimated using the ETS classification and notation. The possible inputs are “N” for none, “A” for additive, “M” for multiplicative, or “Z” for automatic selection. If any of the inputs is left as “Z” then this component is selected according to the information criterion chosen. The default value of ZZZ ensures that all components are selected using the information criterion.
If damped=TRUE, then a damped trend will be used (either Ad or Md). If damped=FALSE, then a non-damped trend will used. If damped=NULL (the default), then either a damped or a non-damped trend will be selected according to the information criterion chosen.
The values of the smoothing parameters can be specified using these arguments. If they are set to NULL (the default setting for each of them), the parameters are estimated.
Only models with additive components will be considered if additive.only=TRUE. Otherwise all models will be considered.
Box-Cox transformation parameter. It will be ignored if lambda=NULL (the default value). Otherwise, the time series will be transformed before the model is estimated. When lambda is not NULL, additive.only is set to TRUE.
Lower and upper bounds for the parameter estimates α, β∗, γ∗ and ϕ.
The optimization criterion to be used for estimation. The default setting is maximum likelihood estimation, used when opt.crit=lik.
This specifies the constraints to be used on the parameters. The traditional constraints are set using bounds=”usual” and the admissible constraints are set using bounds=”admissible”. The default (bounds=”both”) requires the parameters to satisfy both sets of constraints.
The information criterion to be used in selecting models, set by default to aicc.
If restrict=TRUE (the default), the models that cause numerical difficulties are not considered in model selection.
forecast(object, h=ifelse(object$m>1, 2*object$m, 10),
level=c(80,95), fan=FALSE, simulate=FALSE, bootstrap=FALSE,
npaths=5000, PI=TRUE, lambda=object$lambda, ...)
The object returned by the ets() function.
The forecast horizon — the number of periods to be forecast.
The confidence level for the prediction intervals.
If fan=TRUE, level=seq(50,99,by=1). This is suitable for fan plots.
If simulate=TRUE, prediction intervals are produced by simulation rather than using algebraic formulae. Simulation will be used even if simulate=FALSE if there are no algebraic formulae available for the particular model.
If bootstrap=TRUE and simulate=TRUE, then the simulated prediction intervals use re-sampled errors rather than normally distributed errors.
The number of sample paths used in computing simulated prediction intervals.
If PI=TRUE, then prediction intervals are produced; otherwise only point forecasts are calculated. If PI=FALSE, then level, fan, simulate, bootstrap and npaths are all ignored.
The Box-Cox transformation parameter. This is ignored if lambda=NULL. Otherwise, forecasts are back-transformed via an inverse Box-Cox transformation.
vndata <- window(austourists, start=2005)
fit <- ets(vndata)
plot(forecast(fit,h=8), ylab="International visitor night in Australia (millions)")