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创建用户命令:create user imdou8 identified by itlxh784533;

3.修改密码:passw system然后输入口令itlxh784533
4.系统管理员可以修改普通用户的密码:password imdou8;然后输入密码
5.system sys 账户可以给普通用户授权:grant connect to imdou8;
7.给用户查询修改另一个用户创建的表的权限:grant select on table_name to imdou8;
8.收回赋予某个用户的表操作权限:revoke select on table_name from imdou8;
命令:create profile lock_account limit failed_login_attempts 3 password_lock_time 2;
给一个用户设置登录锁定:alter user imdou8 profile lock_account;
解除锁定:alter user imdou8 unlock;
create profile myprofile limit password_life_time 10 password_grace_time 2;
给用户设置锁定:alter user imdou8 profile myprofile;
解除锁定:alter user imdou8 unlock;
create profile lock_account limit failed_login_attempts 3 password_lock_time 2 password_reuse-time 10;

12.drop profile myprofile;

13.增加一个表的字段:alter table table_name add(字段名 类型);

14.更改一个字段:alter table_name modify(字段名 类型);[如果表中已存在数据,不建议改变字段,这种方式只针对空的表,都则可能会引发严重的问题]

15.修改一个表的名字:rename table_name to new_table_name;

16.删除表:drop table table_name;

17.删除一个字段 alter table table_name column column_name;

18.更改日期的格式:alter session set nls_date_format='yyyy-mm-dd';

19.插入部分字段:insert into table_name(column_name) values(value);

20.查询值为null的记录;select * from table where column_name is null;

21.修改一个字段的记录:update table_name set column_value where 查询条件;

22.修改多个字段:update table_name set column_value,column2_value where 查询条件;

23.设置回滚点:savepoint point_name;

24.回滚命令:rollback point_name;

25.按照日期查询例子:select hiredate,ename from emp where hiredate>'1978/2/2';[注意年月日的格式]。

26.多条件查询:select ename sal from emp where sal>2000 and sal<2500;   select * from emp where (sal>500 and job like 'MANA%')and ename like 'J%';


28.查询多个可能性的职员:select ename,sal from emp where sal in(2400,2300,2600);

29.order by关键字,select * from emp order by sal;默认为asc也就是从低到高排序.select * from emp order by sal desc;从高到底排序。

30.按部门从低到高,按工资从高到低排序:select * from emp order by deptno asc,sal desc;

31.使用别名排序:select ename,sal*13 "年薪" from emp order by "年薪" desc;

32.函数为条件查询:select ename,sal from emp where sal=(select max(sal) from emp);

33.计算工资大于平均工资的员工信息:select * from emp where sal>(select avg(sal) from emp);

34.查找每个部门每个职位的最高工资 平均工资:select * from(select avg(sal),max(sal),deptno,job from emp group by job,deptno) order by deptno;

35.多表查询:select a1.ename,a1.sal,a2.dname from emp a1,dept a2 where a1.deptno=a2.deptno;
